Elanda Tonil
Elanda Tonil | ||
Real Name | Suzy | |
Location | New England, USA | |
Birthday | ||
TarValon.Net Information | ||
Affiliation | San d'ma Shadar | |
Rank | Gaidin | |
Title | Copywriting Editor | |
Join Date | August 7, 2002 | |
Bonded to | Alor Sionn | |
Link to Forum Profile | ||
Merits | ||
Tower History
- Joined TarValon.Net: August 7, 2002
- Joined Tower: August 7, 2002
- Raised Accepted: October 10, 2002
- Raised Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah: December 13, 2002
- Demoted to Accepted: July 1, 2007
- Aspired to the White Ajah: October 1, 2016
- Raised Aes Sedai of the White Ajah: April 22, 2017
- Left the White Ajah: October 21, 2021
- Aspired to San d'ma Shadar: January 7, 2024
- Joined San d'ma Shadar: June 25, 2024
Tower Involvement
- Copywriting Editor: January 3, 2023 - present
- Tower Mediator: February 23, 2022 - May 8, 2024
- Council Representative and Sitter for Unaffiliated Tower Sworn: Spring 2023
- Tar Valon Times Staff: December 1, 2017 - February 1, 2021
- Survey Project Manager: August 13, 2018 - December 28, 2020
- Outreach Activities Team: June 18, 2017 - June 30, 2020
- Heart of the White Ajah: October 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020
- Education and Employment/ Home and Garden/ Health and Fitness /Sports Fanatics/ Entertainment Forum Moderator: July 15, 2019 - May 10, 2020
- Current Events Forum Moderator:
- July 3, 2018 - May 10, 2020
- January 22, 2017 - July 15, 2017
- Gaming/ Tech Talk/ Hand Crafts/ Fine Arts & Literary Pursuits Forum Moderator:
- July 3, 2018 - July 14, 2019
- July 5, 2016 - January 21, 2017
- Sitter for the White Ajah: Fall 2018
- General Forum/ Frivolous Fun Forum Moderator: July 15, 2017 - July 3, 2018
- White Ajah Soul: July 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017
- Head of the Gray Ajah: May 6, 2003 - May 9, 2006
- Feastday Award: Rock Star of Shaoman - 2018
- Amyrlin's Award: Unsung Servant - 2018
- Keeper's Award: Staff Member of the Year - 2017
Privileges Earned
- Extra Bond
Tower Relationships
- Current
- Bonded to Alor Sionn, Gaidin of Val'Cueran: October 28, 2018 - present
- Previous
- Bonded to Stephen Lightheart, former Aes Sedai of the White Ajah: August 18, 2021 - October 6, 2021
- Bonded to Darim Pelegro, Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb: August 16, 2004 - July 1, 2007
- Mentor
- Aliandra Santorin, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Avendaella Tikvah, then Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Mentees
Official Event Attendance
- Anniversary Party 2005 - Estes Park, Colorado, USA
Tower Sworn Interview
Added March 8, 2019
- How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?
Since about 1996.
- How did you first get into the series?
I was 9 and I hated reading. My mom eventually forced me to sit down so she could read the first WoT book to me. The deal was, if I made it to the end of the book and still didn’t like reading and books, she would stop bothering me about finding something I wanted to read. After a few chapters I stole… erm, borrowed the book while she was sleeping and disappeared into my room, only resurfacing a few months later when I’d finished all the books that were published at that point (book 6 or 7). Mom won that bet and my sleep cycle has never recovered.
- Who is your favorite "hero"?
Maybe Egwene? Though Amys and Sorilea are also fantastic. So is Rhuarc.
- Favorite bad guy/gal?
Semirhage. Most definitely Semirhage.
- Favorite book and scene?
Book 3, shortly after Mat wakes up in the Tower after being Healed. He goes for a walk and comes across the Warders-in-training. He ends up accidentally challenging Gawyn and Galad to a competition, them with their swords, and him with a quarterstaff. In just a few moments he wipes the floor with them.
- If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?
Probably a farmer or other low to moderate-low income person… just like the vast majority of people in Randland…
- How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become Tower Sworn?
I was reading theories on Dragonmount, saw Eleyan posting there, followed a link in her sig which brought me to TarValon.Net. About five minutes later, I signed the novice book.
- Do you have any hobbies?
Quilting, reading, learning piano.
- What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
Home Free, Piano Guys, various classical, Lindsey Stirling, Evanesence, Beyonce, anything that sounds good to me.
- What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?
Buffy, NCIS, LotR, You’ve Got Mail, Fried Green Tomatoes, Star Trek Voyager, Iron Man.
- Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?
Chronicles of Elantra – Michelle Sagara; The Sun Sword – Michelle West; Black Magician Trilogy – Trudi Canavan; Second Sons Trilogy – Jennifer Fallon; Mistborn – Brandon Sanderson; Stormlight Archive – Brandon Sanderson
- What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?
Astronaut or Supreme Overlord of the Universe. Either one would have been acceptable.