Davram Bashere

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn


Davram Bashere is the Marshal-General of Saldaea. His full title is "Davram of House Bashere, Lord of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona, Guardian of the Blightborder, Defender of the Heartland, Marshal-General to Queen Tenobia of Saldaea" (TSR, Ch. 41)

Davram is married to Deira Bashere and father to at least four children: Faile, her two older brothers, and her younger brother, Maedin. Faile mentions having "younger brothers," though we do not know how many. He is also the uncle of Queen Tenobia of Saldaea. (TSR, Ch. 41)

Davram Bashere is a small man, short and slender. His hair is black streaked with gray, and he has a thick, down-turned mustache. As is common of Saldaeans, he has a large, hooked nose and tilted eyes. (TFoH, Ch. 56)



Davram Bashere loves his wife, Deira, very much. One of Deira's fondest memories of Davram is the time that he took her by the scruff of the neck and showed her that he was the stronger of the two. (LoC, Ch. 46)

Faile is Davram's eldest surviving child and heir. Although he loves her, he thinks that she is weak due to the thinning of the Bashere bloodline.

Davram, Tenobia's uncle, has often been subject to the Saldaean Queen's hot-tempered attitude. He once had to talk her out of riding into battle when she was sixteen. She exiled him, but after a few weeks the Council of Lords convinced her to revoke the order (TSR, Ch. 56).

Because of the destruction that he caused in Saldaea, Davram hates Mazrim Taim. Once Taim escapes from the Aes Sedai, Tenobia sends Bashere to hunt him down. There is a rumor that Taim made the sun stand still while he defeated Bashere (TSR, Ch. 13).

Davram's first meeting with Perrin isn't under the best of circumstances. They first meet when Perrin and Faile arrive in Caemlyn, and Davram informs Perrin that since Faile is too young to marry without permission, if her mother does not agree that she is old enough to be married, he gets to kill Perrin. When he sees how much Perrin loves her and how determined he is too keep her, and once Deira has agreed that Faile is old enough to be married, he accepts Perrin as his son-in-law.

Davram has pledged himself to Rand, even though he knows that Tenobia might think of this as rebellion. Due to his military prowess and loyalty, he soon becomes one of Rand's strongest councilors.


  • Davram Bashere's estates produce lumber, fine woods, ice peppers, furs and more (TSR, Ch. 41).
  • Davram Bashere is one of the five great generals of the Westlands (TFoH, Ch. 27).
  • The sign of the House of Bashere is three red kingspenny blossoms set on a field of blue (ACoS, Ch. 41).
  • Davram Bashere is next in line for the Saldaean throne (TPoD, Prologue).
  • "And there's something... dark... in the images I saw around Lord Davram. If he turns against you, or dies?" (Min to Rand; CoT, Ch. 24)


"Boy, it wouldn't matter if you had the words said by an Ogier Elder with six Aes Sedai standing witness. Zarine still isn't old enough to marry without her mother's permission, which she never asked, much less received. She is with Deira right now, and if she doesn't convince her mother she's old enough to be married, she goes back to the camp, probably doing duty as her mother's saddle. And you... you, I get to kill." (Davram to Perrin; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 46)

"A fool moans when fortune takes him down, and it takes a true fool to moan when fortune takes him up." (Davram to Perrin; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 46)

"We'll do better next time. The worst mistake is to make the same one twice, and we won't." (Davram to Rand after an attack against the Seanchan; The Path of Daggers, Chapter 23)