List of Andoran Nobles

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Abelle Pendar: The High Seat of House Pendar. He eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne of Andor.

Aedelle Baryn: A noblewoman. She is the sister of Lir Baryn.

Aedmun Matherin: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Aemlyn Carand: The High Seat of House Carand. She is married to Culhan. She eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Alesinde: A historical character; Alesinde was Queen of Andor from FY 1020 to FY 1035. She was Queen Ishara's daughter.

Anthelle Sharplyn: A noblewoman. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Arathelle Renshar: The High Seat of House Renshar. She eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Arendor Haevin: A nobleman. He is the uncle of Catalyn Haevin, and was her guardian.

Arilinde Branstrom: A noblewoman. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Arymilla Marne: A noblewoman of House Marne. She attempts to win the throne of Andor, but is eventually defeated by Elayne Trakand and stripped of her land and titles

Astara: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1073 to FY 1085.

Aubrem Pensenor: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Barel Layden: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Branlet Gilyard: The High Seat of House Gilyard. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Brannin Martan: A nobleman. He is married to Elvaine Martan. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Brandel Vordarian: A minor noble who is a Lord Captain of the Whitecloaks

Carlys Ankarin: A noblewoman. She supports Elenia Sarand for the throne, meaning that her support is added to Arymilla's when Elenia is forced to support her.

Catalyn Haevin: The High Seat of House Haevin. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Comar: A nobleman. He is a Darkfriend. He is killed by Mat.

Conail Northan: The High Seat of House Northan. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Culhan Carand: A nobleman. He is married to Aemlyn Carand.

Daerilla Raened: A noblewoman. She supports Naean Arawn for the throne, meaning that her support is added to Arymilla's once Naean is forced to support her.

Danine Candraed: The High Seat of House Candraed. She does not support anyone for the throne.

Dawlin Armaghan: A nobleman. He supports Naean Arawn for the throne, meaning that his support is added to Arymilla's once Naean is forced to support her.

Dyelin Taravin: The High Seat of House Taravin. She is a staunch supporter of Elayne Trakand.

Elayne Traemane: A noblewoman. She was the grandmother of Ellorien Traemane. Elayne Trakand is named after her.

Elayne Trakand: The Daughter-Heir, and later Queen, of Andor and Cairhien. She is also an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is the daughter of Morgase Trakand and Taringail Damodred, and the sister of Gawyn Trakand and Galadedrid Damodred. She was bonded to Birgitte Trahelion and Rand al'Thor and is Aviendha's first-sister.

Elegar: A nobleman. He is a Darkfriend.

Elenia Sarand: A noblewoman. She is married to Jarid Sarand. She is forced into supporting Arymilla Marne for the throne, although she has aspirations for the throne herself. She is captured by Elayne's forces during the assault on Caemlyn and stripped of her land and titles when her house cannot pay the ransom.

Ellorien Traemane: The High Seat of House Traemane. She does not end up officially supporting anyone for the throne.

Elvaine Martan: A noblewoman. She is married to Brannin Martan. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Eram Talkend: A nobleman. He supports Elenia Sarand for the throne, meaning that his support is added to Arymilla's when Elenia is forced to support her.

Evelle Haevin: A noblewoman. She is Catalyn Haevin's aunt.

Finndal: A noble present at a banquet Rodel once attended.

Galadedrid Damodred: Son of Tigraine Mantear and Taringail Damodred. He is Lord Captain Commander of the Whitecloaks. He fought in the last battle, losing a hand fighting Demandred.

Gawyn Trakand: A Prince of Andor. He is the son of Morgase Trakand and Taringail Damodred, and the brother of Elayne Trakand. He is also the half brother of Galadedrid Damodred. He was bonded and married to Egwene al'Vere. During the Last Battle, he began to feel useless and decided to fight Demandred, being killed in the attempt.

Hanselle Renshar: A nobleman. He is the grandson of Arathelle Renshar.

Henren: A nobleman.

Ishara: A historical character; she was the founder and first Queen of Andor, ruling from FY 994 to FY 1020. She married Souran Maravaile.

Jailin Maran: A nobleman. He supports Elenia Sarand for the throne, which means that his support is added to Arymilla's once Elenia is forced to support her.

Jarid Sarand: The High Seat of House Sarand. He is married to Elenia Sarand. He didn't swear to Elayne and grew paranoid about her until the men following him abandoned him to fight in the Last Battle.

Karind Anshar: The High Seat of House Anshar. She originally supports Arymilla Marne for the throne, but eventually changes her allegiance to Elayne Trakand.

Kelwin Janevor: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Laerid Traehand: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Lir Baryn: The High Seat of House Baryn. He originally supports Arymilla Marne for the throne, but eventually changes his allegiance to Elayne Trakand.

Luan Norwelyn: The High Seat of House Norwelyn. He eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Luc Mantear: A Prince of Andor. He is the son of Queen Mordrellen and the brother of Tigraine. He is Rand's uncle. He vanished into the Blight and has somehow become merged with Isam.

Lyndelle: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1114 to 49 NE.

Macharan: A nobleman.

Maighdin Trakand: A noblewoman. She was Morgase Trakand's mother.

Maragaine: A historical character; she was the Queen of Andor from FY 1054 to FY 1073.

Mayv Gilyard: A noblewoman. She was Branlet Gilyard's guardian. She died while out riding.

Melasune: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1035 to FY 1046.

Miedelle Caeren: A noblewoman. She was married to Nasin Caeren. She died thirty years ago.

Modrellein: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor seven hundred years ago.

Morgase Trakand: The former Queen of Andor. She is the mother of Elayne and Gawyn Trakand, and the step-mother of Galadedrid Damodred. She was married to Taringail Damodred. She fled Caemlyn after managing to break free of the compulsion used on her by Gaebril/Rahvin and abdicated. After joining Perrin and being exposed by Galad, she married Tallanvor

Morrigan: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1103 to FY 1114.

Naean Arawn: A noblewoman of House Arawn. She is forced to support Arymilla Marne for the throne, even though she has aspirations to the throne for herself. After Elayne captures her, she cannot pay the ransom so Elayne strips her and her house of land and titles

Nasin Caeren: The High Seat of House Caeren. His granddaughter is Sylvase Caeren, who has become High Seat following his recent death.

Negara: A noblewoman.

Nelein Matherin: A noblewoman. She was the grandmother of Aedmun Matherin. She died years ago.

Pelivar Coelan: The High Seat of House Coelan. He eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Perival Mantear: The High Seat of House Mantear. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Perrin Aybara: Although not of noble blood, the people of the Two Rivers follow him as their lord. He is married to Faile Bashere. Queen Alliandre Maritha Kigarin of Ghealdan is sworn to him. He is ta’veren.

Rand al'Thor: The son of Janduin of the Iron Mountain Taardad Aiel and Tigraine Mantear, making him a member of House Mantear. His adoptive parents are Tam and Kari al’Thor. He is the Dragon Reborn. After the Last Battle, he was believed dead but had in reality switched bodies with Moridin.

Sergase Gilbearn: A noblewoman. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Shiaine Avarhin: A noblewoman. She was the daughter of Willim Avharin. She was killed by Mili Skane, who has also adopted her name.

Sylvase Caeren: The High Seat of House Caeren. She is the granddaughter of Nasin Caeren, and became High Seat upon his recent death. Immediately after becoming High Seat, she declared her support for Elayne Trakand.

Telaisien: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1085 to FY 1103.

Termylle: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1046 to FY 1054.

Tigraine Mantear: The former Daughter-Heir of Andor. She was married to Taringail Damodred and was the mother of Galadedrid Damodred. She is also the mother of Rand al'Thor. She ran away to the Aiel Waste because of a Foretelling had by Gitara Moroso. She died during the Aiel War after giving birth to Rand.

Willim Avarhin: A nobleman. His daughter was Shiaine Avarhin. He was killed by Mili Skane.

Willin Mantear: A nobleman. He is the guardian of Perival Mantear.