Asha'man Character List
Author: Kyria d'Oreyn
Abors: An Asha'man who willingly went to Taim's faction. He was killed by a paranoid Even Vinchova
Algarin Pendaloan: A Soldier. He is Lord of the Land from Tear; when he learns he can channel, he leaves for the Black Tower, where he calls himself Emarin
Androl Genhald: A Dedicated. He is originally from Tarabon. He has a talent for Traveling and is able to create large gateways, even though he should not be strong enough. He is loyal to Logain and becomes the leader of that faction once Logain takes the strongest members with him. He is bonded by Pevara and bonds her in retaliation and leads the Asha'man to free Logain from Taim.
Antail: Antail is one of the Asha'man Rand sends to Rodel in Saldaea. He seems to have a Talent for Healing as he Heals both Rodel and Deepe
Arel Malevin: An Asha'man. He is originally from Cairhien and has bonded Aisling Noon.
Arlen Nalaam: A Soldier. He fights with Rand against the Seanchan. He is apparently from Arad Doman.
Atal Mishraile: An Asha'man. He is one of Taim's men. Near the end of the Last Battle, trapped in a stedding by Androl and his companions.
Awlsten: An Asha'aman with Rodel
Binde: An Asha'man with Rodel at the beginning of the fighting in the Valley of Thakan'dar.
Canler: A Dedicated. He reports to Logain. He is originally from Andor. He is left in the Black Tower when Logain collects men to fight with Rand and Rodel.
Charl Gedwyn: An Asha'man. He is one of Taim's men. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He is killed by Fain in 'Winter's Heart.'
Coteren: An Asha'man loyal to Taim
Cuellar: An Asha'man of unknown rank
Damer Flinn: A Dedicated who is later promoted to Asha'man. He is among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He is apparently from Andor and is bonded to Corele Hovian. He is one of the few that Rand trusts and accompanies him to the meeting with Tuon. He survives the Last Battle, but loses an arm.
Deepe Bhadar: An Andoran Asha'man loyal to Rand who helped Rodel Ituralde defend Saldaea against Trolloc incursion. He is killed near Tarwin's gap trying to fight Taim.
Desautel: An Asha'man Dedicated who fought at the Last Battle. He was one of the survivors Logain gathered to try and find Sakarnen and the one to identify it
Dobser: An Asha'man turned to the Shadow by Taim
Donalo Sandomere: A Dedicated. He was among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. He reports to Logain. He is apparently from Tear and has bonded Ayako Norsoni. He was turned to the Shadow by Taim and trapped in a stedding by Androl and his companions.
Eben Hopwil: A Dedicated who is promoted to Asha'man in 'The Path of Daggers.' He was among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He was bonded to Daigian. He was killed at the cleansing of saidin when he tried to protect his group from Aran'gar.
Einar: An Asha'man involved in the Last Battle where he was killed by Demandred
Enkazin: A Soldier at the Black Tower. He is originally from Saldaea.
Evin Vinchova: A Dedicated. He reported to Logain until being turned by Taim. Androl persuaded him to kill Abors, and he was killed by Taim
Fager Neald: A soldier who is later promoted to Asha'man. He was among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. He is with Perrin's group. He is originally from Murandy.
Fanshir: An Asha'man who was once a scholar.
Fedwin Morr: A Dedicated who is promoted to Asha'man by Rand in 'The Path of Daggers.' He was among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. Rand poisoned him when he went mad in 'The Path of Daggers.'
Hardlin: An Asha'man of unknown rank. He is loyal to Logain
Jahar Narishma: A Soldier who is later promoted to Dedicated and then to Asha'man. He was among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He is originally from Arafel and bonded to Merise Haindehl. Rand trusts him to an extent and sent him to fetch Callandor from the Stone.
Jonan Adley: A Soldier who is later promoted to Dedicated. He is originally from Altara. He was among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. He is killed during the skirmishes with the Seanchan, when Rand uses Callandor in 'The Path of Daggers.'
Jonneth Dowtry: A man from the Two Rivers who is recruited to the Black Tower by Mazrim Taim. He is part of Androl's faction and one of the men trusted enough and strong enough in the Power to be of use when they decided to free Logain.
Jur Grady: A Dedicated. He is married to Sora, and has bonded her as well. He was among those to rescue Rand at Dumai's Wells. He was with Perrin's group. During the Last Battle, he brings men from Hinderstap and destroys the Dam blocking the Mora
Logain Ablar: An Asha'man and a False Dragon. He is originally from Ghealdan and has bonded Gabrelle and Toveine Gazal. He was gentled, but Healed again by Nynaeve al'Meara. He was captured by Taim and resisted several attempts to turn him to the Shadow. He fights in the Last Battle and gives up dreams of revenge to save refugees from Trollocs.
Karldin Manfor: A Soldier. He is sent with Loial to visit the stedding and set guards on the Waygates. He is bonded to Beldeine Nyram. He is killed during the Last Battle
Kash: A man who joined the Black Tower and increased in strength extremely quickly. He is loyal to Taim. Near the end of the Battle of Merrilor, he is trapped in a stedding by Androl and his companions
Leems: An Asha'man of Taim's faction
Manel Rochaid: An Asha'man. He is one of Taim's men. He is originally from Murandy. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He is killed by Rand in 'Winter's Heart.'
Mazrim Taim: An Asha'man and the M'Hael of the Black Tower. He is also a Darkfriend and a false Dragon. He takes on Asha'man for special training and orders some of them to kill Rand. He is originally from Saldaea. He was killed by Egwene during the Last Battle, but not before killing many Aes Sedai.
Mezar Kurin: A Dedicated. He reports to Logain. He is originally from Arad Doman and has bonded Adrielle. He goes with Rand to the meeting with Tuon, but changes after, looking like a shell of a man, no longer Mezar.
Naeff: An Andoran Ash'aman in Logain's faction, he bonded Nelavaire Demasiellin, a Green. He had a mild madness, which was Healed by Nynaeve.
Norley: An Asha'man of unknown rank.
Peral Torval: An Asha'man. He is one of Taim's men. He is originally from Tarabon. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He is killed by Fain in 'Winter's Heart.'
Raefar Kisman: An Asha'man. He is one of Taim's men. He is originally from Tear. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He is killed by Fain in 'Winter's Heart.'
Saml al'Seen: A Soldier at the Black Tower. He is very young and originally from the Two Rivers.
Trost: A man from the Two Rivers in training at the Black Tower, loyal to Logain.
Tymoth: An Asha'man of Logain's faction fighting with Rodel in Saldaea.
Varil Nensen: A Soldier. He is originally from Tarabon. He joined Taim's faction and advanced rapidly. Near the end of the Battle of Merrilor, he is trapped in a stedding by Androl and his companions
Welyn Kajima: A Dedicated. He reports to Logain. He is originally from Arafel and has bonded Jenare. He is captured and turned to the Shadow by Taim.