Towers of Midnight: Chapter 35
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Chapter Icon: A Wolf
Points of View: Egwene, Perrin, Galad
Perrin enters tel'aran'rhiod and takes the dreamspike.
Perrin's Point of View:
Location: The White Tower
Characters: Egwene, Silviana, Siuan
Egwene and Siuan prepare for the trap they are laying for Mesaana. Silviana tells her that Gawyn has not returned and she tells Silviana to send a more polite letter, suspecting that the first letter was brusque.
Perrin's Point of View:
Setting: Perrin's Camp
Perrin tells Faile to have the Asha'man Travel to Whitebridge while he goes to the Wolf Dream to try and find what is preventing gateways.
Galad's Point of View:
Setting: Whitecloak Camp
Characters: Byar, Dain Bornhald, Galad, Harnesh
Galad and Byar argue. Byar insists Perrin is of the Shadow. Galad tells Harnesh to strike camp in case Perrin betrays them. Galad asks Bornhald his thoughts and is told he is troubled, that he is no longer sure Perrin killed his father.
Perrin's Point of View:
Setting: Tel'aran'rhiod
Characters: Boundless, Perrin, Hopper, Oak Dancer, Sparks
In Tel'aran'rhiod, Oak Dancer, Sparks and Boundless join Perrin and Hopper to fight Slayer. Slayer kills Oak Dancer. Sparks is wounded, but manages to send Perrin an image of a silver rod. Perrin locates it and pulls it out of the ground. He finds he can only shift to the border, so he does this repeatedly.