The Brown Ajah in 2018
<< 2017 in Brown | 2019 in Brown >>
26: Elia LePhant steps down as Gaming/ Tech Talk/ Hand Crafts/ Fine Arts & Literary Pursuits Forum Moderator.
30: Eluial Aldaran joins the Social Marketing Team.
2: The January 2018 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
17: Elia LePhant joins the Outreach Activities Team.
28: Serenla Tamowith and Yelenia Hylraren leave the Social Marketing Team.
15: Tallan Daar Aspires.
16 - 19: Keladria Tulin and Lilli O'Neeus attend Anniversary Party 2018 in Gooding, Idaho, USA.
1: Jenalla Selar and Sela Narian are chosen as Sitters for the Spring 2018 term.
4: Leira Galene becomes Mafia Moderator and Yelenia Hylraren Current Events Forum Moderator.
10: The February and March 2018 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
13: Serenla Tamowith steps down as Conference Coordinator.
20 - 22: Adolla Ceryia, Alexstrasz Ruskein, Aloren Tarabutton, Amela Ba'asa, Cassie Dainar, Eluial Aldaran, Jenalla Selar, Serenla Tamowith, Shaerlyn Storna, Shara Nevan, Sulamein Jorh'aran, and Yelenia Hylraren attend JordanCon 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
1: The April 2018 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
10: Eluial Aldaran joins the Tar Valon Times Staff.
25: Leira Galene leaves the Social Marketing Team.
30: Tallan Daar joins the Department of Community Outreach Staff. Stasia t'Andrei leaves the Social Marketing Team.
21: Eluial Aldaran Bonds Calen Velervron.
23: Tallan Daar becomes Assistant to the Director of Community Outreach.
30: Elia LePhant leaves the Outreach Activities Team.
3: Tallan Daar becomes Education and Employment/ Home and Garden/ Health and Fitness /Sports Fanatics/ Entertainment Forum Moderator.
15: Elia LePhant becomes Heart.
10: Jadira Paerael is raised Aes Sedai.
29: Eluial Aldaran becomes Head.
18: Tallan Daar becomes Director of Research and Records.
21 - 23: Tallan Daar attends Euro Party 2018 in Schmitten, Germany.
21: Tallan Daar is raised Aes Sedai live at Euro Party.
28: Tallan Daar leaves the Social Marketing Team.
1: Lia Kellenit and Loraella Melodie are chosen as Sitters for the Fall 2018 term.
3: The September 2018 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
26 - 28: Naomi al'Moranwin attends Fall Ball 2018 in Sleepy Hollow, New York, USA.
4: Yelenia Hylraren steps down as Current Events Forum Moderator.
9: Laithean Cor'dazar steps down as Community Care Coordinator.
12: Eniara Kisharad steps down as Events Historian.
13: Elia LePhant becomes Tower Historian.
17: The October 2018 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
27: Tallan Daar wins the Staff Member of the Year Keeper's Award.
1: Eluial Aldaran steps down as Welcome Committee City Architect.
20: The End of Year 2018 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.