Tar Valon Times Takeover

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What is the Tar Valon Times Takeover?

The Tar Valon Times Takeover is exactly what it sounds like! For one week at the start of each month from November 2020 to December 2021, each membership group at TarValon.Net will be “taking over” the Tar Valon Times. The aim of the TVT Takeover is to showcase each membership group, their work (inside or outside TarValon.Net), their favourite artists, books, or memes, and much more. Through this series each group will have the opportunity to present their TVT to the readers of the Tar Valon Times, both within TarValon.Net and beyond.

Citizen Edition

In November 2020, the Citizens of TarValon.Net put together the very first Tar Valon Times Takeover! Kicked off by a special note from The Mayor (Jahily al'Karee) the citizens shared a new member's insight on how they came to our community and the inspiration they felt through The Wheel of Time series, a beautiful art piece and a thoughtful review about The Crossroads of Twilight. See below for links to their articles!

Gray Ajah Edition

December 2020 saw a Grayt Tar Valon Times Takeover by the members of the Gray Ajah. The Grays shared their love for the artistic with fantastic graphic design, drawings and even a Wheel of Time inspired photo shoot. Two of their Aes Sedai, mother and daughter also shared their journey to finding their homes in the same Ajah. Check out all their pieces below!

Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb Edition

Kicking off 2021 for the Tar Valon Times Takeover was The Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb Company. A beautiful Oath Road, an exemplary list of service to our community at TarValon.Net and of course a few GIFS shared by the Brown Ajah to help capture the enigma that is Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb. Read more about the creative glass blowing, service and fun that makes Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb who they are.

Brown Ajah Edition

After doing their own mini Takeover within a Takeover last month, February saw the Brown Ajah share their Tar Valon Times Takeover. They started with a wonderful and thought provoking journey through one Brown's reading journey with BIPOC Authors, followed by fun filled GIFS and a beautiful representation of Ferdinand. Check out their diverse range of pieces below!

Novice & Recruit Edition

The Tar Valon Times was taken over in March by the Novices and Recruits of TarValon.Net! They shared why it's better to be a Novice at TarValon.Net than in the books, as well as increasing awareness about Heart Health. Their final gift to us was sharing the process of making a real life Snakes and Foxes game! Let us know if you try making a Snakes and Foxes yourself.

Val'Cueran Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in April 2021 was the Val'Cueran Company! The Wolves stepped up to help an Editor in need and pulled their edition together in record time. They took us on a journey finding a home with the pack, as well as opening our minds with an insight into Divination and an introduction to a beverage close to at least one wolf's heart, Beer! We even managed to snag one of the Val'Cueran guest writers full time!

Dai M'Hael Edition

May 2021 saw a Tar Valon Times Takeover by the Dai M'Hael Company! They shared with us some of the beautiful gifts and stories connected to their bonds and bondmates as well as an informational piece about their Service to the Tower. Let us know if you try out any of the delicious tea recipes shared by their current Company Commander.

White Ajah Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in June 2021.

Blue Ajah Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in July 2021.

Red Ajah Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in August 2021.

Accepted & Soldier Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in September 2021.

Yellow Ajah Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in October 2021.

San d'ma Shadar Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in November 2021.

Green Ajah Edition

Taking over the Tar Valon Times in December 2021.