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Responses to the Announcement of Padra Sedai's passing

Lenore Carvoe She's been such a strong woman.
Takara Nimodo I didn't know her and I don't know how active she was while I've been here but my thoughts are with her family and friends.

"The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home."

Serinia Edoras I will look to the mourning place on the site to share my own memories of Padra and my incredible sense of loss.

Here I will add only a short note that following the information to be shared regarding the memorial services I will be assisting with lodging/hotel suggestions as needed. I will share more as logistics are solidified.

Kariada Kunai She will be missed. My prayers are with Tricia and her family.
Skaya Tristian She was an amazing woman.. She will be missed but may she find peace and happiness without pain now that she has gone home.. It's sad news to hear.

My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.

"The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home."

Eleyan Teyal Al'Landerin It was very, very quick, which I suppose is something to take comfort in. This time last week she was still mobile, updating her face book status and making plans for the future. It happened so quickly there was no time to mount an effort, but it is not such a bad thing that it was not drawn out. She did know how much she meant to all of us. I'm sure of it.

I still wish I could have told her one more time.

At this point, I am sure the cards sent will comfort her family. We will be waiting for service details, and will be sending flowers from all of us here. I know those of us who can attend will be, and we will make sure to tell her family how much she meant to so many of us.

Azi al'Thone I didn't have much of a chance to know her... but I had the pleasure of meeting her in April, and it indeed was a pleasure. She seemed happy and joyful despite her struggle, and I can only attest to everything already said, even in the short time that I spent with her.

Laura's and my deepest sympathies to her family, and all of her friends here.

Liathiana e'Kellenit My heart and prayers go out to her family and loved ones during this difficult time.
Aerien Millefiori She was my Shendar, and I was so proud to be able to call her my friend. Padra was the absolute epitome of Aes Sedai and all that we strive for here.

I don't have the right words now to express everything I want to say

Jeffan Caliarthan I'll be thinking of her and her family. From the very little I remember of her (and I had to dig up her avatar to remember even that, unfortunately), she was always a very positive person, and that's something to value in life, and be proud of. I wish her and her family the best, and I hope that she's found peace.
Valorian Edoras :(
Murasaki al'Aevon <3
Kerna Shedrian Happy Home-going, Sister.
Aintza Bisera I didn't know Padra well, but she was an extremely giving and wonderful person. She was always positive and a light in our Chambers. She will be missed greatly, and I wish I had gotten to know her more.
Nyarin al'Batera Padra was an amazing woman, she approached her life with such positivity and strength. I really wish I had got to know her better.
Sonea Ilandred Happy Home-Going Sister

As Aintza said, I didn't know her greatly but was amazed by her strength and compassion. She will be missed.

Vivianna L'antreau I love you Padra.
Willow al'Meana I am truly in shock... I didn't know her very long... but the little time I did... I am honoured to have had... she truly was an amazing woman and someone I looked up to as a Sister in our Ajah.

Happy Home-going Sister, I know I speak for our Ajah and community when I say that you will be greatly missed.

Melana al'Caireira
Leilwyn al'Raen Can't think of the right words to say...
Ciaran al'Trystan It says such wonderful things about her that her passing affects our community this way.

Sometimes it's best to let others speak for us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btOC3pk-tFo I don't remember how to do the text link thing...

Anya Valerin You will be missed Padra. I was honored to call you sister.
Bryce al'Mara I did not know Padra but from what I have heard I know she was a great person. My prayers will be with her family. Happy home-going Padra.
Faeril Munlear I just read her Facebook before seeing this post and I can't express how I feel right now, but I'll be sure to share my happy memories when that forum is opened.

Love and miss you, Padra. <3

Rasken May the Creator shelter you in the palm of his hand, Padra Sedai. You were loved, and you will be missed. bye
Ubahsur Kindellaer
Jaim al`Bearach Such sad news

My thoughts and condolences for her family..

Atreyu Silverstar May the hand of the Creator shelter you, and the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home Padra Sedai.
Arie Davion I posted it on FB, but... Tricia, I wish I could have met you. You seemed such a beautiful person and welcoming when I visited the Blue's. "Lyet aes sedai sagain. Lyet. Tai'Shan'Mael mahdi isain logoth calichniye. Cuerbiyari an calichniye'drelle sagain. Ji'moridin hei. Hei Mashiara. Hei." May the Light of the world guide you home, as you have guided those you touched towards the Light.
Locus Sarania I may not have known you but from what I see you will be missed. Happy Home Going.
Lireina Sedai I'm stunned.

My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved her- she was a very friendly and warm person, and a wonderful presence here in Tar Valon.

"On sleepless roads, the sleepless go... may angels lead you in."

Happy Home-Going, Padra.

Kiana a'Jadein
Miriya ay'Anne Light guide you home, Sister.

And my thoughts to you, and your family. May they find comfort.

Manora al'Sara Padra was an amazing woman, whom I am honoured to have been able to call sister. My thoughts are with all her family and friends.
Alessandra Estelle She was one of the nicest people I ever knew
Ebona din Casei I'm shocked, I really didn't think it would happen this quickly. I didn't know Padra well, but this is affecting me more than I thought it would. My thoughts go out to her friends and family. May she be remembered for the life she lived, the people she touched, the difference she made. I honor her memory.

Good bye, Sister.

by Estalia Walburga

by Ben al'Den I had no idea any of this was going on (tells you how often I check facebook

by Yelenia Hylraren I'm going to miss her very, very much. I was honored to work with her, to call her Sister, and to call her friend.

by Katarianna I've had the hardest time explaining to my coworkers why I'm crying. How do you tell them that someone you've seen in person a dozen times and who lived across the US had such an impact on your life? How do you explain that they were so special to you and not sound like an idiot?

May the Creator (both of them) shelter you in the palm of their hand. You will be truly missed.

by Adriana al'Tere The world's a little darker without her here.

Happy home-going, Padra.

by Keisha al'Benn Happy Home Going Sister

by Melisande Arneil My condolences to Padra's family...she will be missed here

by Azrael Tricia was one of the kindest, most vibrant people I've had the privilege to know. Losing her is truly a great loss for those of us who had the chance to know her as well as a loss for those that never had the opportunity to know her.

by Tallan Oh no.

I never spoke to her privately, and we never interacted much on the site, but all my thoughts with those who knew and loved her.

by Yavahnin Deomohntist Very sad new's indeed. Her suffering is over now. God bless her.

My thoughts and prayer go out to her family and friends.

by Yarrow Al'Vare I did not know her, nor have I ever spoken with her, but this news makes me sad all the same. My condolences go to her family.

by Satara al'Caelahn I never met her, but still, I am in tears. The way people speak of her makes me sad that I never got the opprotunity to talk to her.

My heartfelt wishes go out to her spirit, and her family, that all may find peace.

May the last embrace of the mother welcome you home.

by Vallen Draevis My thoughts and prayers go to her family and friends.

by Jadira Paerael Padra I missed the chance to meet you in September, I am saddened by this.

I looked up to you and was inspired by your courage and kindness. I am more than proud to call her my sister and friend.

words do no justice for the way i feel right now. My thoughts and prayers are with her family, and those of us who will miss her.

Happy Home-Going Padra, love.

May your sunshine and light in this world always shine from above.

by Jodea Kegan Happy Home Going Tricia, you will be missed

by Aria Vanth Happy home-going Padra Sedai. You will be missed by many. I never met you but it sure says a lot about a person when I knew OF you. So many that have met you have told me what a wonderful person you are. Rest in peace sweetheart.

by Alena Mysana Can't even type without bawling. Going to miss you so much, Tricia!

by Ban AlSeen my tears are of my selfishness in my loss, may you rest well and in joy, without pain or blame. "The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home." you will be sorely missed sister.

by Valena Dalmere Padra was an incredibly strong and inspiring woman. You will be greatly missed Sister

by Tian el' Nvidia

I am very blessed I had the chance of meeting Tricia, and it breaks my heart knowing others won't have the chance to meet the truly amazing woman that she was.

"While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet her behind the veil."

Happy home-going, Tricia.

by Elays Saeryn

by Asalyn al' Morin Happy Home-Going Padra Sedai. You are an inspiration to many including myself.

My thoughts and prayers to the family in this time of need!!!

by Meilen Gevedon Thoughts for her family. You will be missed, Padra.

by Xylina Tyloredrid As another who never knew her, my thoughts and prayers for her family and friends. Happy home-going, Padra.

by Yveva Padra always seemed like an incredibly centered, caring, thoughtful woman to me I will certainly miss her in Blue and around the site as a whole. Cancer absolutely sucks. Perhaps for this year's Yule charity we could contribute to something cancer related, perhaps something that helps the families of people with cancer?

by Hanajima al'Cere I never knew Padra Sedai, but just reading everyone's memories, and looking at all the pictures makes me feel like I know her. I'm so sad I didn't get to see her.

by Deoan Kakarot

by Ma'sayna Damara I did not get a chance to know Padra Sedai but I am sorry to hear of her passing. Happy Home Going.

by Sataere Thruthheim Those of you who know and remember me, know that I am generally a sarcastic ass who takes nothing seriously. But I had to make a point of coming here to say just how sad this news has made me. Padra was a sweet, amazing person and I cannot but help that this world is going to be a shade more gray with her gone. I remember her at the Las Vegas party, the only time I had the privilege to meet her in real life, and my wife and I had a wonderful lunch with her before we had to drive back to California. She was just a warm, caring individual and it is just a shame that terrible things have to happen to such wonderful people. I will miss you greatly, Padra.

by Daria alFalcoon May the hand of the Creator shelter you, and the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home Padra Sedai

by Dwynwen al'Muir I was lucky to have met Padra in person. I spent some time with her at the last JordanCon. She was a sweet and beautiful person, one whom I'm proud to have had in my Ajah.

Your Blues miss you, Tricia.

by Moira Dayen I have been away from the site for a while so I don't recall ever chatting with Padra; but the loss is huge nonetheless and my thoughts and prayers are with her family. What a shame that I didn't have the opportunity to meet her. From what I've read in this thread she seemed like an amazing person. May the light shine on her soul and her family...

by Ismene Gillandred I am stunned and saddened.

by AXIS Ah no not Padra.

Will be thinking of her family.

by Eilidh Arimath Happy home-going, Padra. May the light shine on your loved ones in this time of loss.

by Rehtaeh al'Navi Happy home-going Padra Sedai. My thoughts are with Tricia's family and her TV.net family during this time. "The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home."

by Raylin

by Osaka Happy home-going, Sister. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

by Kiante Draktis I did not get the chance to know her, regrettably. I honor her though, as an Aes Sedai, and from what I gather, a great woman. I have every hope that I will meet her one day, but until then, I'm sure she will be sorely missed. My condolences to her family and all her friends. Happy home-going Padra Sedai.

by Adina al'Mari I am honoured to have known you Padra, and to have called you a Sister!

by Eniara Kisharad It didn't matter who was there or what was going on, when Padra walked into a room it brightened. She was tireless about putting others first. She saw the glass "half full." She went out of her way to listen, to support, to challenge, to commiserate, to inspire, and above all to lift others up. She embodied what it means to be Aes Sedai.

I have a stuffed jackalope that Padra, out of the blue, bought for me at 5th Anni. She found it amusing my being the Brown rebel with a jackalope pet instead of a dust bunny, and when she saw him she thought of me. I woke up one morning to this flying fluffy thing hitting me in the head, and ever since Graham has traveled across multiple continents and countries with me, to Tower parties and every time I've moved. He sits here next to me now, and I shall hug this fluffy toy and remember a friend who was one of the most beautiful souls I've ever been blessed to meet.

Goodbye, my sister. Happy home-going, and keep the kettle on for the day we meet once more.

by Cataia Sylvianya Oh Padra, happy home going.

I'm at a loss for words.

by Heron Tallamand Very sad to hear that

All my best wishes for her and her family!

by Relinya Ryviarra I am speechless.

Happy home going Padra.

by Onis O'Leia I unfortunately never got to know Padra Sedai, but I'm still very sad to hear that she passed away.

Happy Home-going, Padra Sedai.

by Pylar al'Stnap I, like many others, am completely speechless. She was a gorgeous person through and through, and always had the ability to take the serious as well as he humorous. She was so strong, never complaining. I met her only a few times (wow, was Vegas that long ago?) but she always had a smile and a hug. This world has truly lost a special lady.

by Alyssa Happy Home-going Padra. You will be missed and remembered.

by Mhor Sedai Happy Home going Tricia. You will always be one of my favourite five's!

by Taika Vinh My condolences to all who knew her. Happy home-going, Sister.

by Naitsirk Boloo Happy home-going Tricia!

by Tree I knew you far too little and had not seen you in years, still this is such a sad loss. It is with a heavy heart I join everyone in saying, may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home Padra.

PS: Cancer SUCKS.

by Rhianna Solstice I have no words today, other than Good Bye Sweet Sister!

by Sayerin Assnobahr I extremely enjoyed the time you were my Shendar and Sister, most of all a friend! Ihope you are now in the Kingdom of Light! You will always live in my heart! Good bye, lovely!

by Troy Valthaven Tricia was a beautiful, caring and wonderful person and I count myself lucky to have had the privilege of meeting her IRL, if only once. She will be missed.

by Velaris Ly'enn Happy home-going, Padra!

by Euriel Than Wow that is so very sad.

She was a great Aes Sedai and an amazing woman, friend and sister.

May she live on in our hearts and our minds forever as a scientific fact that I find comfort in times of loss like this is that all that she is or was still lives on in the universe. Every atom that made up every fibre of her being is still with us in the world and always will be, weither it be in the ground, the air or the seas.

May she be remembered by us all as a sister, not just in title but in truth. As part of our family she will always be our sister and though she's gone she will always be Padra Sedai of the Blue Ajah.

May her name live on with her memory in every place of honor.

Goodbye Padra We love you.

by Gedhan Audax I never met this Aes Sedai and judging from the response to this thread, that was a my loss. When we pass all that is left of us is the memories of our friends and from this thread there are some very warm and powerful memories of Padra Sedai still going on after her, my condolences to her family and all those who knew her.

by Addelyn al'Vera Serenla called me yesterday as soon as she heard the news. The weight of losing her has not struck me until this morning when I have come to find myself in tears. She was an absolutely fantastic person with the brightest and most beautiful of souls. Her heart was strong and she always gave the warmest hugs. I adored Padra and she was one of the inspirational Aes Sedai that influenced my life. Happy home-going, Tricia. You will be missed.

by Aavyn Eirinon Needless to say, she will be greatly missed

by Ivanor Winshaw I never had the pleasure of meeting or talking with Padra Sedai, and I can sense from the comments of other members that I have missed out on a very rare woman and a ray of sunshine. My thoughts and prayers go out to all that knew her. She will be missed.

by Miriama ti Casside While I did not have the opportunity to know Padra Sedai, I can see from everyone's posts that she was a wonderful person. My heart goes out to all her knew her.

by Saviendha Seara I had a card all ready to mail this morning, but I will put Padra's family in my prayers.

by Guest My thoughts go out to her friends and family. Happy home-going Padra.

by Aran Cherubim I'm afraid I hadn't seen this before now. My thoughts and prayers go to her family and closest.

by Ennairam Lamp Happy Home-going.

by Kaizu Lancari I sadly never got the chance to meet Padra, but my prayers go out to her family and friends, that they may find strength and solace during this time.

by Chorysteana Dovienya It is a shame that it took this tragedy to pull me out of my isolation from Tar Valon. I didn't know Padra nearly as well as I wish. Hearing of this loss affected me more that I'd have thought. Padra, Trisha, you will be missed.

by Winterdawn Lor'ee I am saddened that I never had the opportunity to meet her.

The Light shine on you, Padra Sedai, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the Mother welcome you home.

by Arafel al Dama

by Kindhrara al'Mayn Since I am a newbie, I don't know who Padra Sedai was, but it is very touching to see the engagement about her passing away.

"The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home."

by Asine Dormandi My heart and thoughts go to her family.

Happy home-going, Padra Sedai.

by Mariasha Casindred It is hard to deal with death when things had been looking up, when it seems that things are still hopeful and possible, but it sounds like she had a good outlook on things and that she felt that death wasn't the end. Her family is in my prayers and I regret that I never knew her here on the site. She sounded like an absolutely wonderful woman and sister.

by vornskyr I am new here, and am probably speaking out of turn, especially since I did not know Padra Sedai, but I just wanted to say I am sorry for the loss to her friends and family, and to this community and my thoughts are with her family and friends. ~RiKson A.

by Lillian O' Neeus I didn't know Padra and I am saddened by this fact.

My heart and thoughts go out to her friends and family.

by Eleyan Sedai Well wishes are always welcome. For those who did not know her personally, she was a member of incredible regard for over 8 years. She helped shape this place, so even if you didn't get to hug her, she is part of your extended family.

by Arafel al Dama And will always will be part of our family

A forever sister

by Twibli Abaru I love you and you will always be in a special place in my heart my

Your bravery and strength, inspiration and compassion for others will never be forgotten. You will always have a special place in my heart. I wish you peace. Fly free and in peace my beloved heart sister

by Wen Chang Just want to let the Blues and all of Padra's friends that you - and she - are in my thoughts and prayers. The old saw "Friends are the family you choose for yourself" resonates through this community on a daily basis. It is clear to those of us who didn't know her just what a great person we missed out on, making it easy to see the devastation of her loss. I wish you all strength and resilience as you adjust to your loss. My PM box is available to anyone who needs to talk. Dry shoulders and zipped lips are the house speciality.

by Lyara Tieran

by Bridonna Desini I've been fortunate to have meet Padra in person a few times throughout the years. For someone I had spent so little time with in person, she's had a huge impact on my life. I cannot remember her face without a smile on it. I know she changed me for the better. It makes me smile and cry to think of everyone else she must of touched.

You will be missed, Tricia.

May the hand of the Creator shelter you, and the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home.

by Adameus Kandahari Happy home going Padra. You will be missed by all of us.

by Shara Nevan Happy home going Padra, you will be missed dear one.

by krenae My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.

by Anouar Cyadrin Happy home-going, Padra Sedai. My thoughts are with her family and her friends.

by Nandi el'Shahir I am sorry to not have met Padra Sedai (either here on the forums or in real life), she seems like a wonderful person. My thoughts and prayers are with her friends and family.

by Enya Tawarwaith My thoughts go to her friends and family I never knew Padra personally, but I remember seeing her around

May the hand of the Creator shelter you, and the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home.

by Wil Cambrae I've known her for many years, met her at many events, and all I remember is her smile and spirit. Go with the Light.

by Hilwa Katir I got to know Padra while Guesting with the Blues and when I read your post on facebook, it took a moment for me to "deal". I didn't know her very long but again I am reminded of how invested I am emotionally to those of us who belong in this MY TarValon.Net family.

قدوس الله، قدوس القوي، قدوس الذي لا يموت ارحمنا

O Lord of spirits and of all flesh, Who has trampled down Death and overthrown the Devil, and given life unto Your world, give, eternal rest to the soul of Your departed servant, in a place of brightness, in a place of verdure, in a place of repose, from whence all pain, sorrow, and sighing, have fled away. Pardon every transgression which may have been committed, whether by word or deed or thought. For there is no one who lives and does not commit a sin. You only are without sin, Your righteousness is everlasting, and Your word is the Truth. For You are the Resurrection, and the Life, and the repose of Your departed servant, O Christ our God, and unto You we ascribe glory, together with eternal the Father, and Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and for ages to come." Amen "May our gracious and merciful Lord, who rose from the dead, Christ, our True God, through the intercessions of His Holy Mother and of all the Saints, establish the soul of His departed servant in the mansions of the righteous; give rest in the bosom of Abraham, and number his soul among the just, and have mercy upon us and save us".

May your Memory Padra (Tricia) Sedai be ETERNAL!!

Happy home-going Padra!!! (Say hi to my dad, June,and please dance with Ashley)

by Alondrian This is indeed very sad, and I feel bad I did not see this sooner. My thoughts and prayers are with Padra and her family. My the light embrace you always.

by Eirlys Sedai My deepest sympathies go to her Ajah, to her family, and to her friends.

I did not know Padra well at all, but I do know how it feels to loose someone to his horrible disease. I know my words probably don't make your heart any lighter, but I do hope they provide a cushion of sorts, to help protect you as you grieve.

May she always rest in peace, with the knowledge that she is missed by the ones who love her.

by Vuk al' Kara I never knew Padra Sedai, but the sadness that is in our communities hearts is great and that sadness is shared by me.

We all must wake from the dream one day.

by Bashere While I did not Know Padra Sedai at all. My condolences go out to her family and friends.

by Eleyan Sedai Hilwa, that was a beautiful eulogy.

by Eleyan Sedai From the faith I was raised in:

Give rest, O Christ, to they servant with thy saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting. Thou only art mortal. The creater and maker of mankind; and we are mortal, formed of the earth and until earth we shall return. For so didst ordain when thou creasdst me, saying, "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt though return." All we return to the dust; yet even at the grave we make our song:

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Give rest, O Christ, to thy servant with thy saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.

Into thy hands, O merciful Savior, we commend thy servant Tricia. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech thee, a sheep of thine own fold, a lamb of thine own flock, a sinner of thine own redeeming. Receieve her unto the arms of thy mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious compaby of the saints in light.

by Marrow Rahien I've seen post after post from people offering such incredible sentiments, couched with the disclaimer "I didn't know her/I never met her/etc, etc" and the end result of all those posts has been an incredible anger on my part. I too never knew Tricia all that well, but unlike most, I could have. We lived in the same city for Christ's sake, not to mention all the functions and parties we attended together. I'm a hyper-social animal, and I knew that we were friends, but I never pushed to really develop it. Getting to know Tricia better kept slipping on the unofficial to do list, time and time again. Sure, there were reasons for that, good reasons too. But in retrospect they all feel like nothing more than mounds of ash.

I knew Tricia was a good person, anyone who spent more than ten minutes with her should know that, but I never really got to find out first hand just how great a person she was, and now I never can. I'm sorry I didn't find the time, Tricia. May the chance come again, one day.

by Arisaema Draconis Padra Sedai presented herself in a quiet and elegant manner. She exuded love and hospitality to all she met. Her soft laugh could lift a heavy heart and bring sunshine where there had only been rain.

Now she dons a celestial body and continues to higher enlightenment. A Soul Complete.

With great affection and wonderful memories I bid her farewell.

by Keara Careen I met Tricia only once in RL, and she was one of the most welcoming and warm individuals I've met. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.

by Hilwa Katir Thank you Mother.

Marrow Gaidin, I feel your pain. It's very easy to get caught up in life..

by Blu al'Eloquene My deepest condolences to the Blue Ajah and to all of Padra Sedai's friends and family--in Tar Valon and in life--in the face of such anguishing loss. In your good deeds and in your happy moments, her legacy will continue to live on. Thank you, Padra Sedai, for choosing to spend your precious earthly moments with us.

by Natalya Laragan My condolences and sympathies to her family, her friends here and and elsewhere and the Blue Ajah. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

by Magdalenna t'Zai The subject matter I work with is almost entirely cancer-related, but it's one thing to read about it and quite another to hear of its effects so close to home. All I can do is be thankful that I know for a fact just how much research is being put into finding better ways to detect and treat breast cancer.

Padra's family and friends are in my thoughts.

by Naynay Rolain I belive I met her, and if she is the same person I am thinking of she was the first to greet me,give me a hug and make me feel at ease. And I will never forget that. She showed me what Tarvlon was really about friendship and careing, and I've never looked back. I will always be a citizen but I will always be part of this great place as long as I'm aloud.

May you always shine in the light in whatever world your in Padra Sedai.

by Saminda Meltacia I didn't know her but I remember her name and avatar from the forums. My condolences to her family and loved ones.

by Rhaemyn Dezelyen I didn't know Padra Sedai, or anyone else here for that matter, but its nice to see everyone come together with warm thoughts for her and her family. Its good to see that Aes Sedai here truly viewed her as a sister. Its makes me glad to be a part of this community...

...thanks Padra

by Muerandah d'Acre May the lord keep you and hold you dearly in his hand. You were a joy to know. God bless your family in this time.

by Myleaha I did not know her but, reading what you all have to say and just the general idea of someone so cherished passing on, is a loss to us all.

by Mystica Ari'Yena Much strength to all who knew her. May they be comforted in the knowledge that, through them, our Sister still lives now and for all time free of pain and restrictions.


by Isarma Maracanda I wish I could have participated, but I was away for a few days

I remember well when she told us about her having such a nasty cancer, she was so decided to fight it. I often thought about her and prayed she would succeed. Her courage and strength in this fight are an example for us all

by Andwin de'Gothia It is always sad when people pass away.

"May the Light shine upon your soul Padra Sedai"

by Laithean Al'Grifendora

Always sung at a passing in my family:

Tis the last rose of summer, Left blooming alone, All her lovely companions Are faded and gone. No flow'r of her kindred No rosebud is nigh To reflect back her blushes, Or give sigh for sigh.

I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, To pine on the stem, Since the lovely are sleeping, Go, sleep thou with them

Thus kindly I'll scatter Thy leaves o'er the bed, Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentless and dead.

So soon may I follow When friendships decay; And from love's shining circle The gems drop away When true hearts lie wither'd And fond ones are flow'n Oh! Who would inhabit This bleak world alone?

by Jynaeve Katsaphira If you get there before I do, don't give up on me. I'll meet you when my chores are through. I don't know how long I'll be. But I'm not gonna let you down. Darlin', wait and see. And between now and then, 'til I see you again I'll be loving you.

Love, Me

by Jeem al'Cazar I did not know Padra Sedai, as I tended to lurk on only the book discussion forums, but I do know that to lose someone in the community is a large blow to that community, regardless of whether or not that community is online (like Tar Valon.net) or a tiny hamlet in the mountains.

To Padra Sedai's family, you have my sincerest condolences on your loss. She is in a better place now, with no more pain, looking down on you.

by Maris de Casside I did not know Padra Sedai. But, to see the out-pouring of love and support it shows that she was and is indeed an outstanding person. You are on another journey Pedra, one that we can't share but, light willing we will all meet up again with you someday and rejoice in being together once again. Maris

by Ariendla Al'Vala O my God! I did not know Prada, but my deepest condolences, especially to those people who had the pleasure of meeting her. I'm sorry for you all and for her.

by Sparrow I wish I could have known her. Go with the Light.

by Samael Demonbane Never really knew her, but if it means anything, May you shelter in the hand of the Creator and may the final embrace of the mother welcome you home.

by Eleyan Sedai Hey Tricia, beautiful lady.... There is a tribute coming to you that would have tickled you pink. Even I could not have imagined it.

You will never be forgotton, my dear friend. Your name will be around for a very, very long time. I wish I had known in time to tell you. But regardless, it will bring comfort to those who love you. You would have squealed and laughed.

I love and miss you so much.