List of Maps
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
- 1 Maps by Location/Time Period
- 1.1 After the Trolloc Wars
- 1.2 Bandar Eban
- 1.3 Caemlyn
- 1.4 Caemlyn Road
- 1.5 Cairhien (City)
- 1.6 Eastern Borderlands
- 1.7 Ebou Dar
- 1.8 Far Madding
- 1.9 Field of Merrilor
- 1.10 Illian (City)
- 1.11 Malden
- 1.12 Maradon
- 1.13 Seanchan
- 1.14 Shara
- 1.15 Tanchico
- 1.16 Tar Valon
- 1.17 Tear (City)
- 1.18 Ten Nations
- 1.19 The Two Rivers
- 1.20 Westlands
- 1.21 The World
- 2 Maps by Book
- 2.1 The Eye of the World
- 2.2 The Great Hunt
- 2.3 The Dragon Reborn
- 2.4 The Shadow Rising
- 2.5 The Fires of Heaven
- 2.6 Lord of Chaos
- 2.7 A Crown of Swords
- 2.8 The Path of Daggers
- 2.9 Winter’s Heart
- 2.10 Crossroads of Twilight
- 2.11 Knife of Dreams
- 2.12 The Gathering Storm
- 2.13 Towers of Midnight
- 2.14 A Memory of Light
- 2.15 The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time
- 2.16 The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
- 2.17 The Wheel of Time Companion
Maps by Location/Time Period
After the Trolloc Wars
- This map is located in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 11
- Locations named on this map: Abayan, Aldeshar, Balasun, Basharande, Blight, Caembarin, Dal Calain, Darmovan, Dhowlan, Elan Dapor, Elsalam, Esandara, Farashelle, Fergansea, Hamarea, Ileande, Indrahar, Kharendor, Khodomar, Moreina, Nerevan, Oburun, Oman Dashar, Rhamdashar, Roemalle, Shiota, Talmour, Tar Valon, Tova
Bandar Eban
- This map is located between TGS, Ch. 28 and TGS, Ch. 29
- Locations named locations on this map: Arad Doman, Arandi Square, Aryth Ocean, Bandar Eban, City Wall, Docks, Gull District, House Chadmar, Royal Palace, Wind’s Favour Inn,
- Directions: to Katar, to Saldaea, to Tarabon
- This map is located between TFoH, Ch. 53 and TFoH, Ch. 54, between CoT, Ch. 10 and CoT, Ch. 11, and in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 27
- Locations named locations on this map: Andor, Caemlyn
- Directions: to Aringill, to Far Madding, to Four Kings, to Tar Valon
- Note: A similar map, but in a different style, can be found in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, page 267
Caemlyn Road
- This map is located between TEotW, Ch. 12 and TEotW, Ch. 13
- Locations named on this map: Aringill, Artur Hawkwing’s statue, Black Hills, Braem Wood, Caemlyn, Caemlyn Road, Caralain Grass, Dragonmount, Four Kings, River Alguenya, River Cary, River Erinin, River Haevin, River Luan, Tar Valon, Whitebridge
- Note: There is a copy of the earliest known map of Andor in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 27
Cairhien (City)
- This map is located between LoC, Ch. 17 and LoC, Ch. 18, and in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 29
- Locations named on this map: Cairhien, Illuminator’s Chapter House, River Alguenya
- Note: A similar map, but in a different style, can be found in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, page 270
Eastern Borderlands
- This map is located between TEotW, Ch. 45 and TEotW, Ch. 46
- Locations named on this map: Arafel, Blight, Dragonmount, Fal Dara, Fal Moran, Kandor, Kinslayer's Dagger, Mountains of Dhoom, Niamh Passes, Seven Towers, Shadow’s Lance, Shienar, Shol Arbela, Spine of the World, Tar Valon
- Directions: to Tarwin's Gap
Ebou Dar
- This map is located between ACoS, Ch. 12 and ACoS, Ch. 13, and in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 30
- Locations named on this Map: Bag Road, Circuit of Heaven, Circuit of the Sun, Cordese Hills, Dal Eira Gate, Eastpoint Lighttower, Ebou Dar, Great North Road, Illian Road, Mol Hara Square, Moldine Gate, Rahad, Rhiannon Hills, River Eldar, Silver Circuit, Three Towers Gate, Westpoint Lighttower
- Note: A similar map, but in a different style, can be found in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, page 265
Far Madding
- This map is located between WH, Ch. 21 and WH, Ch. 22
- Locations named on this map: Ajalon Bridge, Amhara Market, Avharin Market, Caemlyn Gate, Counsels' Plaza, Daigan, Far Madding, Glancor, Goim Bridge, Hall of the Counsels, Heights, Hills of Kintara, Ikane Bridge, Illian Gate, Lakeman's Quarter, Mustering Ground, Nethvin Market, South Bridge, Strangers’ Markets, Tear Gate
Field of Merrilor
- This map is located between AMoL, Ch. 35 and AMoL, Ch. 36
- Locations named on this map: Abandoned Farms, bogs, Arafel, Dashar Knob, Hawal Ford, River Erinin, River Mora, Shienar, Polov Heights, Ruins
- Note: The Wheel of Time Companion also has additional maps of the Last Battle.
Illian (City)
- This map is located in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, page 272
- Locations named on this map: Illian
- This map is located between KoD, Ch. 27 and KoD, Ch. 28
- Locations named on this map: Malden, Shaido Aiel camp
- Note: Also shows a great deal of the countryside around Malden
- This map is located near the middle of ToM, Ch. 18
- Locations named on this map: Cordamora Palace, Lower Camp, Maradon, River Arinelle, Upper Camp
- Directions: to Bandar Eban, to Chachin
- This map can be found in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 17
- Locations named on this map: Anangore, Aryth Ocean, Asinbayar, Imfaral, Kirendad, Noren M'Shar, Qirat, Rampore, Seandar, Shon Kifar, Sohima, Towers of Midnight, T'zura
- Locations named on this map: Aiel Waste, Blight, Drowned Lands, Mayene, Morenal Ocean, Sea of Storms, Sea Folk Isles, Shara, Spine of the World, Termool
- Note: safe ports are marked with red arrows
- This map is located early in TSR, Ch. 38), and in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 30
- Locations named on this map: Aryth Ocean, Calpene Peninsula, Great Circle, King's Circle, Maseta Peninsula, Panarch's Circle, Panarch's Palace, River Andahar, Tanchico, Tanchico Bay, Verana Peninsula
Tar Valon
- This map is located near the beginning of TDR, Ch. 11, and in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 24
- Locations named on this map: Alindaer, Alindrelle Erinin, Daghain, Jualdhe, Luagde, Northharbor, Ogier Grove, Osendrelle Erinin, Osenrein, River Erinin, Southharbor, Tar Valon, White Tower Grounds
- Directions: to Caemlyn, to Cairhien, to Chachin and Shol Arbela, to Dragonmount, to Maradon, to Shol Arbela and Fal Moran
- Note: A similar map, but in a different style, can be found in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, page 275
Tear (City)
- This map is located in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, page 277
- Locations named on this map: Maule, Stone of Tear, Tear
Ten Nations
- Note: This map is located in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 10
- Locations named on this map: Aelgar, Almoren, Aridhol, Aramaelle, Blight, Coremanda, Eharon, Essenia, Jaramide, Manetheren, Safer,
The Two Rivers
- This map is located just before the start of TEotW, Ch. 1
- Locations named on this map: Deven Ride, Eldrene's Veil, Emond's Field, Forest of Shadows, Mire, Mountains of Mist, Old Road, Quarry Road, River Taren, Sand Hills, Taren Ferry, Watch Hill, Waterwood, West Wood, White River, Winespring Water
- Directions indicated: to Baerlon
- Note: There is a copy of the earliest known map of the Two Rivers in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 28
- A map of the Westlands is located at the start of every book
The World
- This map is located in TWoRJTWoT Chapter 15
- Locations named on this map: Aiel Waste, Aryth Ocean, Blight, Dead Sea, Land of the Madmen, Morenal Ocean, Northern Icecap, Sea of Storms, Seanchan, Shara, Southern Icecap
Maps by Book
- A map of the Westlands is located at the start of every book and thus is not included under each book in the following list.
The Eye of the World
- Two Rivers: before TEotW, Ch. 1
- Eastern Andor: between TEotW, Ch. 12 and TEotW, Ch. 13
- Eastern Borderlands: between TEotW, Ch. 45 and TEotW, Ch. 46
The Great Hunt
- No maps
The Dragon Reborn
- Tar Valon: near the beginning of TDR, Ch. 11
The Shadow Rising
- Tanchico: near the beginning of TSR, Ch. 38
The Fires of Heaven
- Caemlyn: between TFoH, Ch. 53 and TFoH, Ch. 54
Lord of Chaos
- City of Cairhien: between LoC, Ch. 17 and LoC, Ch. 18
A Crown of Swords
- Ebou Dar: between ACoS, Ch. 12 and ACoS, Ch. 13
The Path of Daggers
- No maps
Winter’s Heart
- Far Madding: between WH, Ch. 21 and WH, Ch. 22
Crossroads of Twilight
- Caemlyn: between CoT, Ch. 10 and CoT, Ch. 11
Knife of Dreams
- Malden: between KoD, Ch. 27 and KoD, Ch. 28
The Gathering Storm
- Bandar Eban: between TGS, Ch. 28 and TGS, Ch. 29
Towers of Midnight
- Maradon: located near the middle of ToM, Ch. 18
A Memory of Light
- Field of Merrilor: between AMoL, Ch. 35 and AMoL, Ch. 36
The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time
- The Ten Nations (Historical Map): Chapter 10
- The Nations After the Trolloc Wars (Historical Map): Chapter 11
- Full map of the World: Chapter 15
- Shara: Chapter 16
- Seanchan: Chapter 17
- Earliest known map of the lands in the series: Chapter 24
- Tar Valon: Chapter 24
- Caemlyn: Chapter 27
- Earliest Known Map of Andor: Chapter 27
- Earliest Known Map of the Two Rivers: Chapter 28
- City of Cairhien: Chapter 29
- Ebou Dar: Chapter 30
- Tanchico: Chapter 30
The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
- These maps are done in a different style to the maps in the main series
- Caemlyn: Page 267
- The City of Carhien: Page 270
- Ebou Dar: Page 265
- The City of Illian: Page 272
- Tar Valon: Page 275
- The City of Tear: Page 277
- The Westlands: Pages 24-25
The Wheel of Time Companion
- All of the maps printed in the main series can be found in The Wheel of Time Companion, as well as 7 maps of the Last Battle that are exclusive to the Companion