Towers of Midnight: Prologue

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Chapter Icon: Wheel and Serpent

Points of View: Lan, Perrin, Graendal, Galad, Padan Fain, Malenarin Rai

Lan's Point of View:

Location: Proska Flats , Saldaea

Characters: Lan, Bulen

Perrin's Point of View:

Location: Tel'aran'rhiod

Characters: Perrin, Hopper

Graendal's Point of View:

Location: Natrin's Barrow

Characters: Graendal, Aran'gar, Delana, Rand, Nynaeve, Garamund, Ramshalan

Graendal is hosting Aran'gar who has been punished for losing control of Egwene. She touches Aran'gar's face with a weave of the True Power. Delana comes in and she and Aran'gar make out. A warning sounds and Garamund comes in to tell Graendal that Ramshalan has has been caught. She realises Rand knows where she is and at first intends to flee but remembers her instructions to cause Rand pain and frustration. She takes control of dove using a weave of the True Power. She has both Aran'gar and Delanna lay a weave of Compulsion on Ramshalan in the hopes of confusing Rand and sends him back, following with the dove. she wonders how he had been tracked and if Nynaeve had been able to remove her Compulsion without killing the victim, and that if so, Nynaeve will have to be killed as reading Compulsion is a dangerous skill.

She sees Rand with the Access Key and realises his plan, realeasing the dove. She releases the True Power and takes hold of saidar instead. She shields Aran'gar and Delana and binds them with air so that the balefire will kill them and Rand will think her dead before opening a gateway to a ridge just behind the palace as the balefire strikes. she leaves to plan her next move.

Galad's Point of View:

Setting: A swamp on the border of Ghealdan and Altara

Characters: Jaret Byar, Dain Bornhald, Rhadam Asunawa, Bartlett, Trom, Golever, Harnesh

Galad leads his group of whitecloaks through a swam on the Ghealdan and Ataran border. It has gone on much longer than the map had suggested and the men are growing weary. He gives a speech on what it means to be one of the Children of the Light and the men take heart. Byar comes to see him, hopefull that by the time they are done they will have enough men to overthrow the White Tower rather than ally with it. Galad replies that the Dhadow will have Dreadlords and Forsaken. They cross a river, full of dead bodies from some unknown masacre. Galad is convinced that Rand is the Fragon Reborn, but is unusre wether the White Tower controls him.

The lead scout, Bartlett take them to the edge of the swamp, where they encounter a force of around 4000 Whitecloaks and perhaps twice that number of Amidicians. Galad goes forward to meet Asunawa and the five Lord Captain Commanders with him. He tells Asunawa that the whitecloaks oaths prevent surrender at which Asunawa claims Galad is a Darkfriend who used the Power of the shadow to defeat Valda. Galad replies that a Darkfriend would not be able to win a battle sanctified by the Light in front of the Children. He tells Asunawa he will personally submit if the men who followed him are not put to the question.

Padan Fain's Point of View:

Location: The Blight

Characters: Padan Fain

Malenarin Rai's Point of View:

Setting: Heeth Tower, Kandor

Characters: Malenarin Rai, Jargen, Keemlin Rai, Landalin, Kralle