TarValon.Net Blood Drive 2020
Author: Dar'Jen Ab Owain
Published: October 6 2020 Tar Valon Times Blog
TarValon.Net has held a blood drive initiative every year since its initial response to the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing. The original response was so positive that it became an annual Outreach campaign.
Donating blood has become another way for members to embody the idea of being “ Servant of All“. If you are able, you can donate blood. If you are not able to donate, you can help promote the initiative. Blood banks all across the world are in need of donations.
The Red Cross offers different ways to aid those in need. You can provide your financial assistance, your volunteer time, and certainly blood donations. You can also search for local-to-you blood banks.
As Serinia Edoras, The Amyrlin Seat, has explained, a pint of blood can save up to three lives. There has been an increased need for donations due to COVID-19, as pointed out by Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum, Head of the White Ajah.
In 2019, 27 pints of blood were donated by Tar Valon members. As indicated by Elia LePhant of the Brown Ajah, that is the most donated since 2015. In 2015, 32 pints were donated.
If you donate, you can go to 2020 Donor Form and record your donation. Be sure to indicate if it is a “double red” or Power Red Donation. This form of donation uses a special machine to retrieve 2 units of red blood cells and returns the plasma and platelets to the donor. The deadline for form submissions for 2020 is January 10, 2021.