The Brown Ajah in 2010

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1: Ayendra Kisharad and Lilli O'Neeus are chosen as Sitters for the Spring 2010 term.

Unknown: Sulamein Jorh'aran is raised Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in January.


2: Viola Al'Shinnen is raised Aes Sedai.

14: Aloren Tarabutton Bonds Eli Soljourn.


15: Elandria d'ma Mieresouvra is raised Aes Sedai.

19 - 22: Adolla Ceryia, Cassie Dainar, and Serenla Tamowith attend Anniversary Party 2010 in Wisconsin, USA, on March 19 - 22.

20: Sela Narian wins a Members' Choice Award for Geekiest Member.

Unknown: The Spring 2010 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.


23 - 25: Adolla Ceryia, Ayendra Kisharad, Cassie Dainar, Serenla Tamowith, and Sulamein Jorh'aran attend JordanCon 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.


1: Ayendra Kisharad and Viola Al'Shinnen are chosen as Sitters for the Fall 2010 term. Cattrin al'Modrah joins the Tar Valon Times Staff.

Unknown: Elandria d'ma Mieresouvra leaves the Online Events Team.


12 - 15: Rijomu Sezain, Taika Vinh, and Thalya Nyale attend Unofficial Summer Euro Party 2010 in Driebergen, The Netherlands.

Unknown: The Summer 2010 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.


3 - 6: Adolla Ceryia, Cassie Dainar, and Ismene Gillandred attend Dragon*Con 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Unknown: The August and September 2010 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published (though our records of it are lost).


22 - 30: Brown participates in Shaoman 2010, dressing up as zombies. Cattrin al'Modrah wins a Spirit of Shaoman Feastday Award.


5 - 7: Adolla Ceryia, Cassie Dainar, and Ismene Gillandred attend Fall Ball 2010 in Washington D.C., USA.


22: Cassie Dainar steps down as Mistress of Revels (North America).

23 - January 3, 2011: Brown participates in Feast of Lights 2010 with a rave theme, and ends up winner of the theme contest.

31: Cattrin al'Modrah leaves the Tar Valon Times Staff.