Lyara Tieran

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Lyara Tieran
Real Name Carmella
Location Phoenix, AZ
Birthday July 31
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation White Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title Outreach Activities Team
Join Date November 23, 2006
Bonded to -
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Senior Member Interview

Lyara Tieran, July 8, 2009

When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the White Ajah?

On February 29th, 2008. I can't believe I had to look that up. :blink

Why did you choose White?

From the moment I set e-foot into the White halls, I knew I was home. Everything fit. I was comfortable posting, I didn't have to work to be "one of the girls", I had something to contribute and could take something away as well. I just knew it was where I belonged. Oddly enough, I thought it would be the one place I DIDN'T belong, so I guested there first. :p I still tried all the others, but came back to my heart's-home.

Are you like the Whites in the Books?

Sometimes, yes. I can be completely logical in my search for cause. I am also VERY calm in stressful situations. But in most ways, no. I let my emotions play a HUGE part in what I do and how I react to things. I feel before I think and act on my feelings a lot. And it can get me into trouble..... like catching crazy people who jump off the top of beds at work when they think I'm trying to kidnap them.

Are you like a rock and have a serene face all the time?

Not at all. Actually, I'm usually smiling like an idiot. :D I love to smile and make people happy by doing it. Serenity is good, don't get me wrong, but happiness is better.

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

Oh wow!! It was the greatest. I spent as much time on here as I did doing anything else. I made great friends whom I still speak to all the time, I pulled a couple of great pranks, I started some good threads, and I found my calling in being on the OEC team..... of which I'm now the Coordinator. :)

How long have you been a member of

I joined on November 23rd, 2006. So just under 3 years. :D

What things do you do for

Well, I'm the Online Events Coordinator, as I said earlier. I'm also the Heart of the White ajah at this time, although that will be rotating through soon. I also serve as a moderator for several threads in my site position. I've done some graphics, some writing, and some goofing off. :D I hope they all added to the site some. :)

How did you get to read the Series?

I went through every other book in the library of the little town I grew up in and the Librarian handed me the first book and said "This should keep you busy for a while". It was in 1993, so the first four books were out and the 5th was on it's way..... Of course, she was wrong. I read the first four in a little over a week and came and asked where her next challenge for me was. lol

To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?

No bond at this time. :(

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

My most recent Mentee was Slaine. I haven't gotten another yet. Slaine's a hard act to follow. :p

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

I'd have to say Nyanaeve. She's a LOT like me... and yet so different it's amazing. :) I love the Aiel....

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

No, not a big one anyway. I met up with Serenla, Cassie (my mentor), Khisanth and Lyinar in Atlanta while I was down there as an accepted, and then had a small local gathering at my house, too. I've also met a couple other people, most notably my best friend Tsubasa, who came and stayed with me. :D

What kind of music do you like?

I listen to pretty much anything.... depends on my mood. I like deeper, richer sounds.

What are your favorite movies?

Action and sci-fi. The Riddick movies will always be at the top of my list, because I LOVE vin diesel.

What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

Oh so many..... probably jumping off the top of my 25ft tall deck into........ nothing... just the ground. I nearly broke my feet/legs.

What job do you have?

I'm a registered nurse in an intensive care unit. All the really sick patients, I help get them better.

Do you have a pet?

I have two dogs, a cat, and (currently) 5 kittens. I have them all given away already, though.....We have had rabbits, ferrets, snakes, birds, and rats. :D

What languages do you speak?

English.... and pocito espanol, and a little japanese.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

Nuclear physicist and a marine biologist..... still wanna be a marine biologist. :D

Randland or our world?

In so many ways Randland would be great, but really.... do you wanna live somewhere that a bath/shower ONLY happened about once a month if you were REALLY spoiled?

Alviarin or Seaine?

Alviarin She's got a bit more cunning to her.

Books or movies?

I really do prefer books. Lots and LOTS of books......

Candles or lamps?

I love candles. They give off a more natural light and they don't hurt my eyes.... but I don't like the smoke or the thought that I may burn something impotant..... like maybe..books. :look

A short bio about yourself.

I am a wife, a mom, a reader, a singer, a sometimes-poet/songwriter, an outdoors enthusiast who is stuck inside, a genius with no common sense, and an animal lover. That just barely skims the top. :D