White Tower Loyalist Aes Sedai
From Tar Valon Library
Aes Sedai who were part of the White Tower faction during the Split
- Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan – Amyrlin Seat
- Alviarin Freidhen – First Keeper of the Chronicles
- Tarna Feir – Current Keeper of the Chronicles
- Silviana Brehon – Mistress of Novices
- Katerine Alruddin - Second Mistress of Novices
The Brown Ajah
- Aiden
- Bennae Nalsad
- Dalevien
- Danelle
- Doraise Mesianos
- Elin Warrel
- Felaana Bevaine
- Gabrelle
- Jesse Bilal
- Juilaine Madome
- Lairain
- Maenadrin
- Marris Thornhill
- Nalasia Merhan
- Nesune Bihara
- Nyein
- Saerin Asnobar
- Shevan
- Zemaille
The Gray Ajah
- Adrielle
- Akoure Vayet
- Andaya Forae
- Beonin Marinye*
- Berisha Terakuni
- Coiren Saeldain
- Evanellein
- Karale Sanghir
- Kiyoshi
- Melavaire Someinellin
- Serancha Colvine
- Yukiri
Note: Beonin is actually a ferret for Elaida who went with the rebels when they fled so as to infiltrate their camp (KoD, Ch. 2).
The Green Ajah
- Adelorna Bastine
- Aisling Noon
- Beldeine Nyram
- Elza Penfell
- Erian Boroleos
- Irgain Fatamed
- Jala Bandevin
- Joline Maza
- Josaine
- Kera
- Rina Hafden
- Rubinde
- Talene Minly
- Teramina
The Red Ajah
- Amira Moselle
- Barasine
- Cariandre
- Chisaine Nurbaya
- Covarla Baldene
- Desala Nevanche
- Duhara Basaheen
- Galina Casban
- Innina Darenhold
- Jamilila Norsish
- Janine Pavlara
- Javindhra Doraille
- Jenare
- Jezrail
- Katerine Alruddin
- Laigin Arnault
- Lemai
- Lirene Doirellin
- Melare
- Memara
- Nesita
- Pevara Tazanovni
- Sashalle Anderly
- Silviana Brehon
- Tarna Feir
- Tesien Jorhald
- Teslyn Baradon
- Toveine Gazal
- Tsutama Rath
- Vayelle Kamsa
Note: All Red Sisters are technically associated with Elaida, as there are no Reds with the Salidar Aes Sedai
The White Ajah
- Alviarin Freidhen
- Astrelle
- Ayako Norsoni
- Fera
- Ferane Neheran
- Merym
- Miyasi
- Nagora
- Norine Dovarna
- Ramesa
- Sarene Nemdahl
- Seaine Herimon
- Tesan
- Turanna Norill
- Velina
The Yellow Ajah
- Atuan Larisett
- Desandre
- Doesine Alwain
- Farellien
- Narenwin Barda
- Pritalle Nerbaijan
- Sedore
- Shemerin
- Suana Dragand