The Brown Ajah in 2020
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27: Eluial Aldaran leaves the Social Marketing Team.
19: Rhianna Solstice Aspires.
12: Stasia t'Andrei joins the Graphics Development Team.
28: Rhed al'Tere retires from the Amyrlin Seat and joins the Ajah during the Virtual Anni Party. Thaddius al'Guy is raised Aes Sedai. Six Members' Choice Awards goes to Browns: Stasia t'Andrei wins the Hermit Award, Alexstrasz Ruskein wins Best Embodiment of Two Rivers Stubbornness, Eluial Aldaran wins Member You'd Most Like to See Run for Office, Elia LePhant wins Most Representative of Ajah, Tallan Daar wins Member You'd Most Like a Quiet Night In With, and Thaddius al'Guy wins Outstanding Junior Member Involvement.
1: Alenya Al'Roran and Tallan Daar are chosen as Sitters for the Spring 2020 term.
10: The Spring 2020 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
21: Tallan Daar steps down as Director of Research and Records.
26: Stasia t'Andrei becomes Marketing Project Manager.
30: Leira Galene steps down as Mafia Moderator.
1: Alexstrasz Ruskein becomes Mafia Moderator.
6: Elia LePhant steps down as Director of Community Outreach. Tallan Daar rejoins the Social Marketing Team.
10: Thaddius al'Guy steps down as Olde Warder and Hen Forum Moderator.
11: Leira Galene transitions from Current Events Forum Moderator to Floating Moderator, Zashara Sho'am becomes Floating Moderator, and Alexstrasz Ruskein becomes Olde Warder and Hen Forum Moderator.
16: Thaddius al'Guy becomes Mind.
26: The April and May 2020 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
3: Loraella Melodie becomes Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers.
5: Lilli O'Neeus becomes Servant of All Coordinator.
6: Yelenia Hylraren joins the Social Marketing Team.
23: The June 2020 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
30: Alenya Al'Roran steps down as Social Media Manager, and Thaddius al'Guy as Mafia Moderator. They both leave the Outreach Activities Team.
1: Alexstrasz Ruskein and Thaddius al'Guy transition from Mafia Moderators to Game Masters.
13: Tallan Daar becomes City Council Scribe.
30: Zashara Sho'am becomes Mistress of the Watch. Elia LePhant steps down as Tower Historian, instead joining the Costume Team alongside Alenya Al'Roran.
31: Tallan Daar becomes Tower Historian. The July 2020 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
1: Loraella Melodie steps down as Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers.
1: The August 2020 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
29: Aintza Bisera joins the Tar Valon Times Staff.
1: Eluial Aldaran and Thaddius al'Guy are chosen as Sitters for the Fall 2020 term.
5: Alexstrasz Ruskein steps down as Olde Warder and Hen Forum Moderator, and Zashara Sho'am as Floating Moderator. Thaddius al'Guy steps down as Library Forums Moderator but continues on as a general Moderator. Leira Galene transitions from Floating Moderator to general Moderator. Aintza Bisera becomes Chat Operator.
2: The September 2020 issue of the Brown Bulletin is published.
30: Aintza Bisera becomes Mayor.
1: Thaddius al'Guy steps down as Game Master.
2: Aintza Bisera becomes Game Master.
12: Alenya Al'Roran is awarded the Unsung Servant Amyrlin's Award, and Elia LePhant the Member of the Year Amyrlin's Award.
21: Pylar al'Stnap joins the Department of Marketing Staff.