Moiraine Damodred

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

Mwah-RAIN DAHM-oh-drehd


Moiraine Damodred is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah of Cairhienin noble birth. She was born in 956 NE in the Sun Palace in Cairhien. (LoC, Glossary) She is the youngest half-sister of Taringail Damodred, and a niece of King Laman (TSR, Ch. 17). She is also Caraline's cousin. (WH, Ch. 13)

Moiraine has large, dark eyes, and dark hair that hangs in ringlets. A delicate gold chain is usually fasted in her hair; on it is a small, sparkling blue stone that hangs in the middle of her forehead. She is very short, about 5 feet to 5 feet 2 inches. (TEotW, Ch. 2)

While she was young, Moiraine was impetuous and hot-tempered. (NS)

At the age of 16, Moiraine went to the White Tower. (NS; LoC, Glossary) In a bare three years, she was raised to Accepted. (LoC, Glossary.) While still an Accepted, both Moiraine and Siuan were with the Amyrlin Seat, Tamra Ospenya when Gitara Moroso foretold that the Dragon Reborn has been born on Dragonmount. Moiraine and Siuan made a pact to participate in the search for the Dragon Reborn. (NS; TGH, Ch. 8)

Moiraine, along with Siuan, was a prankster. Just the night before they were tested for the shawl, they went so far as to put mice in Elaida's bed. (NS)

Moiraine was raised to Aes Sedai just three years after being raised to Accepted. She was raised just after the end of the Aiel War. (LoC, Glossary.)

Condensed Timeline

  • 956 NE-Moiraine is born in the Sun Palace in Cairhien.
  • 972 NE-At the age of 16, Moiraine goes to the White Tower.
  • 975 NE-Moiraine is raised to Accepted.
  • 975-978 NE-Sometime between these two years, Moiraine and Siuan witness the foretelling of Rand's birth.
  • 978 NE-Moiraine is raised to Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah.
  • Moiraine arrives in the Two Rivers just before a Trolloc attack
  • Moiraine falls through a ter'angreal to the world of the Eelfinn (the Fires of Heaven)
  • Thom reveals to Mat that Moiraine is not dead and that the two of them, plus one other are capable of resuing her (KoD, Ch. 10)
  • Mat delays the attempt at rescue while he attempts to learn more about the eelfinn and the Tower of Ghenjei (TGS, Ch. 27).

Strength and Talents

Moiraine is strong in the One Power. At one point, Verin is found to be thinking that only Elaida, Moiraine, Siuan, and a few others, possibly Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne, are strong enough to handle the female giant statue. (TGH, Ch. 31)

Moiraine knows how to weave Illusion, (TEotW, Ch. 17) and she also knows how to weave invisibility. It is suspected that she also knows unweaving. (TEotW, Ch. 49) On top of these, Moiraine also knows how to weave Balefire. (TDR, Ch. 44)

Moiraine is exceptionally good at Healing. (TDR, Ch. 3)


Moiraine's closest friend is Siuan Sanche. Siuan and Moiraine trust each other implicitly; Siuan includes Moiraine in the small group of people that she can trust, (TDR, Ch. 14) and also thinks that Rand is safe in her hands. (TDR, Ch. 12) Moiraine is also close friends with Anaiya. (TFoH, Ch. 27)

Her Warder is Lan Mandragoran. She is very close to him, as well. (TEotW, Ch. 2)

Thom Merrilin thinks that Moiraine is a fine woman, other than the fact that she is Aes Sedai. (TDR, Ch. 31)

However, Moiraine is not in everyone's good books. At first, the sole reason that Nynaeve wishes to become Aes Sedai is so that she can avenge herself with Moiraine. (TGH, Ch. 23)


  • Min considers her viewing of Moiraine (that she will help Rand succeed in the Final Battle) to be the only viewing of hers that has ever failed. (ACoS, Ch. 35)
  • In some parts of the world, Moiraine goes by the name of Lady Alys. (NS; TEotW, Ch. 13) In Illian, she goes by the name of Mistress Mari. (TDR, Ch. 42)
  • In the Fires of Heaven, Moiraine, in an attempt to save Rand, pushed Lanfear through the red doorway ter'angreal. They both disappeared, and are assumed dead.


"The Dark One is after you three, one or all, and if I let you go running off wherever you want to go, he will take you. Whatever the Dark One wants, I oppose, so hear this and know it true. Before I let the Dark One have you, I will destroy you myself." (The Eye of the World, Chapter 13)

"If you watch the wolf too hard, a mouse will bite you on the ankle." (The Eye of the World, Chapter 21)

"When you are weak, the best choice is often to hide." (The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 3)

"You want me to share a lifetime of knowledge with you in a single afternoon? Or even a single year? I will tell you this. Be wary of dreams, Perrin Aybara. Be very wary of dreams. (The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 6)

"Death cannot be healed, Rand. You are not the Creator." (The Shadow Rising, Chapter 10)

"There is a saying in Cairhien, though I have heard it as far away as Tarabon and Saldaea. 'Take what you want and pay for it.' Siuan and I took the path we wanted, and we knew we would have to pay for it eventually. (The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 15)

"I mean to deal with the world, for as long as I can. (The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 15)