List of Herbs

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Author: Demonfaer al'Dreamteare

Acem - Cures headaches caused by injury. (TSR, Ch. 52)

Andilay Root - Mainly used to treat fatigue, but can be used as a sleeping agent. It helps clear the head and soothe tired muscles (TEotW, Ch. 18).

Arrath - Makes food sweet (TDR, Ch. 45).

Belladonna Berries - Can be used to make a poison, usually coated on weapons to poison those who are wounded.

Blisterleaf - Helps to calm tempers.

Bluespin Tea (Aiel) - Used for sullenness and is very bitter. (TFoH, Ch. 5)

Blue Goatflowers - Used by the women of Arafel during Bel Tine to show their single status hung on their hair, can be used to encourage fertility in men (This passage needs a reference). Boiled in water, "one part blue goatflowers to ten of water, no weaker," blue goatflowers will help boneknit to work twice as well (TDR, Ch. 48).

Bluewort - Usually boiled into a tea and used to settle stomachs (TDR, Ch. 48).

Boneknit - Helps bones to heal faster and better (TDR, Ch. 48).

Catfern - With powdered mavinsleaf can be used to "treat" lies as it tastes awful (TFoH, Ch. 15).

Chainleaf - Usually boiled into a tea and used to settle stomachs (TDR, Ch. 48).

Corenroot - Helps with the circulation of blood (This passage needs a reference) and the creation of new blood (TDR, Ch. 38).

Crimsonthorn Root - Poisonous; it paralyzes and slowly kills the one it's given to. Used as painkiller in small doses (TPoD, Ch. 28).

Dogweed - Settles stomach and heals headaches in the tea form This passage needs a reference). Can also be used to cure "moping" (TSR, Ch. 7).

Dogwood - Can be used to "treat" lying.

Dogwort - Used for knitting flesh (TDR, Ch. 38).

Feverbane - Treats fever (TDR, Ch. 10).

Five-finger - In the ointment form it treats heavy bruises and makes them heal quickly (TEotW, Ch. 38).

Flatwort - Can be used to treat fatigue and to help one sleep better. It helps clear the head and soothe tired muscles (TEotW, Ch. 18).

Forkroot (Forktongue Root) - In large doses causes paralysis, prevents channeling (TFoH, Ch. 10), and makes one sleep so deeply that Tel'aran'rhiod cannot be touched (TFoH, Ch. 55).

Foxgloves - Eaten to help clear up acne and freshen the breath.

Foxtail - When boiled into a weak tea with Marisin it helps you to sleep well without feeling groggy when you wake (TEotW, Ch. 19).

Gheadin Blossom - Heals burns and is used by the people of Baerlon to flavor food.

Gray-Green Tea - Remedies hangovers.

Goatstongue - Used for stomach cramps and helps one to sleep (WH, Ch. 10).

Goosemint Leaves - Settles the stomach and soothes heartburn (TFoH, Ch. 54); (LoC, Ch. 8).

Greenroot - Helps wounds to heal.

Greenwort - Used for stomach cramps and helps one to sleep (WH, Ch. 10).

Gray Fennel - Poison; can be mixed with powdered peach pit. Known because it makes the eyes of the deceased discoloured (WH, Ch. 10).

Ground Ivy - While the leaves are fresh it's boiled into an ointment that treats heavy bruises (TEotW, Ch. 38), and staves off infections (This passage needs a reference).

Heartleaf - Used as effective birth control when brewed in a tea form (WH, Ch. 12).

Healall - Mainly used on open wounds (TFoH, Ch. 49)( but can be used to treat many things, especially pain (This passage needs a reference).

Honey - Soothes even the most troubled tummy.

Juniper Berries - Used by the healers of Tear and Mayene for heart problems and must be eaten fresh.

Lionheart - Numbs pain (WH, Ch. 14).

Marshwhite - Settles a queasy stomach but has a bitter taste (TDR, Ch. 48).

Marisin - When boiled with Foxtail it helps you to sleep well without feeling groggy when you wake (TEotW, Ch. 19).

Mavinsleaf - With catfern, can be used to "treat" lying while in its powdered form because it tastes awful (TFoH, Ch. 15).

Pokeleaf - Used for sore gums and toothaches and can remove dark color from your hair (TFoH, Ch. 49).

Powdered Peach Pit - A strong poison that can be mixed with grey fennel; kills fast and is generally used on weapons (WH, Ch. 10).

Rannel - Can be used to "treat" lying. Can also be mixed with sheepstongue root for people who claim they are sick or act like a goose; the mixture perks you up a little and won't hurt you, but its horrible taste lasts all day (TGH, Ch. 8).

Red Daisy - Can be used to "treat" lying.

Red Fennel - helps upset stomachs (TFoH, Ch. 49).

Sheepstongue Root - Used after it has fermented for few months to heal sores in the mouth and throat, and can be used for eye pain. Can also be mixed with rannel for people who claim they are sick or act like a goose; the mixture perks you up a little and won't hurt you, but its horrible taste lasts all day (TGH, Ch. 8).

Sleepwell Root - Very dangerous, used only by adults to aid in sleeping and must not be used on children (This passage needs a reference). It clears headaches so you can sleep and makes you a little drowsy (TDR, Ch. 38).

Silverleaf - Generally used by the Aiel to cure headaches (TSR, Ch. 34).

Sorfa - Tincture; helps heal welts (WH, Ch. 14).

Stinging Mardroot - Treats heavy bruises (TFoH, Ch. 49).

Sunburst Root - Should be used with extreme caution because people who don't have a resistance to subtle poisons might have an allergic reaction or even die, it's used to get rid of intestinal worms (This passage needs a reference). It can also be used in an ointment to treat bruises (TEotW, Ch. 38).

Timsin Root - Generally used by the Aiel to cure headaches (TSR, Ch. 34.

Tremalking Black - Usually boiled into a tea can be used to purge the body of food poisioning and helps with cramping.

Whitefennel - Helps ease labor pains in child birth (TDR, Ch. 48).

Willowbark - Treats fever and can act as a pain killer and to soothe ulcers This passage needs a reference). Can also treat headache caused by injury (TSR, Ch. 52(.

White Henpepper - Soothes toothaches or turns your hair a deep black when washed with it (TFoH, Ch. 10).

Worrynot - Treats fever (TDR, Ch. 10).