Taraboner Character List
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
Aeldra: A woman from Tarabon.
Aeldrine Marinye: A woman from Tanchico. She was the mother of Beonin Marinye.
Aledrin: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the White Ajah; she was aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai and was one of the Aes Sedai to go to the Black Tower to look for Asha'man to bond
Alise Tenjile: A former initiate of the White Tower who was not strong enough to become Aes Sedai. She left Tar Valon and fled to the Kin. She now runs their Farm. She is currently in Caemlyn with Elayne.
Alstaing, Mistress: A merchant.
Aludra: An Illuminator. She was the Mistress of the Cairhienin Chapter House until it burned. She joins Valan Luca’s menagerie. She is currently with Matrim Cauthon creating weapons for him.
Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault: The Panarch of Tanchico. When the Seanchan invade she is made a da’covale and taken to Ebou Dar. She is rescued by Juilin Sandar and Matrim Cauthon.
Amira Moselle: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, and therefore aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She was Sierin Vayu’s Mistress of Novices. She was part of the delegation sent to Rand, and was killed at Dumai’s Wells.
Andaya Forae: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
Andric: The King of Tarabon. He was killed by the Seanchan.
Androl Genhald: One of the Asha’man with a talent for traveling; he is loyal to Logain. He is bonded by Pevara and bonds her in return. During the Last Battle, he steals back the Seals on the Dark One's prison from Taim
Annoura Larisen: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. She is the Aes Sedai advisor of Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron, the First of Mayene. She accompanies Berelain and Perrin but secretly met with Masema.
Asseil: An Accepted; she remains in the White Tower after the split.
Atuan Larisett: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow and Black Ajahs. She is found out by Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri, who force her to swear an oath of fealty to obey them.
Beonin Marinye: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. She flees the White Tower after the split, becoming a part of the council that advises Egwene al’Vere, but in actuality she is loyal to Elaida and eventually returns to the White Tower. She is bonded to Tervail Dura.
Bernaile Gelbarn: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent back to the White Tower to spread rumors. She is eventually found out by Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri, who force her to swear an oath of fealty to obey them.
Boral Amadia: One of the founders of Tarabon
Brys: A nobleman.
Calindin: An Accepted; she flees with the rebels following the split.
Cerindra: A woman from Tanchico. She was one of Amathera’s maids, but was fired.
Cetalia Delarme: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She was the head of the Blue Ajah’s eyes-and-ears network during New Spring.
Collaris: A woman from Tanchico. She was an advocate. She was Beonin Marinye’s grandmother and Aeldrine Marinye’s mother.
Faeldrin Harella: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is sent as a part of the rebels’ embassy to Rand, and eventually swears an oath of fealty to him.
Famelle Juarde: A member of the Kin. She is currently in Caemlyn with Elayne.
Farede: A historical character; he was the First Panarch. He also published the Farede calendar.
Hornval, Master: A Taraboner man now living in the Two Rivers. He makes roof tiles.
Ispan Shefar: An Aes Sedai of the Blue and Black Ajahs. She is one of the Black sisters to leave the Tower with Liandrin. She is captured by Elayne and company, and killed by Careane on the way to Caemlyn.
Jaq Lounalt: A man who used to work as Arymilla Marne’s secretary and torturer. After Amyrlilla's fall, he is in the palace and frees the captured Aes Sedai, but is killed in the escape attempt
Leilwin: A noblewoman. She becomes a da’covale of the Seanchan.
Lemore: A noblewoman who has the ability to channel. She is made a damane by the Seanchan. She is eventually captured by Rand’s forces, and is sent, along with the other captured damane and sul’dam, to Elayne and Nynaeve. She has been freed of her a’dam.
Liale Mosrara: A Taraboner women who now lives in the Two Rivers. She is a carpet weaver.
Liandrin: An Aes Sedai of the Red and Black Ajahs. She was the leader of the Black sisters who fled the Tower early in the series. She is eventually captured and made da’covale by the Seanchan.
Ludice Daneen: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. Tamra Ospenya set her to search for the Dragon Reborn, and she was subsequently killed by the Black Ajah.
Merise Haindehl: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She is aligned with neither Elaida’s Aes Sedai nor the rebels, but is instead a follower of Cadsuane, who trusts her a great deal. Her Warders are Nethan, Bassane and Jahar Narishma.
Peral Torval: One of the Asha’man; he is loyal to Taim. He was killed by Padan Fain in Far Madding.
Rendra: A woman from Tanchico. She owns the Three Plum Court.
Sarene Nemdahl: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is bonded to Vitalien. She is part of the embassy that Elaida sends to Rand. She is captured at Dumai’s Wells and forced to swear an oath of fealty to Rand. Hessalam captures her during the Last Battle.
Selindrin: A woman from Tanchico. She owns The Garden of Silver Breezes.
Tammuz: An Illuminator who worked in the Cairhienin Chapter House before it burned.
Tamrin: The leader of Andric’s forces. He likely died fighting against the Seanchan, since Andric is dead.
Tervail Dura: Warder to Beonin Marinye of the Gray Ajah.
Tesan: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
Tornay Lanasiet: One of the Dragonsworn. He fights the Seanchan alongside Rodel Ituralde.
Varil Nensen: One of the Asha’man. He fights with Rand against the Seanchan but later starts taking lessons from Taim and rapidly advances.