TarValon.Net's Community Recap - July 2021
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum
Published: July 31 2021 - Tar Valon Times Blog Link
Big things happened in our community in July! Raisings, a new Bond, Merits, the Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship, news about the Wheel of Time TV show, and…a wedding. Join us for the July 2021 Recap!
There were so many great things happening in our community this month.
- The Merits for July 2021 were awarded. Congratulations to the recipients!
- On July 10, 2021, Leala al’Dareis and Ignis al'Caleum were joined in marriage. Leala is now known as Leala ni al’Dareis t’al’Caleum. (I will also be referring to the Yellow Ajah as my Ajah-in-law at every opportunity.)
- The Outreach Activities Team gave us a day to Embrace our Geekiness! Because, let’s be honest. We need every excuse we can get, right?
- On July 23, San Diego Comic Con posted a video to their SDCC @ Home channels interviewing Rafe Judkins about the upcoming Wheel of Time tv series. We learned about his insights, and he shared with us the first teaser poster at the end of the segment. There was a Discord watch party for the video, and later there was a TVT Blog Post about it!
- The annual Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship was awarded to two applicants!
The Yellow Ajah welcomed home two new siblings! Congratulations!!

We continued to celebrate the beautiful and unique friendships of our community with a new Bond. Jadira Paerael and Sela Narian, both Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, were Bonded in the Light!
Great new teams were selected for important posts!
- The new Outreach Activities Team was announced! Thank you to the out-going team! Congratulations to Atane Valthon, Linkelivar Miou’Mai, Dar’Jen Ab Owain, Aleita Taviah, Mendo Cath, Onis O’Leia.
- New Game Masters were announced. Thank you, Alexstrasz Ruskein and Jocasta Braithe for your work, and congratulations to Thaddius al’Guy and Jocasta for staying on for another term!
- The Mayor announced the new City Council members as well. Thank you to the out-going team! Congratulations to Jocasta Braithe, our new Scribe, Atane Valthon, Leala ni al’Dareis t’al’Caleum, and Merena Orithana, the new City Architects!
It’s time to hire new leaders for a couple of Membership Groups!
- The Department of Membership is hiring for the next Company Commander of Dai M'Hael. Applications close August 4. Thank you, Dnae Ila, for your service.
- The Department of Membership is hiring for the next Head of the Blue Ajah. Applications close August 4. Thank you, Raevyn Tsornin, for your service.