The Brown Ajah in 2022
<< 2021 in Brown | 2023 in Brown >>
9: Rhianna Solstice Bonds Pip al'Dealys.
10: Arella Mathara becomes City Council Architect.
16: Tallan Daar becomes Tower Gatekeeper.
19: Cassie Dainar is announced as the next Amyrlin Seat. Rhed al'Tere becomes Conference Coordinator.
24: Sela Narian Bonds Morrighan Daghdera.
11: Arella Mathara becomes Heart.
1: Jadira Paerael and Tallan Daar are chosen as Sitters for the Spring 2022 term.
7: Arella Mathara becomes Mayor.
20: Loraella Melodie becomes Director of Membership.
22 - 24: Adolla Ceryia, Alexstrasz Ruskein, Jenalla Selar, Keladria Tulin, Rhed al'Tere, Serenla Tamowith, and Shara Nevan attend JordanCon 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
18: Cassie Dainar steps down as Shatayan.
2: Tallan Daar becomes Head.
11: Leira Galene replaces Tallan Daar as Sitter for the remainder of the Spring 2022 term.
14: Sela Narian Bonds Melearlin Valar, in doing so becoming the first Aes Sedai outside of the Green Ajah with three bonds.
1: Yelenia Hylraren becomes Heart. Lilli O'Neeus and Rhianna Solstice are chosen as Sitters for the Fall 2022 term.
4: Loraella Melodie steps down as Director of Membership.
9: Alexstrasz Ruskein steps down as Events Historian.
2: Zashara Sho'am Bonds Aria Kakarot.
9: Arella Mathara joins the Social Media Team.
12: Cassie Dainar is formally raised to the Amyrlin Seat at Anniversary Party 2022.