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*[[Sa'areah Britthorn]], {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
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*[[Owenaleah al'Saturni]], {{accepted}}
*[[Owena al'Saturni]], {{accepted}}
===Gray Ajah===
===Gray Ajah===

Revision as of 11:08, 6 December 2016

GrayAjah4.png Formerly known as Hanajima al'Cere. Siera is an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.

Siera al'Cere
Real Name Kristen
Location Ontario, Canada
Birthday July 20
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Gray Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title Marketing Project Manager
Join Date June 6, 2006
Bonded to -
Link to Forum Profile

GrayAjah22.pngTower History

Previous Avatar

GrayAjah22.pngTower Involvement




Other Recognition

  • The Gerra Award (aka Most likely to lead the revolution and take over the Tower/Most Likely to find a way to have her Pie and Eat it too) - Annual Gray Ajah Awards - 2011



Membership Merit Gold 300.png Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Keepers Award Merit 300.png Administrator Merit Gold 300.png Staff Merit Gold 300.png Pro Bono Merit Gold 300.png


Members Choice Award 300.png Logo Design Merit 300.png

GrayAjah22.pngTower Relationships




Gray Ajah

  • Horse

Gray Guide
Gray Pieing

Other Tower Relationships

GrayAjah22.pngOfficial Event Attendance

GrayAjah22.pngSenior Member Interview

Ajah Questions
Why did you choose Gray?

Gray was home. I'm going to quote my aspiration thing 'They made me feel soo welcome! I could hardly believe it! I love spending time with the Grays, and pretty much any time something bad happened to me I know the Grays would help me and I know I got the advice from the Gray Ajah at least once . I think within the first few days of Guesting Gray, I knew it was my home. I just felt so welcome- I didn’t feel like a guest- I felt like part of their family. That was what made me realize that I was home.'

Are you like the Grays in the books? Do you enjoy following politics and mediating disputes?

I feel I am somewhat like the Gray's in the books. I mediate disputes (and try my best to not cause them), but I hate politics and NEVER follow them :P

Do you have a favorite Gray Ajah character from the novels?

I don't actually :look

Book Questions
How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?

Since as long as I can remember? To be honest I don't exactly remember, I believe I was in Grade 8.. so the end of 2005.

How did you first get into the series?

My best friend made me read them.

Who is your favorite "hero"?

I don't really have one

Favorite bad guy/gal?

The Dark one? :P I don't really have one.

Favorite book and scene?

I don't think I have a favourite book/scene either :P

If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?

I'd love to be an Aes Sedai! So that or a farmer! I love my horses :D

General Questions
How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become a Senior Member?

I believe my friend found it and made me join. The people made me stay. I love the atmosphere here and can't imagine leaving.

What do you do in "real life"?

I'm in school, studying Graphic Design :)

Do you have any hobbies?
What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

I listen Pop/dance, country, pretty much everything but emo/ and any type pf metal.

What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?

Favourite movies; Flicka, Dreamer, HP, Megamind, and How to Train your Dragon. TV Showers; Heartland, Gossip girl, House, and NCIS.

Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?

I love Anne Mccaffery's works, and as a child I loved Lauren Brooke's works.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

I wanted to be a Princess, then decided that was not going to happen and wanted to be a Vet

Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah