Tairen Character List

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Author: Kyria d'Oreyn

Admira, Master: A merchant.

Agardo Saranche: The innkeeper of The Dragon in Tear.

Ailhuin Guenna: A Wise Woman in Tear. She is an acquaintance of Leuese Mulan and Juilin Sandar. She betrays Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene to Liandrin and her cronies, but she tells Mat later where he can find them.

Algarin Pendaloan: A lesser Lord of the Land. His younger brother was Emarin.

Aloisia Nemosni: The eldest of the Kin. It is unknown whether she is originally from Tear or if she is just an oil merchant who has installed herself there.

Alteima: A High Lady of Tear. She is married to High Lord Tedosian. She had an affair with High Lord Carleon, but he was killed after her husband got to know about it.

Anaiyella Narencelona: A High Lady of Tear.

Aracome: A High Lord of Tear.

Arrela Shiego: A Tairen member of Cha Faile.

Astoril Damara: A Tairen High Lord in retirement. His daughter is Medore Damara.

Baran: A young Tairen lord. He was killed in a fight against the Shaido in 'The Fires of Heaven.'

Berden A young man in the Younglings.

Cabriana Mecandes: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebels. She, Anaiya and Kairen were referred to as 'the Three.' She was killed by Semirhage in 'Lord of Chaos.'

Carleon: A High Lord of Tear. He had an affair with Alteima; after Tedosian got to know of this through a forged letter from Thom, he killed Carleon in a hunting "accident."

Carlomin: A young nobleman. He is the Banner-General of the Fourth Squadron in Mat's Band of the Red Hand.

Carlon Belcelona: A young nobleman; he is also a member of Cha Faile.

Cavan Lopar: The innkeeper of The White Crescent in Tear.

Cian: A woman from Tear.

Cieryl Arjuna: Careane Fransi's Warder. The last time we see him, he is speeding off into danger when he feels his Aes Sedai die.

Col: A horse-handler in Valan Luca's menagerie.

Com: A peasant boy. Min has a viewing of him and his friend Doni that makes her sad.

Dara: A cook's helper in the Stone of Tear.

Darlin Sisnera: A High Lord of Tear. He goes into open rebellion against Rand; after this campaign fails, he is made Steward of the Lord Dragon in Tear. He is about to be crowned King of Tear.

Dermid Ajala: A blacksmith.

Donalo Sandomere: A Dedicated Asha'man. He has bonded Ayako Norsoni.

Doni: A peasant boy. Min has a viewing of him and his friend Com that makes her sad.

Edorion Selorna: A young nobleman. He becomes a Banner-General in Mat's Band of the Red Hand.

Emares: A nobleman. He commanded some forces around Tar Valon at the end of the Aiel War.

Emarin Pendaloan: A lesser Tairen nobleman. He could channel, was gentled and is now dead. His elder brother is Algarin.

Estanda: A High Lady of Tear.

Estean Andiama: A young nobleman. He is Torean's eldest son and a member of Mat's Band of the Red Hand.

Estevan: A Lord of the Land sworn to Sunamon.

Ethin: One of Lord Algarin's servants.

Fionnda Annariz: A High Lady of Tear.

Furen Alharra: Seonid Traighan's Warder.

Gorderan: A Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand.

Gueyam: A High Lord of Tear. Min has a viewing about him dying a bloody death.

Harnan: A Redarm and file leader in the Band of the Red Hand.

Haviar: A young nobleman and member of Cha Faile.

Hearne: A High Lord of Tear. He is among the rebels against the Dragon Reborn.

Huan: Siuan's uncle. He died rescuing children from a burning house.

Huan Mallia: Captain of the Gray Gull.

Iagin Handar: A Defender of the Stone.

Ines: A woman who supports Darlin Sisnera.

Ivara: One of the Kin's Knitting Circle. She is a goldsmith.

Jezrail: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is one of Pevara Tazanovni's party who goes to bond Asha'man at the Black Tower.

Juilin Sandar: A thief-catcher. After Lan and Rand send him to keep Nynaeve and Elayne whole on their voyage to Tanchico, he stays with them or their allies all the time. He eventually falls in love with Thera, the former Panarch of Tarabon, who was made da'covale by the Seanchan.

Jurah Haret: The innkeeper of the Star in Tear.

Kera: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai.

Leitha: A noblewoman from Tear.

Leuese Mulan: An old fisherman. He is an acquaintance of Mother Guenna.

Lopin: One of Mat's manservants. He served Nalesean before his death.

the Majhere: The title of the head servant of the Stone of Tear. Currently held by a hard woman whose name is unknown.

Mara Tomanes: An old friend from Siuan Sanche's youth.

Maraconn: A High Lord of Tear. Min has a viewing of him dying a bloody death.

Medore Damara: A noblewoman from Tear and Astoril Damara's daughter. She is also a member of Cha Faile.

Meilan Mendiana: A High Lord of Tear. He swears an oath of fealty to Rand. He is killed by a footpad on the orders of Colavaere in 'Lord of Chaos.'

Melanril Asegora: A minor Tairen lord. He is in charge of the Tairen cavalry, but he dies in a fight against the Aiel in 'The Fires of Heaven.'

Meralda: A member of Cha Faile.

Nalesean Aldiaya: A young nobleman and a leader in the Band of the Red Hand. He is killed by the gholam in 'A Crown of Swords'.

Parelean: A member of Cha Faile. He is killed by the Shaido.

Raefar Kisman: An Asha'man. He is one of Taim's men. Taim set his name on the Traitor's Tree as a deserter. He is killed by Fain in 'Winter's Heart.'

Rafela Cindal: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebels. She is bonded to Mahiro Shukosa. She has sworn fealty to Rand.

Rasoria Domanche: A Queen's Guard in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn and a former Hunter of the Horn.

Reimon: A young nobleman and a leader in the Band of the Red Hand.

Rodrivar Tihera: A very minor noble and Captain of the Stone.

Rosana: A newly raised High Lady.

Rosara Medrano: An Aes Sedai of undetermined Ajah; she is either aligned with Cadsuane or one of the Aes Sedai who were sent to capture Rand al'Thor.

Rovair: A man who supports Darlin Sisnera.

Salita Toranes: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is aligned with the rebels and is a Sitter in their Hall.

Sareitha Tomares: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with the rebels. She is bonded to Ned Yarman. She is killed by Chesmal Emry in 'Knife of Dreams.'

Selame: A refugee; she works as Egwene's maid for a time.

Simaan: A High Lord of Tear. He is among the rebels against the Dragon Reborn.

Siuan Sanche: An Amyrlin Seat raised from the Blue Ajah. She was bonded to Alric until his death. She was stilled and deposed, but Healed by Nynaeve al'Meara later. Now she serves Egwene al'Vere as a kind of secret advisor.

Sunamon Haellin: A High Lord of Tear.

Tedosian: A High Lord of Tear. He is married to Alteima.

Tolmeran: A High Lord of Tear.

Torean Andiama: A High Lord of Tear. His eldest son is Estean.

Weiramon Saniago: A High Lord of Tear.