Executive Meeting

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The TarValon.Net Membership Manual contains additional information on this topic.


Four times a year TarValon.Net has an Executive Meeting. All Executives, Officers and Board Members at TarValon.Net are invited to this meeting, where they deliberate upon strategies which might have impact on the Administrative and Membership structures in the coming year.

The Executive Meeting is an opportunity to achieve important changes to the site. TarValon.Net has always been in a constant process of evolution, as it improves its operations so it may serve its members as a growing community. Every variation to existing procedure is introduced and established in order to enhance and improve our site, so it may test and stretch its boundaries as a leading community in The Wheel of Time fandom.

The Spring and Fall meetings tend to be the more detailed, longer meetings that cover larger changes to the community. We share the agenda, ask for any comments, and then post the decisions in a discussion forum afterward.

Roughly two months before the meeting is scheduled, a thread is started in the Executive forum, in which the Executives and Officers may start adding items to the agenda.

Generally a week or two before the meeting, the tentative agenda is posted in Site Announcements, where all members are invited to input on the proposed subjects for discussion. Members are also asked to contact the appropriate Director of Officer if they want items added to the agenda.

The majority of the meeting involves minor aspects of each Department, tending to involve discussion between Officers and Directors relevant to the current subject. This includes, among many other things, an appraisal of the budget, philanthropy goals, assessment of certain Administrative positions and many other mundane issues which allow TarValon.Net to function smoothly and with maximum efficiency.

The Executive Meeting is also the time at which the Amyrlin is able to describe any plans of future innovation, which allow our site to continue serving its members as a fresh and ever-progressive community.

There are usually a number of policies instituted at the Executive Meeting which have a major impact upon the site. In the past, a few cases which were implemented as a result of discussion at Executive Meetings were the sharing of a Bondmate’s Ajah/Company forum, evaluating members for raising to Senior Membership through the Hall rather than deliberation of either all Gaidin or all Aes Sedai, the Guesting program for Accepted/Soldiers and Voluntary Demotions for Tower Sworn.

After the meeting, the Executive Assistant compiles the minutes. These minutes are then issued to the Directors, which is especially important for those who were not able to be present at the meeting, so they might be updated on the new policies. Once all Directors have corresponded, the rest of the members may become acquainted with these policies through one or more posts made in the Site Announcements forum by either the Amyrlin or Keeper.

Any posts made about newly updated procedures are not discussion or debate threads, but rather serve the function of announcing these changes to the site’s members. In a site as large and dynamic as our own, it is vital to remember that every modification to existing policy is the result of an issue which required improvement. These policies are adjusted or instituted in response to previous member feedback of which the Administration was informed through the Chain of Command or within the Administrative structure or by the membership poll.

Any who wish to communicate about these newly instituted policies may do so by contacting their Membership Admin, who will relay any relevant information through the Chain of Command. All policies are, as always, up for review in the subsequent year’s Executive Meeting.

The Executive Meeting used to be called the Admin Meeting, and include people who served in Administrative postions in addition to the Executive Branch and the Board of Officers. The name changed in 2017 to clarify that this is no longer the case.

2024 Executive Meetings

Main article: Winter 2024 Executive Meeting
Main article: Spring 2024 Executive Meeting
Main article: Summer 2024 Executive Meeting

Three executive meetings has been held so far in 2024.

2023 Executive Meetings

Main article: Winter 2023 Executive Meeting
Main article: Spring 2023 Executive Meeting
Main article: Summer 2023 Executive Meeting
Main article: Fall 2023 Executive Meeting

A total of four meetings were held in 2023. The winter meeting was held on January 21. The spring meeting was held on April 29. The summer meeting was held on July 22. The spring meeting was held on October 14.

2022 Executive Meetings

Main article: Winter 2022 Executive Meeting
Main article: Spring 2022 Executive Meeting
Main article: Summer 2022 Executive Meeting
Main article: Fall 2022 Executive Meeting

A total of four meetings were held in 2022. The winter meeting was held on January 29, the spring meeting - on April 16, the summer meeting - on July 16, and the fall meeting - on October 15.

2021 Executive Meetings

Main article: Winter 2021 Executive Meeting
Main article: Spring 2021 Executive Meeting
Main article: Summer 2021 Executive Meeting
Main article: Fall 2021 Executive Meeting

A total of four meetings were held in 2021, the winter one was held on January 16, in spring - on April 3, in the summer - on July 10 and in the fall - on October 16.

2020 Executive Meetings

Main article: Spring 2020 Executive Meeting
Main article: Summer 2020 Executive Meeting
Main article: Fall 2020 Executive Meeting

The First Quarter / Spring Exec meeting was held in March. Second Quarter/ Summer Exec meeting was held on June 6 and Third Quarter/Fall Exec meeting was held on September 26.

2019 Executive Meetings

Main article: Spring 2019 Executive Meeting
Main article: Fall 2019 Executive Meeting

2018 Executive Meetings

Main article: Spring 2018 Executive Meeting
Main article: Fall 2018 Executive Meeting

The 2018 meetings were held on March 25 and September 23.

2017 Executive Meetings

Main article: Spring 2017 Admin Meeting
Main article: Fall 2017 Executive Meeting

The 2017 meetings were held on March 26 and September 17.

2016 Admin Meetings

Main article: Winter 2016 Admin Meeting
Main article: Spring 2016 Admin Meeting

The 2016 meetings were held on March 27 and September 25.

2015 Admin Meetings

Main article: Spring 2015 Admin Meeting

Held March 29, 2015

Main article: Fall 2015 Admin Meeting

2014 Admin Meetings

Main article: Spring 2014 Admin Meeting

It was decided that TarValon.Net would move ahead with integration, with all Companies and Ajahs to be open to anyone who wished to join

Main article: Fall 2014 Admin Meeting

2013 Admin Meetings

Main article: Spring 2013 Admin Meeting

The first 2013 Admin Meeting was held April 13, the weekend before JordanCon 2013. Major discussions include the possibility of integrating genders within the Tower.

Main article: Fall 2013 Admin Meeting

The second 2013 Admin Meeting was held October 19.

2012 Admin Meetings

Main article: Spring 2012 Admin Meeting
Main article: Fall 2012 Admin Meeting

The first 2012 Admin meeting was held after the Eleventh Anniversary Party. For the first time, the Agenda was released ahead of meeting and comments invited. Major changes include giving community groups the ability to set their own rules for unofficial guests and the change of the Headmistress to an admin level position. A second meeting was held in the Fall, as on online meeting.

2011 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2011 Admin Meeting

The 2011 Admin Meeting was held before the 10th Anniversary Party. The changes decided upon included the dissolving of the Department of Community Development and the Guilds, which were to be replaced by special interest forums as well as transitioning the Department of Philanthropy into the Department of Community Outreach. It was also decided to use the member pages as a base of a re-introduction of the Who's Who.

2010 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2010 Admin Meeting

The 2010 Admin Meeting was held before the Ninth Anniversary Party. Major changes agreed upon at this meeting included the introduction of Merit Badges

2009 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2009 Admin Meeting

At the 2009 Admin Meeting, the Department of Events and Conferences and Department of Philanthropy were created

2008 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2008 Admin Meeting

The 2008 Admin meeting was held in August, major changes included changing Membership Admins to rotating positions

2007 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2007 Admin Meeting

The 2007 Admin Meeting was held in June. Major changes included splitting the Mistress of Novices to create a Mistress of Accepted position and spliting Captain of the Guard into Captain of Recruits and Captain of Soldiers

2006 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2006 Admin Meeting

The major change announced at the 2006 meeting was the introduction of the guesting and aspiring system. It was also decided to add an annual scholarship and to create a position of European Mistress of Revels to split the burden on the North American Mistress of Revels

2005 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2005 Admin Meeting

Little is known of the 2005 Admin meeting, other than the decision to set formal age minimum for the different levels of membership and the requirement that any member must have a voice conversation with their membership administrator before being raised to Senior Member or attending an official event. Guilds were also introduced.

2004 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2004 Admin Meeting

The 2004 Admin meeting was held over the weekend of July 17 and 18. Major changes included the implementation of a new departmental structure, include the formation of the Department of Research and Communication

2003 Admin Meeting

Main article: 2003 Admin Meeting

The 2003 Administrative Meeting was held in Fairview at the Anni Party.