Aiel Warrior Societies
A similar entry appears in the Wheel of Time Companion confirming the information available in the main story arc.
The Aiel Warrior Societies are the organisations to which all Aiel Warriors belong. Each has different customs and duties in battle and members of the same society will not fight each other, even if their clans have blood feud (The Great Hunt, Glossary).
[hide]Seia Doon
The Black Eyes were Couladin's society and vowed not to rest until he was dead.
- Members
Far Aldazar Din
Brothers of the Eagle
- Members
Rahien Sorei
Dawn Runners
Sovin Nai
Knife Hands
- Members
Far Dareis Mai
- Main article: Maidens of the Spear
The Maidens of the Spear is the society which all women who wish to be Warriors join. In battle, they often act as scouts.
Hama N'dore
Mountain Dancers
- Members
Cor Darei
Night Spears
- Members
Aethan Dor
Red Shields often act as police (The Great Hunt, Glossary).
- Members
Shae'en M'taal
Stone Dogs are often used as rear guards and may vow not to retreat, even if this would mean their own deaths (The Great Hunt, Glossary).
- Members
Sha'mad Conde
Thunder Walkers
- Members
Tain Shari
True Bloods
- Members
Duadhe Mahdi'in
Water Seekers
- Members