Epic Prank Merit

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Epic Prank Merit 300.png


One of the Merit Badges introduced in March 2011. It falls under the "Online Spirit" category and is a silver merit. It can be earned after being nominated for performing an Epic Prank.

Because it cannot convert to Gold, it is one of the merits that applies towards the Alchemist Merit. To nominate someone for this merit, email your nomination and a reason why you are nominating them, to archivist@tarvalon.net.

Silvers Awarded

Black Tower Takeover 2024
Nameday Narg
Lan Bucks during Anni 2022
Westeros takeover during Anni 2022
Bear takeover in 2011
Blowing up the Tower
Painting the Ajahs
Redecorating the Mistress of Novice's Office with barn animals
Stole the Stole
Swapping identities
Replacing swords with chickens
Salidar take over camp
Setting the Guilds on fire during 8th Anni
Tar Bacon
Took over the Tower in 2004
Up to no good