TVTT Dai M'Hael Edition - Service to the Tower
Author: Aleita Taviah
Published: May 6 2021 Tar Valon Times Blog Link
"A member of the Dai M’Hael is a Warder who uses their brain as well as their brawn. They use psychology and tactics as their springboard to combat. They are the sort of person who can map out battles in their head, and makes a good officer/tactician working with large groups of people. While also passionate, they maintain a bit of distance and weighs the odds of victory before going into a fight. A Dai M’Hael’s greatest weapon is their mind, for it is the mind that orders the fist to strike, the feet to run and the heart to pound. Without using one’s mind, a battle will most surely be lost. A Dai M’Hael is like a hawk, shrewd, intelligent and all-seeing. But still wielding deadly talons with great skill when the time calls for it." – Val a’Shain
Dai M'Hael is one of the four Companies of Warders at TarValon.Net. Founded alongside San d’ma Shadar and Val’Cueran in 2002, the Company gets it’s name from the Old Tongue for “Battle Leaders.” There are seventy-four people known to have been raised to Gaidin of Dai M’Hael. The Company is currently led by Company Commander, Dnae Ila; Honor Guard, Drake O’Neeus; and Warder Councillors, Brandon Tat’vakja and Kerwin Thaumiel.
Dai M’Hael has had 12 different Company Commanders.
- Dnae Ila (Currently Serving)
- Qamra Daielin
- Brandon Tat’vakja
- Ivanor Winshaw
- Jaim al’Bearach
- Paxam Leratharn
- Naeris Vell’sean
- Toral Delvar
- Rollyn Montagorae
- Val a’Shain
- Thalion Krisman
The Honor Guards and Warder Councillors of Dai M’Hael have served their Company and our community at large. Thank you all for your service!
- Drake O’Neeus served as Honor Guard (2) and Warder Councillor (4).
- Qamra Daielin served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor.
- Dnae Ila served as Honor Guard (2).
- Deoan Kakarot served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor.
- Deleios Cherchenuit served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor (2).
- Brandon Tat’vakja served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor (2).
- Verscen Ter Sala served as Honor Guard
- Jaim al’Bearach served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor (8).
- Ivanor Winshaw served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor (3).
- Vashanka Val’rus served as Honor Guard (4) and Warder Councillor.
- Bryce al’Mara served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor.
- Brienen Ruthegar served as Honor Guard (2) and Warder Councillor.
- Paxam Leratharn served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor.
- Yngrot Draconian served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor (2).
- Brienen Ruthegar served as Honor Guard.
- Naeris Vell’sean served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor (3).
- Axis served as Honor Guard.
- Tel Jagin served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor.
- Do’vran Lehfar served as Honor Guard.
- Aliyenah M’haldred served as Honor Guard.
- Dee ar’Emm served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor (4).
- Bowyer Tirstaun served as Honor Guard and Warder Coucillor (2).
- Sataere Thruthheim served as Honor Guard.
- Rollyn Montagorae served as Honor Guard and Warder Councillor.
- Val a’Shain served as Honor Guard.
- Kerwin Thaumiel served as Warder Councillor (3).
- Jaim al’Bearach served as Warder Councillor (9).
- Aulrick Vendour served as Warder Councillor.
- Amarande al’Karin served as Warder Councillor (3).
- Belgareth Kiarc served as Warder Councillor.
- Dvorak Mayn served as Warder Councillor.
- Da’mas Tamoryn served as Warder Councillor (2).
- Therian Aventaan served as Warder Councillor (2).
- Kheldin Korlan served as Warder Councillor.
- Alanar Tansden served as Warder Councillor (2).
- Toral Delvar served as Warder Councillor.
But their service doesn’t stop at their Company walls. Many members of Dai M’Hael have served (and continue to serve) the greater TarValon.Net community in many different capacities.
- Toral Delvar is currently serving as the Archivist and has previously served as Director of Research and Records.
- Deoan Kakarot is currently serving as Director of Technology and has previously served as Captain of Soldiers.
- Defen Estrator is currently serving as Master of the Watch.
- Qamra Daielin is currently serving as Mistress of Novices and Recruits.
- Arythan Nieninqe served as Guildmaster of the Healers Guild.
- Brandon Tat’vakja served as Master of Accepted and Soldiers.
- Bryce al’Mara served as Captain of Recruits.
- Jaim al’Bearach served on the Board of Directors, as Captain of Soldiers and Captain of Recruits.
- Kheldin Korlan served as Guildmaster of the Gleeman’s Guild.
- Naeris Vell’sean served as Master of Revels (Continental Europe).
- Sidar Crand served as Guildmaster of the Martial Guild.
- Troy Valthaven served as Guildmaster of the Professors Guild.
- Val a’Shain served as Master at Arms.
- Vendri al’Varrak served as Captain of Soldiers.
Many members of Dai M'Hael have also served as members of staff across our many Departments (and many still do!) The Gaidin of Dai M’Hael have collectively earned 10 Amyrlin Awards, 5 Keeper Awards, and a staggering 36 Members Choice Awards!
Thank you to all members of Dai M'Hael past and present for your dedication to your company and your service to TarValon.Net.