Annual Gray Ajah Awards

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Gray Ajah Awards 2020

Organized by Ilverin Matriam December 2020.
Winners were announced on January 23, 2021

For the Annoura Award (aka Graytest of the Gray): Ilverin Matriam!

For the Most Like A Book Gray Award: Elyss Koh'inor!

For the Coirin Award (the person you’d want making a speech in your honor): Ashara Koh'inor & Belgareth Kiarc!

For the Deanna Award (For the Aes Sedai who was/is an outstanding Gray Guide): Ashara Koh'inor!

For the Kwamesa Award (The person you really enjoyed meeting/would love to meet): EVERYONE!

For the Marya Award (The most talkative/chatty Gray): Ashara Koh'inor!

For the Meidani Award (Gray most willing to take big risks): Marivea al'Corriyi!

For the Merana Award (Don't judge a book by its cover: the person who's done/said/is something surprising): Elyss Koh'inor!

For the Naorise Award (Aes Sedai/Aspirant most loyal to her Ajah and/or Bondmate): Siera al'Cere & Alyssa Letherio!

For the Serancha Award (the most organized Gray, Gaidin or Guest): Elyss Koh'inor!

For the Tiana Award (the person who's most active and involved with Junior Members/Citizens/New Members): Ilverin Matriam!

For the Gray Cheerleader Award (someone who's always supportive of the Ajah): Madhar al'Thera!

Gray Ajah Awards 2017

Organized by Ivien Tarkand December 2017

For the Annoura Award (aka Graytest of the Gray): Ashara Koh'inor!

For the Most Like A Book Gray Award: Alyssa Letherio!

For the Least Like A Book Gray Award: Iteran al'Wahid!

For the Deanna Award (For the Aes Sedai who was/is an outstanding Gray Guide): Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak!

For the Delana Award (The person you'd want most in your naughty drawer): Taelinn Dolivras!

For the Gerra Award (Most likely to get their pie and eat it, too): Belgareth Kiarc!

For the Kwamesa Award (The person you really enjoyed meeting/would love to meet): Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak!

For the Marya Award (The most talkative/chatty Gray): Imzadi Hopewind!

For the Merana Award (Don't judge a book by its cover: the person who's done/said/is something surprising): Elyss Koh'inor!

For the Sevlana Award (Unsung Gray: Someone who's done something really remarkable, brave, or special and deserves some recognition): Tyla al'Mere!

For the Tiana Award (the person who's most active and involved with Junior Members/Citizens/New Members): Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak!

For the Gray Cheerleader Award (someone who's always supportive of the Ajah): Imzadi Hopewind!

Gray Ajah Awards 2016

Organized by Marivea al'Corriyi December 2016

For the Annoura Award (aka Graytest of the Gray): Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak!

For the Most Like A Book Gray Award: Alyssa Letherio!

For the Least Like A Book Gray Award: Jordan Rayne!

For the Deanna Award (For the Aes Sedai who was/is an outstanding Gray Guide): Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak!

For the Delana Award (The person you'd want most in your naughty drawer): Ilyana Mandorallen!

For the Gerra Award (Most likely to get their pie and eat it, too): Belgareth Kiarc!

For the Kwamesa Award (The person you really enjoyed meeting/would love to meet): Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak!

For the Merana Award (Don't judge a book by its cover: the person who's done/said/is something surprising): Kymo Ambray!

For the Sevlana Award (Unsung Gray: Someone who's done something really remarkable, brave, or special and deserves some recognition): Taelinn Dolivras!

For the Tiana Award (the person who's most active and involved with Junior Members/Citizens/New Members): Ashara Koh'inor!

For the Gray Cheerleader Award (someone who's always supportive of the Ajah): Belgareth Kiarc!

Gray Ajah Awards 2015

Organized by Reniel Killan December 2015

For the Annoura Award (aka Grayest of the Gray): Elays Saeryn!

For the Most like a Book Gray Award: Taelinn Dolivras & Imzadi Hopewind!

For the Least like a Book Gray Award: Jordan Rayne!

For the Deanna Award (aka Gray Guidance): Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak!

For the Delana Award (aka person you want in your naughty drawer): Taelinn Dolivras!

For the Gerra Award (aka most likely to get their pie and eat it too): Reniel Killan!

For the Kwamesa Award (aka person you would love to meet/loved meeting): Belgareth Kiarc!

For the Marya Award (aka Most Conversational/Chatty Gray Award; this award is for the most-talkative Gray.): Marivea al'Corriyi

For the Merana Award (aka Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover Award; this award is for the Gray who has done/said/is something surprising and unexpected.): Chiyuki Nohara

For the Sevlana Award (aka Unsung Gray Award): Imzadi Hopewind!

For the Gray Cheerleader Award: Belgareth Kiarc!

Gray Ajah Awards 2014

Organized by Ilyana Mandorallen December 2014, Posted January 4, 2015

For the Annoura Award (aka Grayest of the Gray): Taelinn Dolivras!

For the Most like a Book Gray Award: Madine Te'Bron!

For the Least like a Book Gray Award: Jordan Rayne!

For the Deanna Award (aka Gray Guidance): Alyssa Letherio!

For the Delana Award (aka person you want in your naughty drawer): Ilyana Mandorallen!

For the Gerra Award (aka most likely to get their pie and eat it too): Ariadne Davion!

For the Kwamesa Award (aka person you would love to meet/loved meeting): Belgareth Kiarc!

For the Marya Award (aka Most Conversational/Chatty Gray Award; this award is for the most-talkative Gray.): Megana Vallentin

For the Merana Award (aka Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover Award; this award is for the Gray who has done/said/is something surprising and unexpected.): Ivien Tarkand

For the Sevlana Award (aka Unsung Gray Award): Chiyuki Nohara!

For the Gray Cheerleader Award: Tyla al'Mere!

Gray Ajah Awards 2013

Organized by Ilyana Mandorallen December 2013

For the Annoura Award (aka Grayest of the Gray): Marivea al'Corriyi!

For the Most like a Book Gray Award: Alyssa Letherio!

For the Least like a Book Gray Award: Former Gray!

For the Deanna Award (aka Gray Guidance): Elays Saeryn & Ilverin Matriam!

For the Delana Award (aka person you want in your naughty drawer): Ennairam Lamp!

For the Gerra Award (aka most likely to get their pie and eat it too): Ariadne Davion!

For the Kwamesa Award (aka person you would love to meet/loved meeting): Ilyana Mandorallen!

For the Marya Award (aka Most Conversational/Chatty Gray Award; this award is for the most-talkative Gray.): Ariadne Davion & Marivea al'Corriyi

For the Merana Award (aka Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover Award; this award is for the Gray who has done/said/is something surprising and unexpected.): Mirindyin Zakura

For the Gray Cheerleader Award: Belgareth Kiarc!

For the Sevlana Award (aka Unsung Gray Award): Rowanne al'Maeve!

Gray Ajah Awards 2012

Organized by Alyssa Letherio & Taelinn Dolivras December 2012

For the Most like a Book Gray Award: Badria Aidan!

For the Least like a Book Gray Award: Rowanne al'Maeve!

For the Deanna Award (aka Gray Guidance): Marivea al'Corriyi!

For the Delana Award (aka person you want in your naughty drawer): Ennairam Lamp!

For the Gerra Award (aka most likely to get their pie and eat it too): Ariadne Davion!

For the Party Gray Award (aka person you would love to meet/loved meeting): Elays Saeryn!

For the Gray Cheerleader Award: Alondrian Heartsbane!

For the Annoura Award (aka Grayest of the Gray): Alyria Ess & Alyssa Letherio!

For the Unsung Gray Award: Zarathi al'Domir!

Gray Ajah Awards 2011

Organized by Taelinn Dolivras & Siera al'Cere November 2011

For The Annoura Award (aka the Graytest of the Gray): Ariadne Davion & Alyria Ess!

For the Most like a Book Gray award: Magdalenna t'Zai!

For the Least like a book Gray award: Liiane al'Rhuidea!

For The Gray Guidance Award: Elays Saeryn!

For The Delana Award (aka The man/woman you want in your naughty drawer): Ennairam Lamp!

For The Gerra Award (aka Most likely to lead the revolution and take over the Tower/Most Likely to find a way to have her Pie and Eat it too): Alyssa Letherio & Siera al'Cere!

For The Woman You Want in Your Wheelbarrel award: Zarathi al'Domir & The whole Gray Ajah

Gray Ajah Awards 2010

Organized by Ariadne Davion November 2010

The Grayest of the Gray: Magdalenna t'Zai & Velaris Ly'enn

Funniest: Ennairam Lamp & Liiane al'Rhuidea

Most Optimistic: Ariadne Davion & Zarathi al'Domir

The Cutest: Marivea al'Corriyi

Most Likely to have the largest Naughty Drawer: Addelyn al'Vera, Ariadne Davion & Jordan Rayne

Most likely to Procrastinate: Although Liiane al'Rhuidea held the most individual votes, the number of "Everyone" tied Liiane. So, everyone has won this award! Go Gray!

Most Supportive: Addelyn al'Vera & Liiane al'Rhuidea

Biggest Lurker: Iteran al'Wahid

Best Gray Minion: Ghaul Ronshor

Most likely to plot taking over the Tower: Ariadne Davion & Liiane al'Rhuidea

Most likely to forget what time zone you're in and call at 3am: Addelyn al'Vera & Liiane al'Rhuidea

Most likely to be captain of the failboat: Aénor Dhulaine, John al'Ramin & Liiane al'Rhuidea

Most random: Ennairam Lamp & Ma'Sayna Damara

Most likely to be a cylon: Ariadne Davion & Aénor Dhulaine

Biggest Spammer: Liiane al'Rhuidea & Marivea al'Corriyi

Gives the Best Advice: Magdalenna t'Zai

Most creative Ideas & Plans: Ariadne Davion & Ivien Tarkand

Best Pie Recipe: Alyria Ess

Most entertaining in RL: Rowanne al'Maeve

Most helpful in a Crisis: All Grays

The Gray you talk to when in distress: Liiane al'Rhuidea

Gray Warder most likely to cause his Aes Sedai to roll her eyes: John al'Ramin

Most likely to get pied often: Ivien Tarkand

Most likely to find a way to have her pie and eat it too: Ariadne Davion

The woman you want in your wheelbarrel: Iteran al'Wahid

The man you want in your naughty drawer: To Quote: "Dude. Have you MET our Warders?" Yeah, I thought so too, but somehow Rienn al'Etyra, John al'Ramin, Foraek Dragoran, Therian Aventaan, & Guiyall Rithmaire all snuck in.

Biggest prankster: Marivea al'Corriyi

Largest forum ego: Liiane al'Rhuidea

Best inside joke of the year: "Naughty Drawer" and the "Cock Jokes" Brought to you by Cathel Dreng, Ennairam Lamp, Liiane al'Rhuidea & Tai' Aan'mahdi!!

The Gray you will Never Forget: Melina Tashir, Camlyn al'Carr, Eirlys al'Ghalan, Kitiarah Lamseen, Niniel Lalaith & Saminda Meltacia

Unsung Hero Runner-up: Liiane al'Rhuidea

Unsung Graytness of the Gray Ajah: Magdalenna t'Zai

Gray Ajah Awards 2009

Organized by Addelyn al'Vera November 2009

Biggest Lurker: Tyla al'Mere & Amira Coriande

Cutest: Niniel Lalaith 's Baby

Funniest: Liiane al'Rhuidea

Grayest: Alyria Ess

Most Artistic: Ariadne Davion

Most Creative: Iteran al'Wahid

Most Helpful: Alyria Ess

Most Knowledgable of WoT: Rowanne al'Maeve

Most likely to get arrested: Kitiarah Lamseen

Most likely to procrastinate: Velaris Ly'enn

Most likely to spend more of their day on the phone: Addelyn al'Vera

Most likely to succeed: Myriam Drendi

Most likely to wake up and find a dead hooker covered in pie with them: John al'Ramin & Yngrot Draconian

Most Optimistic: Elays Saeryn

Most Supportive: Magdalenna t'Zai

Gray Ajah Awards 2008

Organized by Leilwyn al'Raen November 2008, Posted Jan 11, 2009

The Most Helpful Gray Magdalenna t'Zai

The Funniest Gray: Liiane al'Rhuidea

The Grayest Gray: Magdalenna t'Zai

The Most Optimistic Gray: Alyria Ess

The Cutest Gray: Melina Tashir

The Gray Most Likely to Succeed: Melisande Arneil

The Gray Most Likely to Wake Up and find a dead hooker covered in pie in bed with them: al'Cary Mandoragon

The Most Creative Gray: Camlyn al'Carr

The Gray Most Likely to get Arrested: Liiane al'Rhuidea & Mazarin Ashinar

The Most Artistic Gray: Iteran al'Wahid

The Gray with the Most WoT Knowledge: Magdalenna t'Zai

The Most Sarcastic Gray: Tyla al'Mere

The Gray Most Likely To Say Hi: Melisande Arneil

The Gray with the Smexiest Avatar: Jordan Rayne

The Gray Most Likely To Be In Chat(any hour of any day): Mazarin Ashinar

The Most Likely to Discover Travelling: Eriana Avin

The Gray who is the Most Obsessed With The Wheelbarrow: Liiane al'Rhuidea

The Gray Most Likely to Kidnap People: Iteran al'Wahid

The Gray Most Likely to Enable: Therian Aventaan

The Most Resilient Gray: Rowanne al'Maeve

The Gray Most Likely To Join MENSA: Myriam Drendi

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