Spring 2024 Executive Meeting

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The Executive team, made up of the Officers and Directors, meet four times a year to check in as a full group, review our progress together, and make some strategic decisions.

The Directors and Officers met on April 29 for our quarterly (Spring) strategic update meeting of 2024.


Amyrlin Seat

Based on discussions in the Community Feedback forum, the following changes are being made:

  1. The Community Council is being renamed to The Hall and the current "Hall" will become a "Raising sub-forum". Current process for raisings are being discussed by the Hall and may result in additional changes in the future.
  2. The rules are going to be officially revised to eliminate all reference to "requiring" the use of honorifics when addressing Tower Sworn. Those who wish to use the honorifics are welcome to continue to do so, those who do not wish to use them do not need to feel obliged to. If someone expresses a preference for how they are addressed, we ask that people be respectful, but no one is expected to remember everyone who has expressed a preference.
  3. The requirement for placing gifs inside spoiler tags will be relaxed for certain forums. Specifically discussed was frivolous fun, but this may also include the fair grounds or other specific "gif spam" threads.


The Annual Report has been completed and will be published soon. Additionally, we are going to be setting up a team to work on generating rewards for Patreon donors. These may be digital content or physical rewards depending on what team members are willing to create and share. We are also looking at making additional tiers as some have expressed an interest in donating more per month than is included in the current tier structure. This is a work in progress so anyone with ideas or interest in encouraged to reach out to Erin.


Hiring is under way for the role of Head Moderator, slightly delayed due to Jordan Con. One of the first tasks this member will be given is to work on Code of Conduct and Moderation rules and definitions.

Events and Conferences

The department structure is changing to have a single "Assistant" role instead of mistress/master of Revels roles. This role is currently posted for hiring. The role of Conference Coordinator is unchanged but we are hoping to expand beyond Jordan Con for conference representation. Based on feedback received from Spring Fling, we will not be continuing with live streams of live events until more data can be gathered. Question will be added to the Membership Survey about the live streaming of events along with evaluation of participation in viewing live streams prior to determining if the live streaming will be resumed or permanently discontinued.

Additionally, Jordan Con was a hit! We gave away a large number of ribbons and gained a couple new (and one long missed) members. It was great to see so many old timers at the toast even if some had to dip out early to attend panels. The Garrison also hosted a photobooth that received great feedback. Pictures can be viewed in the Jordan Con forum and we definitely hope to do this or something similar again in the future.


We are looking at ways to make it easier for Tower Initiates to get involved. One item being considered is to create teams which members can be invited to join if interested at a certain point of their journey (to be determined) instead of having hiring posts requiring individuals to apply. More details will be coming in the future.

We are also looking for ways to get a better idea of how many members are "active". Any suggestions taking into account the various avenues of activity are welcome.

Online Events

The Discussion Forums will be being relocated. Those forums which currently duplicate guilds will have their threads moved into the corresponding guild forums. These moves will be announced prior to movement of threads and are not expected to occur all at once. Forums which do not currently duplicate any guilds will be moved to subforums under General. The Non-WoT books discussion forum will be moved into the Library section.


We are looking for creative ideas to promote the Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship. This includes potential avenues to promote the scholarship at Jordan Con next year. We have also started planning for the annual fundraiser. If you have any fun or creative ideas for outreach, please contact Siusane.


Discord survey has been completed and responses are being analyzed. Results will be shared in the near future.