2005 Raisings
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People who were raised in 2005.
[hide]Raised Aes Sedai
By Month
- January
- Yelenia Hylraren - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Morwynna Raevyn - Raised to the Red Ajah
- February
- Sirena Taliba - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Tallan Daar - Raised to the Green Ajah
- March
- Mariasha Casindred - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Sela Narian - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Osaka Demae - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Jolene Hafwen - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Analaiya na'Imrath - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Tian el'Nvidia - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Khisanth al'Danya - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Aerien Millefiori - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- April
- Samira Forghani - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Kytheria al'Shea - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- May
- Tree - Raised to the Green Ajah
- June
- Ehlana Taravin - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Alyssa Letherio - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- August
- Alessandra Estelle - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Amira Coriande - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Kyyri Moran - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Ne'Mireth Delvar - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Annouk Vinkona Úlfanna - Raised to the White Ajah
- Elia LePhant - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Allin Sha'Maer - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Valadilene Aldieb - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Arien Nalaam - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Zashara Sho'am - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Kiana A'Jadein - Raised to the White Ajah
- September
- Aidan Pendragon - Raised to the White Ajah
- Zhareen Narelle - Raised to the White Ajah
- Lireina Dormerus t'al`Bearach - Raised to the Green Ajah
- October
- Sandriel Andarin - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- December
- Napolde Surion - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Melisande Arneil - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Saminda Meltacia - Raised to the Gray Ajah
By Community Group
- Blue Ajah
- Yelenia Hylraren - January
- Aerien Millefiori - March
- Kytheria al'Shea - April
- Alessandra Estelle - August
- Sandriel Andarin - October
- Brown Ajah
- Sirena Taliba - February
- Sela Narian - March
- Allin Sha'Maer - August
- Gray Ajah
- Mariasha Casindred - March
- Samira Forghani - April
- Ehlana Taravin - June
- Amira Coriande - August
- Zashara Sho'am - August
- Melisande Arneil - December
- Saminda Meltacia - December
- Green Ajah
- Tallan Daar - February
- Tian el'Nvidia - March
- Tree - May
- Kyyri Moran - August
- Ne'Mireth Delvar - August
- Lireina Dormerus t'al`Bearach - September
- Red Ajah
- Morwynna Raevyn - January
- Osaka Demae - March
- Elia LePhant - August
- Valadilene Aldieb - August
- White Ajah
- Annouk Vinkona Úlfanna - August
- Kiana A'Jadein - August
- Aidan Pendragon - September
- Zhareen Narelle - September
- Yellow Ajah
- Jolene Hafwen - March
- Analaiya na'Imrath - March
- Khisanth al'Danya - March
- Alyssa Letherio - June
- Arien Nalaam - August
- Napolde Surion - December
Raised Accepted
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- Lireina Dormerus t'al`Bearach
- Annouk Vinkona Úlfanna
- Ilissa al'Nari
- Roshen Aldazar
- Sayerin Assnobahr
- Je t'aime Al'morha
- Bridonna Desini
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Raised Gaidin
By Month
- January
- February
- Sothalis Braevin - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- March
- Bakure Mazayed - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- April
- May
- June
- Al'rem Toruka - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Jaim al'Bearach - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- July
- August
- Teavev Rolain - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Aliyenah M'haldred - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Pip al'Dealys - Raised to Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- September
- October
- November
- December
By Community Group
- Dai M'Hael
- Jaim al'Bearach - June
- Teavev Rolain - August
- Aliyenah M'haldred - August
- Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Pip al'Dealys - August
- San d'ma Shadar
- Sothalis Braevin - February
- Bakure Mazayed - March
- Val'Cueran
- Al'rem Toruka - June
Raised Soldier
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- December
- Arisaema Draconis: From the Blue Ajah to Accepted
- Micah Junfir: From Val'Cueran to Soldier