Aiel Clans and Septs
Author: Dorelei Verreuil
The Aiel are a strong people who have banded together to survive life in the Waste. What started out as families sticking together turned into the modern and somewhat complex social system that now exists. Many outsiders may feel a bit overwhelmed with all the ties that bind one Aiel man or woman to other Aiel.
The Clans
The Aiel are divided into large groups, known as clans. Similar to the clans that make up Scottish society, each clan is a closely-knit group of people, bound by ties of blood, marriage and friendship. In the Aiel world, there are twelve of these clans.
- The Chareen
- The Codarra
- The Daryne
- The Goshien
- The Miagoma
- The Nakai
- The Reyn
- The Shaarad
- The Shaido
- The Shiande
- The Taardad
- The Tomanelle
(Reference: TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 20)
The Septs
Within each clan, there are various smaller groups, called septs. Each sept is analogous to an individual subdivision inside a large city. Each clan has a different number of septs, which makes the clans even more unique and intriguing. It is almost similar to branches within a single family tree.
The Chareen Aiel
We first hear of the Chareen Aiel in “The Shadow Rising,” when Aviendha comments to Rand on the rumors of trouble at Imre Stand. We first meet the Chareen in “The Shadow Rising,” when Rand announces himself as Car’a’carn. The Chareen Aiel side with Rand and follow him across the Spine of the World and into the western lands (TSR, Ch. 57).
- The clan chief is Erim.
- The only mentioned Wise One is Sorilea.
- There are three known Chareen septs:
- The Jarra
- The White Mountain
- The Cosaida
(References: The Shadow Rising, Chapter 37; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 4)
The Codarra Aiel
Not a whole lot is known about the Codarra Aiel. They are a bit reluctant to join Rand as the Dragon Reborn, as evidenced in their following behind him as he crosses the Spine of the World. They cross as well and follow him to Cairhien, where plans are made shortly thereafter to join him in his cause (TFoH, Ch. 2; Ch. 42; Ch. 45).
- The clan chief is Indirian.
- The only mentioned Wise One is Sarinde.
- The clan hold is at Red Springs Hold.
- The only mentioned sept is the Jaern Rift sept.
(References: The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 2; A Crown of Swords, Chapter 18)
The Daryne Aiel
There is a lack of information as far as the Daryne Aiel are concerned. However, their movements are very similar to those of the Codarra. They were a bit reluctant to join up with Rand and so they followed his movements carefully, until they made their intentions to join Rand known in Cairhien (TFoH, Ch. 2; Ch. 42; Ch. 45).
- The clan chief is Mandelain.
- The Daryne have two known septs:
- Bent Peak
- Shelan
(References: The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 2; A Crown of Swords, Chapter 2; The Path of Daggers, Chapter 29)
The Goshien Aiel
The Goshien Aiel are one of the more well known clans. They had a standing blood feud with the Shaarad clan until, under Rand’s ta'veren influence, the clan chiefs mended fences. They are one of the first clans to have joined with Rand, reaching Alcair Dal before him. They are supportive of Rand and his cause and are sent to Arad Doman to restore order (TDR, Ch. 38; TSR, Ch. 49; TFoH, Ch. 30; KoD, Ch. 18).
- The clan chief is Bael.
- There are two known Wise Ones:
- The clan hold is at Smoke Springs Hold, of which Dorindha is the Roofmistress.
- There are six known septs within the Goshien clan:
- High Plain
- Jhirad
- Mosaada
- Red Salt
- Red Water
- Stones River
(References: The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 38; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 49; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 3; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 17; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 42)
The Miagoma Aiel
The Miagoma clan is one of the lesser-known clans. They, along with the Codarra and the Daryne, have seemingly delayed joining Rand’s cause (TFoH, Ch. 2; Ch. 42; Ch. 45).
- The clan chief is Timolan.
- There are two known Wise Ones:
- There are three known septs:
- Cold Peak
- Smoke Water
- Spine Ridge
(References: The Shadow Rising, Chapter 23; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 2; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 19; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 26; A Crown of Swords, Chapter 2)
The Nakai Aiel
According to “The World of Robert Jordan’s “The Wheel of Time””, the Nakai Aiel were among the four clans who crossed the Spine of the World during the Aiel War. The Nakai Aiel have supported Rand from the beginning (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 14; TFoH, Ch. 2).
- The clan chief is Bruan.
- There are three known Wise Ones:
- The clan hold is at Shiagi Hold.
- There are three known septs:
- Black Cliffs
- Black Water
- Salt Flat
(References: The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 38; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 23; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 49; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 23)
The Reyn Aiel
The Reyn clan was one of the four clans that invaded Cairhien during the Aiel War. They join Rand and his crew at the Jangai Pass (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 14; TFoH, Ch. 20).
- The clan chief is Dhearic.
- There are no known Wise Ones that hail from the Reyn.
- There are two known septs:
- Musara
- Two Spires
(References: The Great Hunt, Chapter 28; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 49; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 20; The Path of Daggers, Chapter 13)
The Shaarad Aiel
The Shaarad clan was among the four that invaded Cairhien during the Aiel War. As Rand moves across the Waste, they are slowly moving towards Alcair Dal, Rand’s final destination. They join him and his cause shortly thereafter (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 14; TSR, Ch. 49; Ch. 57). The Shaarad Aiel had a 400 year old blood feud with the Goshien clan. However, this rift was healed by the two clan chiefs under Rand’s ta’veren influence (TSR, Ch. 49; TFoH, Ch. 30).
- The clan chief is Jheran.
- There are two known Wise Ones:
- There are three known septs:
- Black Rock
- Haido
- Imran
(References: The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 34; The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 38; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 23; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 3)
The Shaido Aiel
- Main article: The Shaido
There is a wealth of information on the Shaido clan. This is due to their infamous behavior at Rhuidean after Rand’s declaration. Their movements are also quite well known. They follow behind Rand as he travels throughout the Waste and they make camp with Rand at Imre Stand. The Shaido hastily break their camp and travel to Alcair Dal in the night and cause trouble for Rand and his followers. They disappear from Alcair Dal, presumably after learning Rand’s intentions, and head towards the Jangai Pass. They pass through it and head towards Cairhien, where they lay siege to the City. Rand follows the Shaido and defeats them in a battle to save Cairhien, where they then move off towards the Kinslayer’s Dagger and build holds for themselves. The Shaido then leave the Kinslayer’s Dagger and head towards Dumai's Wells, where Perrin and the Wise Ones and Perrin’s wolves defeat them soundly. The Shaido survivors start to head east and, with the help of Sammael and his “traveling boxes,” are scattered throughout the land. They move throughout Altara, to avoid Seanchan notice, where they are corned by Perrin at Malden and soundly defeated again. One Shaido Wise One, Therava, then takes command of the remaining Shaido and leads them back into the Waste, never to return (TSR, Ch. 37; Ch. 49; Ch. 50; Ch. 57; Ch. 58; TFoH, Ch. 6; Ch. 20; Ch. 23; Ch. 30; Ch. 44; LoC, Ch. 17; Ch. 53; Ch. 55; ACoS, Ch. 2; Ch. 40; CoT, Ch. 5; Ch. 8; KoD, Ch. 30).
- The clan chief of the Shaido was Suladric, who has since died and was replaced by Sevanna, as she was his wife.
- There are a wealth of Shaido Wise Ones:
- There are also 83 Shaido septs, of which we know seven:
(References: The Shadow Rising, Chapter 23; TSR, Glossary; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 3; A Crown of Swords, Chapter 40; Winter's Heart, Chapter 4; Knife of Dreams, Chapter 5)
The Shiande Aiel
There is very little known about the Shiande clan. They, like the Codarra, Daryne, and Miagoma clans, have been reluctant to side one way or the other in regards to Rand (TFoH, Ch. 2; Ch. 42; Ch. 45).
(References: The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 2; Lord of Chaos, Chapter 19)
The Taardad Aiel
The Taardad Aiel are the most familiar clan amongst the Aiel, outside of the Shaido. Aviendha is a member of the Taardad. The Taardad are the staunchest of Rand’s supporters, sending 15,000 of their spears with Rand as he travels to Alcair Dal. They are not friendly with the Shaido Aiel, finding them shifty and underhanded. The Taardad were among the Aiel that invaded during the Aiel War (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 14; TSR, Ch. 57; KoD, Ch. 18).
- The clan chief is Rhuarc.
- The only known Wise One is Amys.
- The Taardad have the most number of known septs, numbering ten: They have at least forty Septs in total
- Bitter Water
- Bloody Water
- Chumai
- Four Holes
- Four Stones
- Iron Mountain
- Jagged Spire
- Jindo, whose sept chief is Heirn
- Miadi
- Nine Valleys, the sept that Aviendha hails from
- The clan hold is at Cold Rocks Hold, whose Roofmistress is Rhuarc’s wife, Lian.
(References: The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 38; The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 39; The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 54; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 11; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 22; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 34; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 57; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 30; Knife of Dreams, Chapter 18)
The Tomanelle Aiel
The Tomanelle hear Rand’s declarations at Alcair Dal and decide to join him, leaving the Aiel Waste with him when he travels into the Westlands (TSR, Ch. 57).
- The clan chief is Han
- There are three known septs:
- Jenda, with a sept hold at Mainde Cut Hold
- Serai
- Shorara
(References: The Shadow Rising, Chapter 23; The Shadow Rising, Chapter 49; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 23; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 44)