Bel Tine 2018

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Revision as of 11:42, 25 April 2019 by Tallan Daar (talk | contribs) (Round 1)
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Bel Tine 2018 was held April 9 - 16.


  • Group Theme Contest
  • Bowl of the Winds Scavenger Hunt
  • Poetry Contest
  • IRC Trivia
  • Forum Trivia
  • Bring the Colors Back! (Would You Rather?)
  • Spamathon



Poetry Contest

Spamathon Statistics


Total posts: 13,106
Average posts per hour: 136.5
Total participants: 70
Posts per capita: 187.2

Bel Tine 2018 Spamathon Winner: Brown Ajah​

Event Special Awesomeness
Highest Group Post Count: Yellow Ajah (4225)
Highest Individual Post Count: Nebka Galyn (1522)
The Brown Ajah carried the Spamathon flag with only 4 Aes Sedai/Aspirants and 1 Warder.
Best attending group: Yellow with 9 participants

Membership Group Totals

  • Posts: 22
  • Participants: 2
  • Posts Per Capita: 11.0
  • Posts: 586
  • Participants: 7
  • Posts Per Capita: 83.7
  • Posts: 2657
  • Participants: 4
  • Posts Per Capita: 664.25
  • Posts: 62
  • Participants: 5
  • Posts Per Capita: 12.4
  • Posts: 317
  • Participants: 4
  • Posts Per Capita: 79.25
  • Posts: 3
  • Participants: 1
  • Posts Per Capita: 3
  • Posts: 2770
  • Participants: 7
  • Posts Per Capita: 395.7
  • Posts: 0
  • Participants: 0
  • Posts Per Capita: 0
  • Posts:676
  • Participants: 7
  • Posts Per Capita: 96.57
  • Posts: 751
  • Participants: 8
  • Posts Per Capita: 93.88
  • Posts: 183
  • Participants: 3
  • Posts Per Capita: 61
  • Posts: 401
  • Participants: 5
  • Posts Per Capita: 80.2
  • Posts: 453
  • Participants: 8
  • Posts Per Capita: 56.63
  • Posts: 4225
  • Participants: 9
  • Posts Per Capita: 469.44

Round 1

Total posts: 3894
Total posts per hour: 162.25
Total participants: 64
Total posts per capita: 60.84

Match Numbers

SDS vs. Blue
  • 18.33 posts per hour
  • 440 total posts
VC vs. Brown
  • 35.42 posts per hour
  • 850 total posts
MDD vs. White
  • 2.54 posts per hour
  • 61 total posts
Gray vs. Red
  • 2.21 posts per hour
  • 53 total posts
Citizens vs. Accepted/Soldiers
  • 1.88 posts per hour
  • 45 total posts
Yellow vs. DM
  • 40.75 posts per hour
  • 978 total posts
Novices/Recruits vs. Green
  • 61.13 posts per hour
  • 1467 total posts

Group Numbers

  • 22 posts
  • 11 posts per capita
  • 0.92 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Eliza Al'Shaw with 14 posts; 63.6% of Accepted/Soldier posts in Round 1
  • 257 posts
  • 36.71 posts per capita
  • 10.71 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Nymala Ingasy with 83 posts; 32.3% of Blue posts in Round 1
  • 449 posts
  • 112.25 posts per capita
  • 18.71 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Tallan Daar with 270 posts; 60.1% of Brown posts in Round 1
  • 23 posts
  • 4.6 posts per capita
  • 0.96 posts per hour

Round 1 MVP: Jarl Lewin with 8 posts; 35% of Citizen posts in Round 1

Dai M'Hael
  • 317 posts
  • 79.25 posts per capita
  • 13.21 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Jaim al'Bearach with 150 posts; 47.3% of Dai M'Hael posts in Round 1
  • 3 posts
  • 3 posts per capita
  • 0.125 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Maibella Rhoiden with 3 posts; 100% of Gray posts in Round 1
  • 791 posts
  • 158.2 post per capita
  • 32.96 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Ninya Evoneigh with 381 post; 48.2% of Green posts in Round 1
Mahdi'in D'ma Dieb
  • No posts
  • 676 posts
  • 96.57 posts per capita
  • 28.17 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Leala Gymorraine with 257 posts; 38% of Novice/Recruit posts in Round 1
  • 50 posts
  • 8.33 posts per capita
  • 2.08 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Tie between Relinya Ryviarra and Lok Sionn each with 19 posts; each with 38% of Red posts in Round 1
San d'ma Shadar
  • 183 posts
  • 61 posts per capita
  • 7.625 post per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Ty al'Djinn with 81 posts; 44% of San d'ma Shadar posts in Round 1
  • 401 posts
  • 80.2 posts per capita
  • 16.71 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Alora Sionn with 212 posts; 52.8% of Val'Cueran posts in Round 1
  • 61 posts
  • 7.625 posts per capita
  • 2.54 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Tie between Aduiavas Ida and Elanda Tonil each with 14 posts; each with 23%% of White posts in Round 1
  • 661 posts
  • 94.43 posts per capita
  • 27.54 posts per hour
  • Round 1 MVP: Elania al'Manir with 237 posts; 35.9% of Yellow Posts in Round 1

Special Awesomeness

  • Round MVP (highest post count): Ninya Evoneigh with 381
  • Highest per capita: Green with 158.2
  • Per capitas ending with whole numbers: San d'ma Shadar, Gray, and Accepted/Soldiers!
  • Most participants: White with 8!
  • Highest post count (group): Green with 791!
  • Posters with >50% of their group’s posts: Eliza al’Shaw (63.6%), Tallan Daar (60.1%), and Alora Sionn (52.9%)
  • Post count twinsies:
    • 1 post: Martinis Clarkey, Naedys Channirra, Enya Tawarwaith
    • 2 posts: La'Donna Caliarthan, Theolyn Maryash, Syera Faelron, Sailea Nerid, Kitan Tataru, Jeffan Caliarthan
    • 3 posts: Brian Mandragon, Maibella Rhoiden, Qamra Daielin
    • 5 posts: Dovienya el'Korim, Aduiavas Ida
    • 6 posts: Keelinnea Isyne, Jahily al'Karee, Arie Davion
    • 8 posts: Aloren Tarabutton, Jarl Lewin, Liam al'Eire, Onis O'Leia
    • 9 posts: Alyria Savoinya, Erin al'Denael, Nynyra Falas
    • 11 posts: Gedhan Audax, Lyara Tieran
    • 14 posts: Elanda Tonil, Aduiavas Ida, Eliza al’Shaw
    • 19 posts: Cahalan Sothron, Relinya Ryviarra, Lok Sionn

Round 2

Total posts: 5034
Total posts per hour: 209.75
Total participants: 34
Total posts per capita: 148.06

Match Numbers

Yellow vs. Green
  • 166.5 posts per hour
  • 3996 total posts
Red vs. Citizens
  • 4.92 posts per hour
  • 118 total posts
Brown vs. White
  • 38.3 posts per hour
  • 920 total posts

Group Numbers

  • 528 posts
  • 105.6 posts per capita
  • 22 posts per hour
  • Round 2 MVP: Tallan Daar with 278 posts; 52.7% of Brown posts in Round 2
  • 39 posts
  • 13 posts per capita
  • 1.625 posts per hour
  • Round 2 MVP: Jarl Lewin with 15 posts; 38.5% of Citizen posts in Round 2
  • 1979 posts
  • 282.7 post per capita
  • 82.46 posts per hour
  • Round 2 MVP: Ninya Evoneigh with 495 post; 25.0% of Green posts in Round 2
  • 79 posts
  • 13.17 posts per capita
  • 3.29 posts per hour
  • Round 2 MVP: Theolyn Maryash with 33 posts; 41.8% of Red posts in Round 2
  • 392 posts
  • 56 posts per capita
  • 16.3 posts per hour
  • Round 2 MVP: Elanda Tonil with 302 posts; 77%% of White posts in Round 2
  • 2017 posts
  • 336.17 posts per capita
  • 84.04 posts per hour
  • Round 2 MVP: Nebka Galyn with 782 posts; 38.8% of Yellow Posts in Round 2

Special Awesomeness

  • Round MVP (highest post count): Nebka Galyn with 782
  • Posters with >50% contribution to their team: Tallan Daar (52.7%) and Elanda Tonil (77%)
  • Highest per capita: Yellow with 336.1667
  • Whole number per capitas: Citizens, White
  • Whole number posting rate: Brown at 22 posts per hour
  • Most participants: Green with 8!
  • Highest post count (group): Yellow with 2017!
  • Post count twinsies:
    • 1 post: Ealandrelle Melyma, Erin al’Denael, Ahmyra al’Ruley
    • 4 posts: Dovienya el’Korim, Syera Faelron
    • 8 posts: Relinya Ryviarra, Sailea Nerid
    • 26 posts: Aloren Tarabutton, Brandon Tataru
    • 46 posts: Melisande Arneil, Lyara Tieran

Round 3

Total posts: 2153
Total posts per hour: 89.7
Total participants: 22
Total posts per capita: 97.86

Match Numbers

Red vs. Yellow
  • 54.125 posts per hour
  • 1299 total posts
Brown vs. Blue
  • 35.6 posts per hour
  • 854 total posts

Group Numbers

  • 329 posts
  • 65.8 posts per capita
  • 13.7 posts per hour
  • Round 3 MVP: Nymala Ingasy with 117 posts; 35.5% of Blue posts in Round 3
  • 525 posts
  • 131.25 posts per capita
  • 21.86 posts per hour
  • Round 3 MVP: Tallan Daar with 278 posts; 53% of Brown posts in Round 3
  • 622 posts
  • 77.75 posts per capita
  • 25.9 posts per hour
  • Round 3 MVP: Sailea Nerid with 166 posts; 26.7% of Red posts in Round 3
  • 677 posts
  • 135.4 posts per capita
  • 28.2 posts per hour
  • Round 3 MVP: Nebka Galyn with 268 posts; 39.6% of Yellow Posts in Round 3

Special Awesomeness

  • Round MVP (highest post count): Tallan Daar (278)
  • Posters with >50% contribution to their team: Tallan Daar (53%)
  • Highest per capita: Yellow (135.4)
  • Most participants: Red (8)
  • Highest post count (group): Yellow (677)
  • Coordinating posts (participants ending with the same number of posts): Polegnyn Nemeara and Cahalan Sothron (95)
  • Team work (top participants in one group with close contribution percentages): Red with Sailea Nerid, Relinya Ryviarra, and Theolyn Maryash, each close to 25%.
  • Tallan Daar had the exact same number of posts in Round 3 as in Round 2 (278) which was only 8 different from Round 1 (270).
  • Post count twinsies:
    • 1 post: Keelinnea Isyne, Alyria Savoinya
    • 97 posts: Polegnyn Nemeara, Cahalan Sothron

Round 4

Total posts: 2022
Total posts per hour: 84.25
Total participants: 12
Total posts per capita: 168.5

Match Numbers

Brown vs. Yellow
  • 84.25 posts per hour
  • 2022 total posts

Group Numbers

  • 1152 posts
  • 192 posts per capita
  • 48 posts per hour
  • Round 4 MVP: Tallan Daar with 650 posts; 56.4% of Brown posts in Round 4
  • 870 posts
  • 124.3 posts per capita
  • 36.25 posts per hour
  • Round 4 MVP: Nebka Galyn with 312 posts; 35.9% of Yellow Posts in Round 4

Special Awesomeness

  • Round MVP (highest post count): Tallan Daar (650)
  • Posters with >50% contribution to their team: Tallan Daar (56.4%)
  • Most participants: Yellow (7)
  • Whole number post per hour: Brown (48 post per hour)
  • Whole number posts per capita: Brown (192 posts per capita)