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[[Jadranka]]: A Seanchan officer. He is killed by Karede for his stupidity in 'The Path of Daggers.'
[[Jadranka]]: A Seanchan officer. He is killed by Karede for his stupidity in 'The Path of Daggers.'
[[Jalid Mangonine]]: A merchant from Ancarid. He owns Karede's family.
[[Jalid Magonine]]: A merchant from Ancarid. He owns Karede's family.
[[Jalindin]]: A Seeker for Truth.
[[Jalindin]]: A Seeker for Truth.

Revision as of 03:11, 16 June 2007

Author: Kyria d'Oreyn

Abaldar Yulan: The Captain of the Air. He is in charge of the raken in Ebou Dar.

Ajimbura: Furyk Karede's manservant. He is originally a tribesman from the Kaensada Hills.

Algwyn: The last Emperor to sit on the Crystal Throne.

Alivia: A former Seanchan damane. She now accompanies Rand and guards his back, because she thanks him for removing her collar.

Almurat Mor: A Seeker for Truth. He thinks that Egeanin and the High Lady Suroth have some complex plans for power and are behind Tuon's kidnapping.

Alwhin: A sul'dam. She is raised to Suroth's Voice, the first sul'dam ever to be raised to so'jhin, after finding Renna and Seta collared and reporting this sight to Suroth. She is murdered by Liandrin in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Anghar: A Seanchan soldier.

Arrata: A Seanchan soldier.

Assid Bakuun: A Seanchan commander. He is killed in the battles against Rand.

Atal: A clerk under Blasic Faloun. He works at the raken station in Almizar now.

Aurana: A daughter of the Empress. Her sisters were Chimal, Ravashi and Tuon. She was murdered by Semirhage in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Bakayar Mishima: A captain under Tylee Khirgan.

Bethamin Zeami: A sul'dam. She finds Renna and Seta, but instead of reporting, she flees. She is held captive by Egeanin, but she is released after a Seeker for Truth pays Egeanin a visit. This Seeker wants Bethamin to spy on Egeanin later, which she confesses to her. Egeanin uses her as one of the three sul'dam for Mat's plan to free the captured Aes Sedai. She is from Abunai.

Blasic Faloun: A Seanchan soldier and a former morat'raken. He is now a clerk in Almizar overlooking the usage of raken.

Caban: A Seanchan soldier.

Catrona: A Seanchan sul'dam.

Cerandin: A s'redit trainer. She was left behind at Falme and joins Valan Luca's menagerie.

Charral: A Seanchan damane.

Chianmai: A Banner-General. He is killed when one of his damane loses control of saidar in 'The Path of Daggers.'

Chimal: A daughter of the Empress. Her sisters were Aurana, Ravashi and Tuon. She was murdered by Semirhage in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Chisen: A general of the Ever-Victorious Army.

Chulein: A morat'raken.

Dali: A Seanchan damane. Her sister is Dani.

Dani: A Seanchan damane. Her sister is Dali.

Efraim Yamada: A Captain-General. He is also one of the low Blood. He is married to Riselle.

Egeanin Sarna/Tamarath: A Seanchan Captain. She was raised to one of the low Blood and Captain of the Green by Suroth and chose the surname Tamarath. She and Bayle Domon were supposed to dispose of the male a'dam, but she had to give it to Suroth. After escaping Ebou Dar with Mat, Tuon strips her off her titles and renames her Leilwin Shipless. She later marries Bayle Domon.

Eliya: A morat'raken. She is killed during the attack on the Kin's farm.

Essonde: A Seanchan der'sul'dam. She is in charge of the damane and sul'dam in the Tarasin Palace.

Falendre: A Seanchan sul'dam. She accompanies Semirhage, who is disguised as Tuon, to her meeting with Rand.

Furyk Karede: A Banner-General of the Deathwatch Guard. He was married to Kalia and had three sons, one of them dead. He and Musenge lead a force of soldiers in search of the kidnapped Daughter of the Nine Moons.

Gamel Loune: A Banner-General. He is from Dalenshar.

Gille: A Seanchan damane. She is killed during a battle in 'The Path of Daggers.'

Gueye Arabah: A young lieutenant under Tylee Khirgan.

Gurat: A commander under Gamel Loune.

Huon: The High Lord Turak's so'jhin and probably his Voice. He was killed by Fain in 'The Great Hunt.'

Ianelle: A Seanchan sul'dam.

Iona: A Seanchan sul'dam.

Jadranka: A Seanchan officer. He is killed by Karede for his stupidity in 'The Path of Daggers.'

Jalid Magonine: A merchant from Ancarid. He owns Karede's family.

Jalindin: A Seeker for Truth.

Jillari: A Seanchan damane. She was captured and taken to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, where they try to remove her collar.

Jini: A Seanchan damane. Rand almost kills himself, Jini and her sul'dam when he tries to remove her collar.

Jinjin: A Seanchan damane.

Kalia Karede: Furyk Karede's wife. She died in the Great Fires of Sohima.

Kennar Miraj: A Captain-General. He is killed in the battles against Rand in 'The Path of Daggers.'

Lidya: A Seanchan damane. She has the Talent of Foretelling. She Foretold for Tuon whom she is going to marry.

Lisaine Jarath: A der'sul'dam. She is from Seandar.

Lunal Galgan: A Captain-General. He is also one of the Blood.

Macu: A morat'raken. She is killed during the attack on the Kin's farm.

Mantual: Gamel Loune's manservant. He is originally from Pujili.

Marille: A Seanchan damane. She was captured and taken to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, where they try to remove her collar.

Marli: A Seanchan sul'dam.

Mehtan: A clerk under Blasic Faloun in Almizar. He dies of spewing beetles in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Melitene: Tuon's personal der'sul'dam.

Mikhel Najirah: A Banner-General.

Morsa: A Seanchan noblewoman.

Musenge: A Captain of the Deathwatch Guard. He accompanies Karede in search of the kidnapped Daughter of the Nine Moons.

Mulaen: A Seanchan woman, possibly der'sul'dam, in charge of damane in Falme.

Neferi: Tuon's former Truthspeaker. She is killed by Semirhage.

Nerith: A Seanchan sul'dam. She is captured by Asha'man.

Radhanan: The Empress of Seanchan. Her daughters were Aurana, Chimal, Ravashi and Tuon. She was murdered by Semirhage in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Ravashi: A daughter of the Empress. Her sisters were Aurana, Chimal and Tuon. She was murdered by Semirhage in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Renna Emain: A sul'dam. She collars Egwene, but is collared herself when Elayne and Nynaeve free Egwene. She is found by Alwhin and not allowed to "be complete" thereafter. She is one of the sul'dam to help in freeing the captured Aes Sedai. She betrays Mat's group and is killed in 'Crossroads of Twilight.'

Rosala: A Seanchan woman in Suroth's service.

Sarek: A Seanchan nobleman.

Selucia: Tuon's so'jhin. She was Tuon's nursemaid and bodyguard since the younger woman's birth. She stays as her chief maid of her own free will.

Seri: A Seanchan damane.

Sera: A Seanchan damane.

Serrisa: A Seanchan damane. Egeanin purchased her, but has to leave her in Cantorin.

Seta Zarbey: A sul'dam. She is collared when Elayne and Nynaeve free Egwene. She is found by Alwhin and not allowed to "be complete" thereafter. She is one of the sul'dam to help in freeing the captured Aes Sedai.

Surela: A Seanchan woman; probably a der'sul'dam.

Surine: A sul'dam. She deserted after Falme and her fate is unknown.

Suroth Sabelle Meldarath: A High Lady and a Darkfriend. After Turak's death, she takes over the command of the Forerunners. She orders the attack on Tarabon and then Amadicia. After the Empress' death, she wants to claim the title herself and sends her men to kill Tuon. She fails and is reduced to being da'covale.

Taisa: A sul'dam.

Tauan: A morat'raken. She is killed during the attack on the Kin's farm.

Tehan: The captain of the Victory of Kidron.

Tiras: First Captain of the Seanchan forces in Ebou Dar.

Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag: The Daughter of the Nine Moons. Her sisters were Aurana, Chimal and Ravashi. She comes with the Return to rule the Westlands. After the mourning for her mother is over, she will officially become the new Empress of Seanchan. She is married to Matrim Cauthon.

Turak Aladon: A High Lord and a blademaster. He led the Hailene and took over Falme. He was killed by Rand in 'The Great Hunt.'

Turan: A Lieutenant-General. He is pursuing Rodel Ituralde with his forces.

Tylee Khirgan: A Banner-General. She makes an agreement with Perrin to help him rescue Faile.

Varek: A Seanchan soldier.

Yuril: Tuon's Secretary and head of her Seekers.

Zaired Elbar: A Seanchan Soldier and a Darkfriend. He was in Suroth's service. He was killed in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Zakai: A Seanchan damane.