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{{blueheader1}}Ibon {{BlueAS}} They are bonded to [[Kerwin Thaumiel]].
|TowerName=Ebona din Casei
|Avatar=Avatar Ibon.png
|TowerName=Ibon Caseï
|Location=Trondheim, Norway
|Pronunciation=ee-BON kah-SEH-EE
|Birthday=December 18th
|Location=Trondheim, {{Norway}}
|Birthday=December 18
|JoinDate=December 30, 2006
|JoinDate=December 30, 2006
|BondedTo=[[Kerwin Thaumiel]]
==Tower History==
=={{blueheader2}}Tower History==
*Joined {{TV}}: December 30, 2006
*Joined {{TV}}: December 30, 2006
*Joined {{Tower}}: January 31, 2007
*Joined {{Tower}}: January 31, 2007
*Raised {{Accepted}}: April 30, 2007
*Raised {{Accepted}}: April 30, 2007
*{{aspired}} to the {{Blue2}}: September 7, 2007
*Raised {{as}}: November 3, 2007
*Raised {{as}}: November 3, 2007
*Changed site name: February 1, 2022 (from Ebona din Casei)
== Tower Involvement ==
=={{blueheader2}}Tower Involvement ==
*{{Sitter}} in the {{Hall}}: July 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
*{{sitter}} for the {{blue2}}:  
**[https://www.tarvalon.net/index.php?threads/norse-mythology-odin-with-ebona-sedai.24855/ Norse Mythology - Odin]
**[https://www.tarvalon.net/index.php?threads/runes-a-general-introduction-with-ebona-sedai.24399/ Runes - A General Introduction]
**[https://www.tarvalon.net/index.php?threads/trollocs-more-than-monsters-by-ebona-sedai.8639/ Trollocs: More Than Monsters]
**[https://www.tarvalon.net/index.php?threads/gholam-with-ebona-sedai.1987/ Gholam]
**Class on the [[Atha'an Miere]]
*[[Servant of All Staff]]: March 22, 2014 - January 19, 2016
*{{Discussion B}} {{mod}}: January 1, 2012 - July 12, 2014
*[[Servants of All Planning Committee]] member: August 2010 - March 22, 2014
*{{KAyear|2013}}: Staff Member of the Year - 2013
== Tower Relationships==
====Privileges Earned====
*Extra Bond
{{goldleaf}} {{darkestgreen}}
=={{blueheader2}}Tower Relationships==
*{{bonded}} to [[Kerwin Thaumiel]], {{gaidin}} of {{DM2}}: September 17, 2018 - present
*[[Aerien Millefiori]] - {{blue}} {{as}}
*[[Aerien Millefiori]], {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Berlyn al'Canto]], former {{accepted}}
*Melania al'Larwind
*[[Melania al'Larwind]], former {{accepted}}
*[[Vixen ki'Tsune]], former {{accepted}}
*[[Anujun Trahearn]], {{as}}
*[[Rhyin al'Hut]], {{gaidin}} of {{VC2}}
===Other Tower Relationships===
===Other Tower Relationships===
==Official Event Attendance==
=={{blueheader2}}Official Event Attendance==
*[[Winter Europarty 2008]] - Slindon, UK
*[[Summer Europarty 2007]] - Driebergen, The Netherlands
==''Senior Member Interview''==
''Ebona din Casei, Senior Member Interview, January 29, 2008''
;Why did you choose Blue?
To make a LONG explanation short: That's where I felt the most at home. If you want a longer answer, send me a PM.
;Are you like the Blues in the Books?
Somewhat, but like all RL people I have stripes.
;Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?
Yes, I plot and manipulate, but usually only to help people or to make people happy. As to traveling: Define "a lot". I like to travel, however, traveling is expensive so I only travel when I'm going somewhere I need to travel to. I don't travel for the sake of travel, there must be some cause for it.
;How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?
Great. I was a citizen for the minimum amount of time, intent on going to the Tower. I was a Novice for the minimum amount of time. I was also an Accepted for a relatively short time period. Even though my time as JM was short, I enjoyed every step of the way.
;What things do you do for TV.net?
I taught a class, and am in the process of writing a huge article about the same topic (Atha'an Miere). I try to be welcoming and helpful to new and confused members. Oh, and I just signed up to be a Mentor and a Shendar, though I don't have any charges yet.
;How did you get to read the Series?
I found the first books in a norwegian translation at my local library when I was around 13. Read the first 3 or 4 books, and then gave up waiting for new ones to be published. A couple of years later I borrowed the entire series in english from a friend (book 1-10). And finally, when I was 19, I bought all the books (the black paperbacks with the wheel on the front), book 0-11. Since then, I've read them 3 times.
;Who's your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?
Being a bit biased, since I'm doing a lot of research on them, I must say that the Atha'an Miere are my favorites. Egwene is definately my favorite character.
;Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)
Yes, I was at Euro Party in the Netherlands this summer. I loved it, and though I was surprised at the level of drunkness, I will definitly do it again. Am currently planing to go to Euro Winter Party in Slindon. People should come to put RL names and faces on people they've seen online. I'm no good at remembering who people are, but having spoken to them RL helps. Besides, it makes people connect at a different level. And I also think people who wouldn't necessarily spoken on the boards get a chance to get together RL. Sometimes they end up married or bonded or first sisters later.
;What kind of music do you like?
I don't know enough about music to answer that question. I'm just not a music-person. Music isn't important to me.
;What are your favorite movies?
Same as with music, it varies with my mood, who I'm with etc. Besides, I don't know much about movies, so I don't think I can answer the question. It's easier to say what I don't like: Horror movies. I hate being startled or scared. I also don't like movies where people make fools of themselves all the time (i.e. American Pie), the humor is too imature.
;What's the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?
There are two:
1. Meeting a guy I'd spoken with online in real life and fooling around with him in a public park for many, many hours. Oh, and I was 15, he was 26, and we had never met RL before and hadn't chatted for more than a month or two.
2. Going off to England to meet the family of a guy I had just met in Paris the day before. Oh, and I was 17. I can elaborate on this if you want me to.
I'm sure there are others, but these where the ones I could think of.
;What job do you have?
Part time in a bookshop and part time as a phone interviewer.
;Do you have a pet?
No, not RL. On the site I have a ''s'redit'' called Nesh and a "pet citizen" (who's now a soldier) named Izanagi.
;What languages do you speak?
Norwegian, English, French and I'm rapidly getting fluent in Norwegian Sign Language.
;What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?
According to my mom, I once said I wanted to be "either a brain surgeon or a garbage truck driver". I can't remember this. Most of my life I wanted to become a "-ologist", in other words some kind of scientist. Top on my list was archaeologist, paleontologist and astro-physicist.
;Moiraine or Siuan?
;Shienar or Saldaea?
;Tea or coffee?
Neither, water.
If I have to choose: Tea
;Books or movies?
;A short bio about yourself.
=={{blueheader2}}Tower Sworn Interview==
Norwegian, soon 22 years old. Grew up on a farm, love animals in spite of allergies and asthma. Moved to France when I was 15 and studied there until I was 17 (high school, "lycée"). Lived in Oslo for two years, trying to study first psycology (not my thing) and then archaeology (no future in the profession). Moved to Trondheim, tried studying to become a teacher (really not my thing!). Currently studying Norwegian Sign Language and loving every second of it. Living with boyfriend, who's a teacher.
''October 10, 2011''
[[Category:Senior Member Interviews]]
|01=Because Blue felt like home from the first moment I entered their Sitting Room. I struggled against it at first, but eventually I realised Blue was where I belonged. It was the place I'd miss the most if I left, and no other Ajah felt like such a good fit.
|02=Yes, I plot and manipulate, but like the Blues in the book, I try to make the world a better place. I sometimes plot to help my friends or I manipulate people because I think it's good for them. And like the Blues in the books, I often think I know what's good for other people... That might be one of my less favorable sides.. I also like to travel, but always with a destination in mind. I don't travel for the sake of traveling.
|03=<nowiki>*shrug*</nowiki> Not really. Saying Suian would just be too obvious, wouldn't it? I actually think Gitara Moroso and Tamra Ospenya seem really cool. I would have liked to know more about them.
|04=Since I was about 13, I think. I'm born in 1985, so when this is written I'm 25. That makes 12 years, or so.
|05=I found the first couple of books (split into two-three volumes each) in the "young adults" section of my local library. When I got sick of waiting for the Norwegian translations, I borrowed the english paperbacks from a friend.
|06=Egwene!!!! (That was easy.. :P )
|07=This one is also easy: Graendal. The ultimate hedonist!
|08=Hmmm... The book where Egwene gets elected Amyrlin, and starts to change into the woman she had to become. Can't remember which book that is.. 11?
There are so many great scenes, I can't pick just one. When Nyaneve finally breaks through her block... I love that one. And the first-sister ritual between Elayne and Aviendha. And when Mat first finds out Egwene's the Amyrlin. And the scene with Verin and Egwene in Towers of Midnight. I could just go on and on. Generally, I prefer stuff late in the books to the stuff earlier on, but that might just be because I've read the early stuff so many times.
|09=When I joined the site, I was a big fan of the Atha'an Miere. That's why my name has a "din" in the middle. Now, I also really like the Aes Sedai. I would have wanted to be some kind of channeler. If not an Athan'an Miere windfinder, then perhaps an Aes Sedai of the Tower. I don't really know.
|10=I think I found it when I was searching for information about theories concerning the WoT series, but I can't really remember. I do remember that it was New Year's Eve, though. :P I'd been using the Encyclopedia WoT for a while, but was looking for more, and I think TV.net popped up in a Google search. In those first few months, I also checked out Theoryland (too confusing) and DragonMount (too big, too much roleplay). I was looking for somewhere to be myself, and I found that on TV.net. Whether to join the Tower or not wasn't really a question in my mind. Ofcourse I would join! I spent the minimum time on each level, quickly becomming a citizen, a novice and then an Accepted. Becomming a SM became a goal in it's own right, and on my way towards that goal I came to love our site and the people on it. I found some wonderful friends through the site (one who'll be my maid of honor at my wedding), which in turn gave me more motivation to stay on TV.net and contribute to it's growth and developpement.
|11=At the point when I'm writing this, I'm engaged to be married. The wedding will (hopefully) take place in the end of July 2012. I'm involved with several organisations. Most important to me is my religious group of asatru pagans and my local BDSM organisation. I work as a teacher (special ed.), and I do sign language interpretation on the side whenever I have the time. I try to take a class or two each semester at the University, to work my way towards actually becomming a certified teacher. We'll see how that goes.
|12=I read a lot (duh!) and spend a lot of time on the computer. I'm a member of TV.net (obviously) and also of a site called Kushielverse, which is connected to a different fantasy book series. I'm very much into tabletop roleplaying games, the current favorite being a game called Deadlands. I also do the occational Norwegian style LARP (not anything like the US or UK kind).
|13=I don't really listen to music. Music isn't important in my life. I know very little about music. I don't mind when people put on music, and can listen to practically any style... Perhaps except the hardest kinds of metal and the most screamy kinds of opera, but otherwise I'm good.
|14=I watch a lot of movies, but I don't think I have any particular favorite. It's easier to say what I don't like: Horror. I can't stand being scared, and I scare waaaay too easily. I wach a fair bit of TV as well. Some of the shows I wach these days are: House, Bones, Heroes, True Blood and Glee. I'm also a HUGE fan of the HBO series Rome and the new Game of Thrones series.
|15=This is much easier than the movie and music questions. Books is something I really CARE about. :P I love most of what China Mieville has written. A brilliant author that I'd recomend to anyone who enjoys good, intelligent fantasy/sci-fi/weird fiction. I also very much like A Song of Ice and Fire, and many of the other things that George R.R. Martin has written.
|16=A garbage truck driver or a brain surgeon. That is, according to my mom, what I wanted to become when I was about 4 years old. In hindsight, I'm surprised I actually knew the word "surgeon"!
[[Category:Tower Sworn Interviews]]
[[Category:Blue Ajah Interviews]]
[[Category:Blue Ajah Interviews]]
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[[Category:TarValon.Net Aes Sedai]]
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[[Category:Dai M'Hael Bondmates]]
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[[Category:Europe Members]]

Latest revision as of 20:44, 24 April 2024

Blueheader1.png Ibon is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. They are bonded to Kerwin Thaumiel.

Avatar Ibon.png
Ibon Caseï
ee-BON kah-SEH-EE
Real Name Ingve
Location Trondheim, Norway
Birthday December 18
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Blue Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Join Date December 30, 2006
Bonded to Kerwin Thaumiel
Link to Forum Profile

Blueheader2.png Tower History

Blueheader2.png Tower Involvement






Membership Merit Gold 300.png Membership Merit Gold 300.png Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Local Events Merit Gold 300.png Keepers Award Merit 300.png Staff Merit Gold 300.png Teaching Merit Gold 300.png


ATParticipationSilver300.png SponsorSilver300.png

Privileges Earned

  • Extra Bond


Gold 100.png Darkest Green.png

Blueheader2.png Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

Blueheader2.png Official Event Attendance

Blueheader2.png Tower Sworn Interview

October 10, 2011

  • Why did you choose Blue?

Because Blue felt like home from the first moment I entered their Sitting Room. I struggled against it at first, but eventually I realised Blue was where I belonged. It was the place I'd miss the most if I left, and no other Ajah felt like such a good fit.

  • Are you like the Blues in the books? Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?

Yes, I plot and manipulate, but like the Blues in the book, I try to make the world a better place. I sometimes plot to help my friends or I manipulate people because I think it's good for them. And like the Blues in the books, I often think I know what's good for other people... That might be one of my less favorable sides.. I also like to travel, but always with a destination in mind. I don't travel for the sake of traveling.

*shrug* Not really. Saying Suian would just be too obvious, wouldn't it? I actually think Gitara Moroso and Tamra Ospenya seem really cool. I would have liked to know more about them.

  • How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?

Since I was about 13, I think. I'm born in 1985, so when this is written I'm 25. That makes 12 years, or so.

  • How did you first get into the series?

I found the first couple of books (split into two-three volumes each) in the "young adults" section of my local library. When I got sick of waiting for the Norwegian translations, I borrowed the english paperbacks from a friend.

  • Who is your favorite "hero"?

Egwene!!!! (That was easy.. :P )

  • Favorite bad guy/gal?

This one is also easy: Graendal. The ultimate hedonist!

  • Favorite book and scene?

Hmmm... The book where Egwene gets elected Amyrlin, and starts to change into the woman she had to become. Can't remember which book that is.. 11? There are so many great scenes, I can't pick just one. When Nyaneve finally breaks through her block... I love that one. And the first-sister ritual between Elayne and Aviendha. And when Mat first finds out Egwene's the Amyrlin. And the scene with Verin and Egwene in Towers of Midnight. I could just go on and on. Generally, I prefer stuff late in the books to the stuff earlier on, but that might just be because I've read the early stuff so many times.

  • If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?

When I joined the site, I was a big fan of the Atha'an Miere. That's why my name has a "din" in the middle. Now, I also really like the Aes Sedai. I would have wanted to be some kind of channeler. If not an Athan'an Miere windfinder, then perhaps an Aes Sedai of the Tower. I don't really know.

  • How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become Tower Sworn?

I think I found it when I was searching for information about theories concerning the WoT series, but I can't really remember. I do remember that it was New Year's Eve, though. :P I'd been using the Encyclopedia WoT for a while, but was looking for more, and I think TV.net popped up in a Google search. In those first few months, I also checked out Theoryland (too confusing) and DragonMount (too big, too much roleplay). I was looking for somewhere to be myself, and I found that on TV.net. Whether to join the Tower or not wasn't really a question in my mind. Ofcourse I would join! I spent the minimum time on each level, quickly becomming a citizen, a novice and then an Accepted. Becomming a SM became a goal in it's own right, and on my way towards that goal I came to love our site and the people on it. I found some wonderful friends through the site (one who'll be my maid of honor at my wedding), which in turn gave me more motivation to stay on TV.net and contribute to it's growth and developpement.

  • What do you do in "real life"?

At the point when I'm writing this, I'm engaged to be married. The wedding will (hopefully) take place in the end of July 2012. I'm involved with several organisations. Most important to me is my religious group of asatru pagans and my local BDSM organisation. I work as a teacher (special ed.), and I do sign language interpretation on the side whenever I have the time. I try to take a class or two each semester at the University, to work my way towards actually becomming a certified teacher. We'll see how that goes.

  • Do you have any hobbies?

I read a lot (duh!) and spend a lot of time on the computer. I'm a member of TV.net (obviously) and also of a site called Kushielverse, which is connected to a different fantasy book series. I'm very much into tabletop roleplaying games, the current favorite being a game called Deadlands. I also do the occational Norwegian style LARP (not anything like the US or UK kind).

  • What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

I don't really listen to music. Music isn't important in my life. I know very little about music. I don't mind when people put on music, and can listen to practically any style... Perhaps except the hardest kinds of metal and the most screamy kinds of opera, but otherwise I'm good.

  • What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?

I watch a lot of movies, but I don't think I have any particular favorite. It's easier to say what I don't like: Horror. I can't stand being scared, and I scare waaaay too easily. I wach a fair bit of TV as well. Some of the shows I wach these days are: House, Bones, Heroes, True Blood and Glee. I'm also a HUGE fan of the HBO series Rome and the new Game of Thrones series.

  • Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?

This is much easier than the movie and music questions. Books is something I really CARE about. :P I love most of what China Mieville has written. A brilliant author that I'd recomend to anyone who enjoys good, intelligent fantasy/sci-fi/weird fiction. I also very much like A Song of Ice and Fire, and many of the other things that George R.R. Martin has written.

  • What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

A garbage truck driver or a brain surgeon. That is, according to my mom, what I wanted to become when I was about 4 years old. In hindsight, I'm surprised I actually knew the word "surgeon"!