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Ilissa al'Nari
Real Name Brita
Location Norway
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Blue Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title Sitter
Join Date December 15, 2004
Bonded to -
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement






Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Staff Merit Gold 300.png Globetrotter Merit 300.png


Administrator Merit Silver 300.png Members Choice Award 300.png

Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

July 21, 2009

Why did you choose Blue?

Because it's home. It's that simple, and that complicated.

Unlike now, Accepted didn't 'guest' when I was an Accepted. Instead you were 'unaffiliated' for a while after being raised until you figured out which Ajah you thought be belonged to, and then applied to join that Ajah as an Accepted. While Accepted were allowed to change Ajahs it wasn't customary, and some people even frowned upon it. I am not really sure when it dawned upon me that I was, indeed Blue, but in the more than four years that has gone by since I first sent my application to join the Ajah to the then First Selector, Vivianna Sedai, I've never once doubted my decision. I have toyed with the thought of demoting simply to be allowed to guest - but I can't imagine a better Ajah for me, and so I doubt I ever will.

Are you like the Blues in the Books?

In some ways yes, in others no. And it's not like the 'Blues in the book' is one single entity anyway - just like the Blues @ TarValon.Net my imaginary Sisters in Randland are very, very diverse.

Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?

If by 'plot and manipulate' you mean trying to come up with fun things to do and see them implemented, yes :P. Sadly, I don't get to travel even a fraction as much as I would like to - it's been said before; someone needs to reinvent Traveling already!

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

I spent the minimum time as a Citizen, and most of that time was spent trying to get my fellow Citizens 'in order' for Mother's birthday, which was celebrated on-site just over a month after I joined. It was a lot of fun :D! My time as a novice was spent in Africa, mostly - and when I returned from my selfimposed 'exile' the boards were down :(. I did have a lot of fun in chat as a novice once I got back from Africa, though!

I was an Accepted for...about nine months. Longer than what most people expected of me - but I am glad I had that much time to grow really sure I wanted to be part of Blue AND 'grew up' enough to truly be able to say that I am Aes Sedai and mean it.

How long have you been a member of TV.net?

Since 15th December 2004 - so when I write this it has been just over 4 and a half years. Blood and bloody ashes!

What things do you do for TV.net?

Right now my only site job is to be an operator in #wheel, a position I've had since late February 2006. I've also had the honor of serving as a Mod of General & Mundane, been Online Events Coordinator and served as Soul of the Blue Ajah. I've also held staff positions as a TVT writer and helped out with RL events.

How did you get to read the Series?

I was going home from my grandparents in Hønefoss and ran out of stuff to read an hour or so before the train reached Trondheim - meaning I had 6 hours MORE of my train trip and no reading material :P. So I went book-shopping, and came across EoTW. I bought it, read it happily on the trip home and went to the bookstore to order the rest of the series (well, the four books or so that were out at that time :P) the next day. This was in 1996, and my English teacher just about died when I told him I intended to write a book report on book 3 a few days after the train ride home. For some reason he seemed to think I was somewhat insane >.< :P.

Who's your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

It's hard to pick just one favorite characer, but I think I am going to go with Egeanin. The Seanchan fascinate me in general, even if I'd absolutely hate being one of them even if I were lucky enough to be born or rise to a favored position. If I were to pick the nation I think I'd like to hail from if I were an individual in Randland...Aiel, maybe, or from Shienar.

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

Yes, I have attended a few, both official and not. And seriously, I iz big fan! Anyone who's even remotely tempted should totally go - it's a great way of getting to know people better, and a lot of fun to boot! Just b'ware of the infamous PPT - it sucks JUST as much as they all claim :(.

What kind of music do you like?

Honestly, I don't really know. It depends on my mood, the people I am with as well as what I/we happen to be doing.

What are your favorite movies?

LoTR, Harry Potter, Valkyrie, The Matrix trilogy, PotC trilogy.

What's the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

'The craziest/stupidest' probably won't ever be read by anyone except maybe my closest friends...and not even that. Sorry!

What job do you have?

I am a teacher - English is my primary subject.

Do you have a pet?

No :(

What languages do you speak?

Norwegian and English fluently. Some German and a few words of French and Swahili.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

Anything but being a teacher :P. Nah, I think I wanted to be either a journalist or a lawyer, or maybe a diplomat...

Moiraine or Siuan?


Shienar or Saldea?


Tea or coffee?

Tea! Coffee is ick.

Books or movies?

Boooks, oh yesh!

A short bio about yourself.

Born and bred Norwegian, 29 years old. Currently living in Oslo, but hail from the northern part of the country. Lesbian. And Christian. Normally pretty easy to get to know, so seriously, please don't hesitate to send me a PM or whatever!