Maintaining Who's Who Pages

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Each member of the Tower on TarValon.Net has a personal Who's Who page that tells many things about who they are. This page is designed to help Tower Historians and other library editors create and maintain Who's Who pages.

Note: Although there is a merit section on every Who's Who page, do not edit any of it unless you have permission from the Awards Historian!


This section tells how to create pages and how to maintain the sections that relate to the member's rank, group affiliation, and bonds (if any).

Raised to Novice/Recruit

When a member is raised to Novice or Recruit, create their page by following these directions.

  1. Upload the member's avatar:
    1. In the left-side menu of the overall Library page, under "toolbox", click "Upload file".
    2. Choose the avatar file's location on your computer. (Note: The avatar needs to be in .jpg format. If it's in .gif format, convert it using an image editing program or a gif to jpg website before trying to upload it.)
    3. Next to "Destination filename:", name the file "Avatar_FirstNameOfMember.jpg", substituting the first name of the member into the second half of the filename. For example: Avatar_Kitan.jpg.
    4. In the text box labled "Summary:", type [[Category:Avatars]] [[Category:Tower Initiate Avatars]].
    5. Click the "Upload file" button.
  2. Create a new page under the member's full name:
    1. In the search box on the left side of the page, type in the member's full name, with correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation (if any).
    2. Click "Go".
    3. You should get a page that says "There is no page titled 'NAME'. You can create this page."
    4. Click "create this page".
  3. Open the Tower Initiate Page in a new tab/window and click the "edit" tab at the top.
  4. Copy all of the wiki code from the Tower Initiate page and paste it into the new Who's Who page.
  5. On the new Who's Who page, fill out the profile box:
    1. Add the member's avatar to the page: Next to where the template says Avatar= type the name of the avatar you uploaded in step 1. Example: Avatar=Avatar_Kitan.jpg (substituting the actual file name).
    2. Add the member's full Tower name next to TowerName= . Do not add the member's real name, location, or birthday unless you have the member's express permission to list this information.
    3. Add the member's rank next to TowerRank= using {{novice}} for Novice or {{recruit}} for Recruit.
    4. If the member currently has a job on the site (moderator, TVT writer, etc), type the name of their job next to TowerTitle= . Otherwise leave this line alone.
    5. Add the date the member joined TarValon.Net next to JoinDate= . You can get this information from their forum profile page.
    6. Go to the member's forum profile page, if you haven't already, and look at the URL bar. There should be a 5 digit number toward the end of the URL. Type this number next to ProfileNo= .
    7. Leave BarColor= and BarText= blank.
  6. Fill out the Tower History section:
    1. Next to "Joined TarValon.Net:" type the date the member joined the site.
    2. Next to "Joined Tower:" type the date the member was taken into the Tower. You can find this information by going to Site Announcement. The date the Mayor posted the thread summoning the member to the Tower is the date they were taken into the Tower.
  7. Fill out any of the page's other sections, if necessary.
  8. At the bottom of the page, type [[Category:Who's Who Members]] and [[Category:TarValon.Net Novices and Recruits]]. Remove [[Category:Community Templates]] from the bottom of the new Who's Who page, if it's there.
  9. Click the "Show preview" button to see if the page looks alright. If it doesn't, make corrections. If it looks good, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save page" button.

Raised to Accepted/Soldier

When a member is raised to Accepted or Soldier, edit their page by following these directions.

  1. In the profile box, update the member's rank to {{accepted}} for Accepted or {{soldier}} for Soldier.
  2. In the Tower History section, under "Joined Tower:", press your "enter" key to create a new line. On the new line, type "*Raised {{accepted}}:" or "*Raised {{soldier}}:", as appropriate, and the date the member was raised.
  3. Recategorise the page into [[Category:TarValon.Net Accepted and Soldiers]].
  4. Add the person's name and month of their raising to the appropriate place on the 2023 Raisings page.
  5. If the member has a job on the site (forum or chat mod, TVT staff member, etc), move the member's info from Citizenry (Time Served) to Tower Initiates (Time Served).


When a member Aspires to an Ajah or Company, edit their page by following these directions.

  1. Under the "Tower History" heading, put "{{aspired}} to the XXX" with their affiliation added:
  1. Edit their member information template (the box in the upper right side of their Who's Who page) by adding appropriate colour codes to the BarText and BarColor fields (you can find them at Template:JuniorMemberInfo), and also adding "{{aspirant}} of the {{XXX}}" to Affiliation.
  2. Add [[Category:XXX Aspirants]] to the page. Replace XXX with the name of the member's Ajah or Company.
  3. Add avatar to [[Category:XXX Avatars]]. Also keep it in [[Category:Avatars]] and [[Category:Tower Initiate Avatars]].

Raised to Aes Sedai/Gaidin

When a member is raised to Aes Sedai or Gaidin, edit their page by following these directions.

  1. Change their member information template (the box in the upper right side of their Who's Who page):
    1. Change template in use from Template:JuniorMemberInfo to Template:MemberInfo.
    2. Change rank to {{as}} for Aes Sedai or {{gaidin}} for Gaidin.
    3. In MemberInfo template, add |BondedTo= line below the |JoinDate= line even if they have no current bondmate.
    4. Change Affiliation from "Aspirant of XXX" to "XXX" (replacing XXX with the member's Ajah or Company)
  2. Enter Raising date under Tower History heading.
  3. Add headings for Bonding and Mentees under "Tower Relationships".
  4. Add "Tower Sworn Interview" heading.
  5. Recategorise into appropriate [[Category:TarValon.Net Aes Sedai]] or [[Category:TarValon.Net Gaidin]] and [[Category:XXX Aes Sedai]]/[[Category:XXX Gaidin]]
  6. Remove [[Category:Tower Initiate Avatars]] from their avatar file's page.
  7. Add the person's name raising to 2023 Raisings under the month they were raised. State the Ajah/Company they were raised to.
  8. Add raising to the appropriate group raising page, such as Blue Raisings. See Category:Community Group Raisings.
  9. If the member has a job on the site (forum or chat mod, TVT staff member, etc), move the member's info from Tower Initiates (Time Served) to the appropriate group time served page, such as Brown Ajah (Time Served). See Category:Community Group Time Served.
  10. If the member has earned Merit Badges, move the member's info from Accepted Merits or Soldier Merits to the appropriate group Merit page, such as Gray Merits. See Category:Community Group Merits.
  11. If the member was a demotee, move the person's name in Demotions and Unaffiliations from "Demoted Members" to the sub-heading "Tower Sworn".


When a Tower Sworn officially joins a new Ajah or Company, edit their page by following these directions.

  1. In the member information template, change Affiliation from "Aspirant of XXX" to "XXX" (replacing XXX with the member's Ajah or Company).
  2. Enter official join date under Tower History heading.
  3. Recategorise into appropriate [[Category:XXX Aes Sedai]]/[[Category:XXX Gaidin]]
  4. Add the person's name raising to the "Joined Ajah" or "Joined Company" sections in 2023 Raisings under the month they were raised. State the Ajah/Company they were raised to.
  5. Add raising to the appropriate group raising page, such as Blue Raisings. See Category:Community Group Raisings.
  6. If the member has a job on the site (forum or chat mod, TVT staff member, etc), move the member's info from Unaffiliated Tower Sworn (Time Served) to the appropriate group time served page, such as Brown Ajah (Time Served). See Category:Community Group Time Served.
  7. If the member has earned Merit Badges, move the member's info from Unaffiliated Tower Sworn Merits to the appropriate group Merit page, such as Gray Merits. See Category:Community Group Merits.
  8. Move the person's name in Demotions and Unaffiliations from "Unaffiliated Tower Sworn" to "Reaffiliated Tower Sworn".


When a member is bonded, edit their page by following these directions.

  1. Edit their member information template (the box in the upper right side of their Who's Who page):
    1. In their member information template (the box in the upper right side of their Who's Who page) under BondedTo, add their bondmate's name and group. Example: [[Bondmate's Name]]
  2. Under the "Bonding" heading (under "Tower Relationships") add the following:
    1. *{{bonded}} to [[Bondmate's Name]], {{AS or Gaidin}} of {{Group}}: DATE OF BOND - present (see above for wiki code for community groups)
  3. Recategorise page into appropriate [[Category:XXX Bondmates]]. Replace XXX with the name of the member's Ajah or Company the member bonded into.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 on their bondmate's page.


  • Add bonding to 2023 Bondings. It needs to be entered three times:
    • Once under the month it happened
    • Once under the first bondmate's group
    • Once under the second bondmate's group
  • Add the bonding to Bonding Dates (it needs to be entered under both Ajah and Company). Use correct templates ie {{Greenbond}} and {{DMbond}} so that the color is correct.


When a member leaves their Ajah or Company, edit their page by following these directions.

  1. Change their member information template:
    1. Remove Ajah/Company affiliation.
    2. Remove color codes.
  2. Under the "Tower History" heading, put "Left XXX Ajah/Company", replacing XXX with the name of the Ajah or Company the member left.
  3. Recategorise the page into [[Category:Unaffiliated Tower Sworn]], and into [[Category:Former XXX Ajah Aes Sedai]]/[[Category:Former XXX Gaidin]]. Replace XXX with the name of the Ajah or Company the member left.
  4. Remove [[Category:XXX Avatars]] from their avatar file's page.
  5. Add the person's name and month of their unaffiliation to the appropriate place in 2023 Unaffiliations and Demotions.
  6. Add the unaffiliation to the appropriate group raising page, such as Blue Raisings. See Category:Raisings.
  7. Add the person's name to Demotions and Unaffiliations under "Unaffiliated Tower Sworn".
  8. If the member has a job on the site (forum or chat mod, TVT staff member, etc), move the member's info from their former community group's time served page to Unaffiliated Tower Sworn (Time Served). See Category:Community Group Time Served.
  9. # If the member has earned Merit Badges, move the member's info from their former community group's Merit page to Unaffiliated Tower Sworn Merits.


When a member demotes to Accepted or Soldier, edit their page by following these directions.

  1. Change their member information template:
    1. Change template in use from Template:MemberInfo to Template:JuniorMemberInfo.
    2. Change rank to {{accepted}} for Accepted or {{soldier}} for Soldier.
    3. Remove the |BondedTo= line even if they were bonded.
    4. Remove Ajah/Company affiliation.
    5. Remove color codes.
  2. Under the "Tower History" heading, put "{{demoted}} to {{accepted}} or {{soldier}}", as appropriate.
  3. Recategorise the page into [[Category:TarValon.Net Accepted and Soldiers]], and into [[Category:Former XXX Ajah Aes Sedai]]/[[Category:Former XXX Gaidin]]. Replace XXX with the name of the Ajah or Company the member demoted from.
  4. Remove [[Category:XXX Avatars]] from their avatar file's page. Add avatar to [[Category:Tower Initiate Avatars]].
  5. Add the person's name and month of their demotion to the appropriate place in 2024 Unaffiliations and Demotions.
  6. Add demotion to the appropriate group raising page, such as Blue Raisings. See Category:Raisings.
  7. Add the person's name to Demotions and Unaffiliations under "Demoted Members".

If the demotee was bonded

  1. Under the "Bonding" heading (under "Tower Relationships") add the following:
  • Enter finish date for the bond (finish date is the date the member demoted, if the bond was not otherwise dissolved).
  1. Delete the member's profile from category [[Category:XXX Aes Sedai]]/[[Category:XXX Bondmates]].
  2. Repeat steps 1 & 2 on the member's former bondmate's page.
  3. Add the bond's finish date to Bonding Dates (needs to be entered under both bondmates' groups).
  4. Add dissolution to 2023 Bondings at bottom of page. State that the bond dissolution was due to demotion.

Bond Dissolution

  1. In the Member Info box, delete the name of the member's former bondmate.
  2. Under the "Bonding" heading (under "Tower Relationships") add the following:
    1. Enter finish date for the bond.
    2. Put ;Previous above that bond's information.
  3. Delete the member's profile from category [[Category:XXX Aes Sedai]]/[[Category:XXX Warders]].
  4. Repeat steps 1 & 2 on the member's former bondmate's page.
  5. Add the bond's finish date to Bonding Dates (needs to be entered under both bondmates' groups).
  6. Add dissolution to 2023 Bondings at bottom of page.

Name changes

When a member changes their name, change their Who's Who page like this:

  1. Load the member's Who's Who page.
  2. At the top of the member's page, click the "Move" tab.
  3. On the page that comes up, type the member's new name into the "To New Title" field.
  4. For reason type "Name change".
  5. Click the "Move page" button.

After changing the page's name, update the member's name in the member template on the right side of their Who's Who page.

Avatar changes

  1. Upload the member's avatar.
    1. In the left-side column, under "toolbox", click "Upload file".
    2. Choose the avatar file's location.
    3. Name the file "Avatar_NAME".
  2. Categorise into [[Category:Avatars]] and other relevant categories.


If a member is happy to have their location listed, check the list of Category:Location Templates and include the appropriate country next to Location= e.g. Location={{US}} turns to Location= USA

Location templates are of the member's country and link into continent categories (some countries also have specific categories too). If a member's country is missing, you can use another template from the same continent as a model to create that country's template.


Some members of the site have Tower Roles or jobs, like Tower Historian, Sitter, TVT Staff, or others. Whenever there's a change in who holds a Tower Role, several Library pages must be updated. Go to Maintaining Staff Pages to learn how to update these pages.


Each year the site gives awards that are noted on Who's Who pages.

When a new award is added, the newest award should go at the top of the "Awards" subheading.

Amyrlin's Award

When someone receives an Amyrlin's Award, it's noted as follows:

  1. Under the "Awards" subheading, add the template {{AAyear|2021}} with the appropriate year in the template.
  2. Add the award name next to the template. For example:

*{{AAyear|2023}}: Philanthropist of the Year - 2023

Will become:

Officer Award

When someone receives a Officer Award, it's noted as follows:

  1. Under the "Awards" subheading, add the template {{OAyear|2023}} with the appropriate year in the template.
  2. Add the award name next to the template. For example:

*{{OAyear|2023}}: Staff Member of the Year - 2023

Will become:

Members' Choice Award

When someone receives a Members' Choice award, it's noted as follows:

  1. Under the "Awards" subheading, add the template {{MCyear|2021}} with the appropriate year in the template.
  2. Add the award name next to the template. For example:

*{{MCyear|2023}}: Member most likely to be eaten by a Trolloc - 2023

Will become:

Live Event Attendence

Many of our members attend live events. We have templates to easily add event attendance to a member's Who's Who page under the Official Event Attendance heading. Each template includes a bullet, the name of the event, a link to the event's page, and the event's location. Here's how you add the templates.

Anniversary Party

These are the templates you use for each Anniversary Party that a member has attended.

{{anni2002}} becomes

{{anni2003}} becomes

{{anni2004}} becomes

{{anni2005}} becomes

{{anni2006}} becomes

{{anni2007}} becomes

{{anni2008}} becomes

{{anni2009}} becomes

{{anni2010}} becomes

{{anni2011}} becomes

{{anni2012}} becomes

{{anni2013}} becomes

{{anni2014}} becomes

{{anni2015}} becomes

{{anni2016}} becomes

{{anni2017}} becomes

{{anni2018}} becomes

{{anni2019}} becomes

Fall Ball

These are the templates you use for each Fall Ball that a member has attended.

{{fb2002}} becomes

{{fb2003}} becomes

{{fb2004}} becomes

{{fb2005}} becomes

{{fb2006}} becomes

{{fb2007}} becomes

  • Fall Ball 2007 - Cruise from Los Angeles, California, USA to Ensenada, Mexico

{{fb2008}} becomes

{{fb2009}} becomes

{{fb2010}} becomes

{{fb2011}} becomes

{{fb2012}} becomes

{{fb2013}} becomes

{{fb2014}} becomes

{{fb2015}} becomes

{{fb2016}} becomes

{{fb2017}} becomes

{{fb2018}} becomes

{{fb2019}} becomes


These are the templates you use for each Dragon*Con that a member has attended.

Important note: As of the Fall 2012 Admin Meeting, Dragon*Con is no longer an official Tower event. It was considered an official Tower event for library and merit purposes until 2012.

{{dcon2002}} becomes

{{dcon2003}} becomes

{{dcon2004}} becomes

{{dcon2005}} becomes

{{dcon2006}} becomes

{{dcon2007}} becomes

{{dcon2008}} becomes

{{dcon2009}} becomes

{{dcon2010}} becomes

{{dcon2011}} becomes

{{dcon2012}} becomes


These are the templates you use for each JordanCon that a member has attended. JordanCon is considered an official Tower event for library and merit purposes from 2009 onwards.

{{jcon2009}} becomes

{{jcon2010}} becomes

{{jcon2011}} becomes

{{jcon2012}} becomes

{{jcon2013}} becomes

{{jcon2014}} becomes

{{jcon2015}} becomes

{{jcon2016}} becomes

{{jcon2017}} becomes

{{jcon2018}} becomes

{{jcon2019}} becomes

Euro Party

These are the templates you use for each Euro Party that a member has attended.

Note: In 2002-2005, 2011, and 2012 we only had one Euro Party; in 2006 and 2007 we had only a Summer Euro Party, and in 2008, 2009, and 2010 we had a Summer Euro Party and Winter Euro Party. Please make sure to use the correct templates when indicating Euro Party attendance on a member's page.

Once-yearly Euro Party

{{euro2002}} becomes

{{euro2003}} becomes

{{euro2004}} becomes

{{euro2005}} becomes

{{euro2011}} becomes

{{euro2012}} becomes

{{euro2013}} becomes

{{euro2016}} becomes

{{euro2018}} becomes

{{euro2019}} becomes

Summer Euro Party

{{summereuro2006}} becomes

{{summereuro2007}} becomes

{{summereuro2008}} becomes

{{summereuro2009}} becomes

{{summereuro2010}} becomes

Winter Euro Party

{{wintereuro2008}} becomes

{{wintereuro2009}} becomes

{{wintereuro2010}} becomes

Britain & Ireland Party

These are the templates you use for each Britain & Ireland Party that a member has attended.

{{euro2014}} becomes

{{euro2015}} becomes

{{euro2017}} becomes

A Note: Other Tower Relationships

Many of our members have relationships with other members beyond that of bondmates or mentor/mentees. For any non-Tower relationship, we should only put it on the page with the express consent of the member. These are the relationships that may be stated on a Who's Who page:

  • First-siblings
  • Spouses
  • Family relations (sibing, parent/child, cousin, etc)


Generally, we add first-sibling relationships to the Library upon request.

  1. Under the "Other Tower Relationships" heading, add the subheading ;First-sister, ;First-brother, or ;First-siblings, as appropriate, if it is not already present.
  2. Under the First-sister/brother/siblings subheading, add the following:
* [[First-sibling's Name]], {{AS or Gaidin}} of {{Group}} (see above for wiki code for community groups)
  1. Repeat these steps on the member's new sibling's Library page.

We are currently not adding dates for first-sibling relationships because they are not dissolved like bonds. However, you can add the date in markup text for our records. For example: <!--Ceremony February 27, 2014-->