Amyrlin's Awards

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The Amyrlin's Awards are unique annual awards that are given for superlative service to the community. These are awarded by the Amyrlin Seat Seat personally, and are the highest honors we bestow. A Merit Award is bestowed on the recipient. Forty people are known to have received an Amyrlin's Award, with three people, Toral t'Simoua Delvar, Ubahsur Kindellaer and Valorian Edoras having received two.

Volunteer of the Year: Awarded for outstanding contribution in an official role

Philanthropist of the Year: Awarded to someone who consistently contributes to the fundraising goals of the community

Unsung Servant: For an outstanding contribution in an unofficial capacity

Member of the Year: The highest honor, for all round contribution


Announced at Anniversary Party 2014

Member of the Year: Erin al'Denael

I'm sure that no one reading this could ever be surprised that Erin Sedai is this year's Member of the Year. She is one of the most responsive, hardworking individuals we have and I can't say enough great things about her. She's innovative, plotsy (did y'all see Tar Bacon?) and is constantly looking for ways that we can improve our situation and the experience that we're able to provide. If you add up the months of everything she has done here over the years, it comes out to more than 13 YEARS of service and that is beyond incredible.

Unsung Servant: Kerna Shedrian

Kerna Sedai has done so many things for TarValon.Net that I have to direct you to her library page to get a full sense of it. This past year she's been working extremely hard behind the scenes on merits with Serenla Sedai, and has been helping to train a new group of people on how to get the merits pages up to date and show that they have been earned. She also is a font of information on all things Tower related and could probably find a stat for you out of the library on just about any topic you could come up with Thank you so much Kerna for all of your hard work!!

Volunteer of the Year: Mirandha Laflor

Mirandha Sedai performs an extremely difficult, sometimes thankless but extremely necessary role in the Department of Administration. She was originally brought in as staff in the department, then was put in charge of the Membership Survey. Then, due to her amazing skills we decided to throw more tasks on her plate and ask her to help create and analyze the bullying survey that went out, then the integration survey. The information she conveyd to the administration from those surveys helps us to see what all of the members were thinking on various topics, and to use that information to help make decisions about how to proceed

Philanthropist of the Year: Nethanel al'Tere

Nethanel Gaidin has consistently contributed to this Community over the years even at times when we're not actively fundraising. He gives of his time (he's currently our SDS honor guard!) and his resources generously and consistently


Member of the Year: Leora Oldessroth
Leora Sedai exceeds all of those things. She has served in several departments over the years, and has led our administration since becoming Keeper of the Chronicles in 2011. She is organized, thorough, and has to put up with keeping me on track. She helped make my transition to Amyrlin smooth, and I have loved getting to know her and getting to work with her during that transition. 
Philanthropist of the Year: Lillian O'Neeus

Lillian Sedai of the Brown Ajah is someone who has given consistently to the Community and to our charity recipients consistently. This year in particular, she was among the first of those who jumped right in last fall asking "How can I help?" and "How can i give?" within what felt like hours of our financial world coming down. In addition, she has given much of her time and attention to other duties around the site!

Unsung Servant: Atreyu

Atreyu Gaidin has worked behind the scenes as part of our legal research team since 2009. It's a position that gets pretty much no recognition and one that involves nothing but questions and research and working to find answers to those technical questions that come up. He's since taken on the mantle of our Captain of Soldiers where he has also excelled!

Volunteer of the Year: Kytheria al'Shea

Kytheria Sedai has been a member since 2003, and as you can see from her Who's Who page in the library, she's done many different things around here! Over the past almost two years, she's been doing an amazing job as the Director of Marketing and in fact had quite a few members write in to suggest her as a recipient of this award because of her skills and leadership.


Members of the Year:

Toral Gaidin is the steward of our Library. If you look at his profile you'll see the hundreds and hundreds of articles he has personally written and edited along with everything else he's done over the years. Then, he also keeps others motivated and on task, organizes our library so that information is more easily found and so that it is as thorough and complete as it can possibly be. It's a job that is not always visible by everyone except when we want to look something up but is something that really makes our Community an amazing source of information for everyone throughout the Wheel of Time Fandom. It's a job that takes a meticulousness that is incredible and an attention to detail that I definitely envy. Toral has earned this award many times over through his long membership with us!

Ubahsur Sedai has served as our Director of Administration since 2009 and I don't know that we could survive without her! She keeps us on track behind the scenes by putting together our Annual Report, she leads the charge of the Membership Survey, facilitates our reviews of those working in our administration, and was a big part of us finally becoming an official 501(c)7 corporation. Ubah gets the completely thankless task of keeping us on schedule for every piece of these projects, and leads a team of staff members in her department through her example of spending yet another 15 hour weekend working on Tower projects, not counting the time she spends on a daily basis as well.

Philanthropist of the Year
Sean Dragoran

Sean Gaidin is one of those individuals who continuously gives to others without any expectation of anything in return. I can't tell you how many times over the years I've heard stories after the fact of people who have been able to attend events because of him, of people in need he's heard about and assisted and fundraisers we've run that he's always participated in. When he helps people he does it without looking for or wanting recognition, and he does it without hesitation. He's also served our Community over the years in many different capacities from Honor Guard to the Hall, as a moderator and a guildmaster. He's someone who never stops wanting to help and give back.

Unsung Servants:

Jeffan Gaidin always gives of his time without reservation and wholeheartedly jumps in wherever he can. Before being named as the Editor of the TarValon Times he has served as a chat op, creating artwork for the Marketing Department, he worked on articles for our library, is a forum moderator, has served in the Hall and worked on the Outreach Activities team. In addition, he served his Company by working as their historian and keeping their library page up to date, helped out myself and Leora last fall by moderating the Town Hall Meeting, has done countless hours on the merits program for Dralyn, and did a great job on the Member's Choice Awards this year which we gave him and just said "make it work"

Kelgan Gaidin has been with us for just over 2 years but has definitely made his presence known. He's served his Company in the Hall, and the Community as a whole as a forum moderator. You can find him interacting across our boards He created an amazing stole for our Keeper of the Chronicles that he knit in preparation for her raising at our 10th Anniversary celebration in Charleston. He also then created a stole in each of the other Ajah colors as well! Then, more personally for me he is the person who created my stole which was given to me this past weekend. There are pictures in the NA-Anniversary forum, but let me tell you that the workmanship is exquisite. It took him 14 months to create it, and for those of you who knit you'll understand when I tell you he was practically knitting with sewing needles that are incredibly tiny! I couldn't even begin to quantify the hundreds of hours he worked on this and the keeper's stoles

Volunteers of the Year:

Sonea Sedai is our Mistress of the Revels for Britain and Ireland, planning several very successful parties for our membership over the last couple years. She's also given back by serving as Heart of the Blue Ajah, and was on the committee that helped us hash out the details of the Merit system when we were getting that set up. Sonea is so incredibly efficient, and also a blast to hang out with and our Community wouldn't be the same without her!

Sa'areah Sedai did a lot this last year working as Head of her Ajah, and more recently as a Sitter in the Hall. She's also helped out in many other ways over the years contributing to our library and to the guilds. Within the Yellow Ajah she's been THE Tea Brewer, and then as their Sunshine in 2009. She reaches out to people across our Community, and is just a fabulous person all the way around which came through when she was voted as the Aes Sedai most representative of her Ajah in our Member's Choice Awards 2011.


Members of the Year:

She's served in more positions than I can count including Tower Voice, Head of Ajah, Director, and all around trouble maker! She's the originator of painting the Tower pink, I think has blown it up more than once, and is one of the originators of the Blue obsession with s'redit I was so looking forward to meeting her after so long having known her this year, and she was just as delightful in person as she's always been on our forums. Philanthropists of the Year:

Volunteer of the Year: Serenla Tamowith Unsung Servant: Darian Coralis Servants of All:

Kerna has been a member since long before I was! She has served in many roles for her Ajah including heart, soul *and* sitter, has been a forum moderator, an editor in the library, a member of the Philanthopy team, is currently HIstorian and Head of the Blue Ajah. She's been a force of nature in getting our histories flushed out and expanded and goes out of her way to keep abreast of goings on in the Community and helping out where needed.

Naeris joined us in 2005 and was raised to Gaidin almost a year later in May 2006. He also has served on the warder council as well as Honor Guard and Company Commander for Dai M'hael. He's received members choice awards for his representation of of his Company and of the Gleemen Guild and is currently serving as the European Master of the Revels. He has always been a positive presence throughout the Community


Member of the Year: Serinia Edoras
Philanthropists of the Year: Deoan Kakarot and Tian el'Nvidia
Unsung Servant: Tree al'Rotture
Volunteer of the Year: Alyria Savoinya


Member of the Year: Defen Estrator
Philanthropist of the Year: Ubahsur Kindellaer
Unsung Servant: Riley Maconnar
Volunteer of the Year: Toral t'Simoua Delvar


Member of the Year: Yelenia Hylraren
Unsung Servant: Ninya Evoneigh


Members of the Year: Dralyn Montsier and Zhareen din Narelle
Philanthropists of the Year: Tinnlin Fundon, Muerandah d'Acre and Martele d'Acre


Member of the Year: Val a'Shain
Philanthropist of the Year: Padraigin al'Teirik
Unsung Servant: Faeril Munlear and Branwyn al'Leara
Volunteer of the Year: Caia al'Tamad


Unknown: Valorian Edoras
Members of the Year: Karassa Souladrin and Kariada Kunai


Contributor of the Year: Randle al'Ren
Philanthropist of the Year: Arisaema Draconis



Philanthropist of the Year: James Davion
Unknown: Valorian Edoras