Sponsorship Merit
From Tar Valon Library
One of the Merit Badges introduced in the Fall of 2016. It falls under the "Raising the Next Generation" category and is a silver merit. It is earned after sponsoring five people for admittance to the Tower.
Because it cannot convert to Gold, it is one of the merits that applies towards the Alchemist Merit.
Silvers Awarded
- Adina al'Mari
- Adolla Ceryia
- Ahmyra Cova Souvraya
- al'Cary Mandoragon
- Alena Mysana
- Alexr al'Petros
- Alor Sionn
- Alyssa Letherio
- Amara Danicek
- Annouk Vinkona Úlfanna
- Arafel al Dama
- Ariadne Davion
- Arisaema Draconis
- Aryawnah Federov
- Atarah al'Norahn
- Branwyn al'Leara
- Cahalan Sothron
- Caiti na Shaheen
- Camden Avery
- Cataia Sylvianya
- Dee ar'Emm
- Eleyan Al'Landerin
- Faeril Munlear
- Ibon Caseï
- Ilissa al'Nari
- Ilverin Matriam
- Ismene Gillandred
- Jaim al'Bearach
- Jaryd Kosari
- Jasin Bashar
- Jeffan Caliarthan
- Jenarra Tikvah
- Jeryn Lekar
- Karassa Souladrin
- Kerna Shedrian
- Khisanth al'Danya
- Kiana A'Jadein
- Kitan Tataru
- Kyla Sterling
- Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum
- Liana Ceana
- Lireina Dormerus t'al`Bearach
- Maddie Vitalia
- Manora al'Sara
- Mara Jade t'Bayana
- Melaine Thayet
- Melisande Arneil
- Morwynna Raevyn
- Muirenn Lina Alianin
- Murasaki al'Aevon
- Naeris Vell'sean
- Neisa Alibrylla
- Nymala Ingasy
- Oddey Bird
- Raeviendha al'Toma
- Randalren
- Rhed al'Tere
- Rollyn Montagorae
- Sa'areah Britthorn
- Saera Caerthyn
- Saminda Meltacia
- Sayerin Assnobahr
- Sela Narian
- Serenla Tamowith
- Stasia t'Andrei
- Tyla al'Mere
- Ubahsur Kindellaer
- Val a'Shain
- Valadilene Aldieb
- Wen Chang
- Willam Cambrae
- Yelenia Hylraren
- Yenie Antagar