Nadezhda al'Lanahrin

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Avatar Nadezhda8.png
Nadezhda al'Lanahrin
Nuh-dayz-duh ahl Luh-nah-hrin
Real Name Josephine
Location Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Birthday January 26, 2001
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Blue Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Join Date July 14, 2021
Bonded to
Link to Forum Profile

Blueheader1.png Nadezhda al'Lanahrin is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She joined Tar Valon on 14 July 2021, raised to the Tower on 30 September 2021, raised to the Ring on 25 May 2022, and raised to the Shawl on 11 November 2022.

Contactable via (Personal Email), Josi#9711 (Discord), and Tar Valon.Net Messages.

Blueheader2.png About Nadezhda

"Nadezhda" has origins from Russia and means "hope" in the language of the same. It is pronounced NUH-DAYZ-DUH, however, due to its complicated spelling, it was decided that a nickname was in order, "Nadie" (NAY-DEE). "al'Lanahrin" (AHL-LUH-NAH-HRIN) was a surname pieced together using a name generator, but currently has no meaning, though it is hoped "that through my own actions and words it’ll become unto itself a meaning of its own." al comes from my fondness of the Two Rivers and hrin comes from my fondness of the character Cadsuane Melaidhrin.

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Department of Online Events

Department of Marketing

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Department of Research and Records


  • Chat Operator:
    • October 29, 2022 - March 17, 2023
    • October 20, 2021 - May 1, 2022

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  • "I light a candle to remember who I used to be, so that I may be confident in who I am going to become." ~ Feast of Lights 2021 Devotion

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