Members' Choice Awards

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This article is about the Member's Choice Awards. For the Amyrlin's Award, see Amyrlin's Award

Every year at the time of the Anniversary party for, the membership comes together to recognize stand out individuals within the Community. These awards vary slightly from year to year, but always follow a nomination period followed by voting and are then presented at the Official Anniversary.





*The Guild-specific awards were something the membership, when polled, chose to add to the Members' Choice Awards when the categories were updated in 2008. Since that time, Guild structure has gone through many changes. This year, Guildleaders were included with the rest of each Guild's membership, and members voted STRONGLY for each Guildleader AS WELL AS 'regular' Guildmembers. To recognize both the efforts of your dedicated Guildleaders, as well as non-Leader members, there are TWO winners from each Guild this year.






2003 and 2004

*Most of the details are lost, but two facts have emerged from the mists of time

  • Best Membership Admin: Melana al'Cairera
  • Best Membership Admin: Rollyn Montagorae
  • Best Ajah Headquarters: The Yellow Ajah
  • Best Company Headquarters: SDS
  • Best Accepted project: Raevyn
  • Best Soldier Project: Al'Cary
  • Best Aes Sedai mentor: Masayna
  • Best Gaidin mentor: Ban
  • Most helpful member: Lyssandra
  • Friendliest member: Katariana