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''Author: Atarah al'Norahn''
[[Character Glossary A|A]], [[Character Glossary B|B]], [[Character Glossary C|C]], [[Character Glossary D|D]], [[Character Glossary E|E]], [[Character Glossary F|F]], [[Character Glossary G|G]], [[Character Glossary H|H]], [[Character Glossary I|I]], [[Character Glossary J|J]], [[Character Glossary K|K]], [[Character Glossary L|L]], [[Character Glossary M|M]], [[Character Glossary N|N]], [[Character Glossary O|O]], [[Character Glossary P|P]], [[Character Glossary Q|Q]], [[Character Glossary R|R]], [[Character Glossary S|S]], [[Character Glossary T|T]], [[Character Glossary U|U]], [[Character Glossary V|V]], [[Character Glossary W|W]], [[Character Glossary X|X]], [[Character Glossary Y|Y]], [[Character Glossary Z|Z]]
[[Character Glossary A|A]], [[Character Glossary B|B]], [[Character Glossary C|C]], [[Character Glossary D|D]], [[Character Glossary E|E]], [[Character Glossary F|F]], [[Character Glossary G|G]], [[Character Glossary H|H]], [[Character Glossary I|I]], [[Character Glossary J|J]], [[Character Glossary K|K]], [[Character Glossary L|L]], [[Character Glossary M|M]], [[Character Glossary N|N]], [[Character Glossary O|O]], [[Character Glossary P|P]], [[Character Glossary Q|Q]], [[Character Glossary R|R]], [[Character Glossary S|S]], [[Character Glossary T|T]], [[Character Glossary U|U]], [[Character Glossary V|V]], [[Character Glossary W|W]], [[Character Glossary X|X]], [[Character Glossary Y|Y]], [[Character Glossary Z|Z]]
[[Eadwin]]: A man from Verin's youth. He lived in Far Madding.
[[Eadwin]]: A historical character; a man from Far Madding that Verin knew when she was young.
Eadwin Deosin: A man from Murandy. Husband to Saera. He is one of the possible fathers of the Dragon Reborn.
[[Eadwin Doesin]]: A man from Murandy. His son was on Moiraine and Siuan’s list of possibilities for the Dragon Reborn.
Eadyth: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She welcomes Siuan and Moiraine after they chose the Blue.
[[Eadyth]]: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah; she was a Sitter for and First Selector of the Blue Ajah in “New Spring.
[[Eagan Padros]]: A soldier from Illian. He leads a band of soldiers that are loyal to Lord Brend/Sammael. He is killed after attempting to murder Rand.
[[Eagan Padros]]: A man from Illian; he is loyal to Sammael. He is killed by Asha’man.
[[Ealsin]]: A woman from the Two Rivers, Andor. She is Perrin's great aunt. She was murdered by Padan Fain.
[[Ealsin]]: A woman from the Two Rivers in Andor. She is Perrin’s great-aunt. She was killed by Padan Fain.
[[Eamon Valda]]: A high ranking officer of the Whitecloaks. He holds the rank of a Lord Captain. After Pedron Niall's death, he becomes the Lord Captain Commander.
[[Eamon Valda]]: A Whitecloak who holds the rank of Lord Captain. He becomes the Lord Captain Commander until Galad kills him.
[[Earwin]]: A soldier of the Children of the Light.
[[Earwin]]: A Whitecloak.
[[Easar Togita]]: The King of Shienar. He is a widower.
[[Easar Togita]]: The King of Shienar.
[[Eawynd]]: The King of Safer. He signed the Compact of the Ten Nations.
[[Eawynd]]: A historical character; a king of Safer in the Compact of Ten Nations.
[[Eazil Forney]]: A man from Aerien, Andor.
[[Eazil Forney]]: A man from Arien, Andor.
[[Eban Vandes]]: A historian. He wrote the book 'The History of the Stone of Tear.'
[[Eban Vandes]]: A historical character; he was an author. He wrote “The History of the Stone of Tear.
[[Eben Hopwil]]: An Asha'man. One of the group Rand took as bodyguards. Young, about 16. Killed by the forsaken defending Rand while the taint was cleansed.
[[Eben Hopwil]]: An Asha’man. He was Daigian Moseneillen’s Warder. He was killed in a battle against Aran’gar.
[[Ebram]]: A man who serves Graendal in Arad Doman.
[[Echiko]]: An Accepted.  She died when she jumped off the top of the White Tower, thinking that she could fly.
[[Echiko]]: Once an Accepted of the White Tower. Echiko was convinced that she had discovered the long-lost Talent of flying; she threw herself from the roof of the Tower and died.
[[Ebram]]: One of Graendal’s people.
[[Edarna Noregovna]]: An Amyrlin Seat raised from the Blue Ajah. She ruled from 64 to 115 NE.
[[Edarna Noregovna]]: A historical character; she was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Blue Ajah.
[[Edarra]]: An Aiel woman of the Neder sept of the Shiande Aiel. She is a Wise One, and can channel.
[[Edarra]]: An Aiel woman of the Neder sept of the Shiande Aiel. She is a Wise One.
[[Edelle Gaelin]]: A woman from Watch Hill, Andor. She is the Wisdom.
[[Edelle Gaelin]]: A woman from Watch Hill in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is the Wisdom.
[[Edesina Azzedin]]: Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, made ''damane'' and rescued by Mat
[[Edesina Azzedin]]: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is aligned with the rebels.  She is captured by the Seanchan and turned into a damane, but is later rescued by Mat.
[[Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel]]: A noblewoman from the Borderlands. She was once a patriot of Malkier, and was also Lan's first lover. She has a daughter named Iselle.
[[Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel]]: A noblewoman from Malkier. She was Lan’s first lover.
[[Edorion]]: A man from Tear. He is a young lord and is a part of the Band of the Red Hand.
[[Edorion Selorna]]: A lord from Tear. He is a member of the Band of the Red Hand.
[[Edwin Doesin]]: A man from Murandy who fought in the Aiel War.
[[Efalin]]: An Aiel woman of the Shaido clan.  She is a Maiden of the Spear.
[[Efalin]]: A Shaido Aiel and leader of the Shaido Maidens of the Spear. Described as short with graying hair.
[[Egeanin Tamarath]]: A Seanchan woman.  She was a ship captain who was promoted to one of the Blood.  She escaped Ebou Dar with Mat and company, and was later stripped of her rank by Tuon and given the name Leilwin Shipless. She is married to Bayle Domon.
[[Efraim Yamada]]: A Seanchan noble of the low Blood and Banner-General of the armies in Ebou Dar. He is married to Riselle.
[[Egoridin]]: A historical character; a High Queen of Jaramide during the Compact of Ten Nations.
[[Egeanin Tamarath]]: Seanchan sea captain. After befriending Elayne and Nynaeve, she released a captured ''Sul'dam''. Raised to the blood and attracted to Bayle Domon, who she has taken as property. Escaped Ebou Dar with Mat. Stripped of her title by Tuon.
[[Egwene al’Vere]]: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. Her parents are Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. She leaves Emond’s Field with Moiraine, Lan, Rand, Mat, Perrin and Thom and journeys to the White Tower. She is later made the Amyrlin Seat of the rebel Aes Sedai.
[[Egoridin]]: Queen of Jaramide. She signed the Compact of the Ten Nations.
[[Ehvin]]: A man from Murandy. He works as a servant for the rebel Aes Sedai.
[[Egwene al'Vere]]: Amyrlin Seat of the rebel Aes Sedai. Dreamwalker. Strong in the One Power. Has affections for Gawyn. From Emond's Field, Andor.
[[Ehvon]]: One of the Atha’an Miere.
[[Ehvin]]: A Murandian serving man in the rebel Aes Sedai camp.
[[Einion Avharin]]: A historical character; she was one of the First Counsels of Far Madding.
[[Ehvon]]: A Sea Folk woman and a Windfinder.
[[Einone]]: A noblewoman from Kandor.  She is Queen Ethenielle’s sister and is married to one of Queen Tenobia of Saldaea’s uncles.
[[Einion Avharin]]: A historical character. She was once a Counsel of Far Madding. There is a statue of her in the Avharin Market in Far Madding.
[[Einor Saren]]: A Whitecloak. He is one of the Questioners.
[[Einone]]: Queen Ethenielle of Kandor's sister. She is married to one of Queen Tenobia of Saldaea's uncles.
[[Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan]]: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. She is named Amyrlin Seat after Siuan Sanche is deposed.
[[Einor Saren]]: A Whitecloak. He is also a Questioner. He is an officer that holds the rank of second in command to Jaichim Carridin.
[[Elam Dowtry]]: A young man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.
[[Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan]]: The Amyrlin Seat, previously an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. Stilled Siuan and Leane. Previous advisor to the Queen of Andor. Has the Foretelling. Attempted to leash and control Rand. From Murandy.
Elan Morin Tedronai: See [[Ishamael]].
[[Elam Dowtry]]: A boy from Emond's Field, Andor. A friend of Mat.
[[Elansu]]: A woman from Fal Dara, Shienar. She is the shatayan of the palace in Fal Dara.
[[Elansu]]: A woman from Fal Dara, Shienar. She is the Shatayan of the Fal Dara Keep.
[[Elayne Traemane]]: A noblewoman from Andor. She is Ellorien Traemane’s grandmother.
[[Elayne Traemane]]: A woman from Andor; Ellorien Traemane's grandmother. of Morgase. Elayne Trakand was named after her.
[[Elayne Trakand]]: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the daughter of Queen Morgase of Andor and Taringail Damodred of Cairhien, making her the Daughter-Heir of Andor. In “Knife of Dreams,” she garnered enough support to become Queen of Andor.
[Elayne Trakand]: Daughter-Heir of Andor. Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Strong in the One Power. Bonded to Rand and Birgitte.
[[Elbar]]: A man from Seanchan. He is a Darkfriend who takes orders from Suroth. He is killed in the attempt to kill Tuon.
[[Elber]]: A man from Andor. He is one of the Queen's Guards, but is loyal to Gaebril.
[[Elber]]: One of the Queen’s Guards of Andor.
[[Eldase]]: A member of the Kin, and also one of the Elders. She supplies laquerware to merchants.
[[Eldase]]: A woman who previously lived in Ebou Dar, Altara.  She is one of the Kin. She travels to Caemlyn with Elayne and company.
[[Eldaya Tolen]]: An Amyrlin raised from the Blue Ajah. She ruled from 533 to 549 NE.
[[Eldaya Tolen]]: A historical character; an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Blue Ajah.
[[Eldrene ay Elan ay Carlan]]: Ancient Queen of Manetheren; wife of Aemon. She died in an attempt to destroy the Shadow.
[[Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan]]: A historical character; she was the Queen of Manetheren, married to King Aemon al Caar al Thorin. She died using the One Power to defeat an army of shadowspawn.
[[Eldred Methane]]: A Cairhienin; under-cook in the Sun Palace.
[[Eldrid Methin]]: A woman from Cairhien.  She works as a cook in the Sun Palace.
[[Eldrin Cauthon]]: Younger sister of Matrim Cauthon, resident of Emond's Field.
[[Eldrin Cauthon]]: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.  She is one of Mat’s sisters.  She can channel and is taken from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.
[[Eldrin Hackly]]: A wagon man. He almost broke Deni's neck once.
[[Eldrin Hackly]]: A man from Deni Colford’s past.
[[Eldrith Jhondar]]: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. In actuality, she is Black. Bonded to Kennit. She is one of the Sisters to flee the Tower with Liandrin.
[[Eldrith Jhondar]]: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is also a member of the Black Ajah. She leaves the White Tower with Liandrin. She is currently in the dungeon of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.  She is bonded to Kennit.
[[Elegar]]: A man from Andor. He is a minor lord and a Darkfriend.
[[Elegar]]: A lord from Andor. He is a Darkfriend.
[[Elenia Sarand]]: Wife of Jarid. Though captured by Amryllia and forced to give allegiance, she still has plans to be Queen. Previously one of Gaebril's lackeys
[[Elenia Sarand]]: A noblewoman from Andor. She is married to Jarid Sarand, the High Seat of House Sarand. She unwillingly supported Arymilla Marne for the throne of Andor and is now being held for ransom in Caemlyn by Elayne Trakand.
[[Elfraed Guitama]]: A man who lived at the end of Artur Hawkwing's reign. He was advised by Jalwin Moerad and came close to seizing Hawking's empire after his death.
[[Elfraed Guitama]]: A historical character; he lived during the time of Artur Hawkwing.
[[Elienda]]: An Aiel woman. She is a Maiden of the Spear.
[[Elienda]]: An Aiel woman; She is a Maiden of the Spear.  She is killed during Faile’s rescue.
[[Elin Warrel]]: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She is over 40 years old.
[[Elin Warrel]]: A recently raised Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
[[Elinde Mothoneos]]: A woman from Esandara; expert in siege warfare. She tried to free Guiare Amalasan after he was captured and brought to the Tower for trial.
[[Elinde Motheneos]]: A historical character; she lived during the time of Artur Hawkwing. She was from Esandara.
[[Elis]]: A woman from Cachin, Kandor. She works as a maid in the Aesdaishar Palace.
[[Elis]]: A woman from Chachin, Kandor. She works at the Aesdaishar Palace.
[[Elisa al'Seen]]: A woman from the Two Rivers, Andor. Married to Jac al'Seen.
[[Elisa al’Seen]]: A woman from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is married to Jac al’Seen.
[[Elisa al'Vere]]: A girl from Emond's Field, Andor. She is one of Egwene's sisters and is 18 years old.
[[Elisa al’Vere]]: A woman from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. Her parents are Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere and she is one of Egwene’s older sisters.
[[Elisane Tishar]]: The first Amyrlin Seat. She ruled from 98 AB. She was one of the Aes Sedai to initiate the construction of the White Tower.
[[Elisane Tishar]]: A historical character; she was the first Amyrlin Seat.
[[Elise Marwin]]: A girl from Emond's Field, Andor. She has the ability to channel.
[[Elise Marwin]]: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She can channel and is taken away from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.
[[Elise Strang]]: An Amyrlin raised from the Gray Ajah. She ruled from 223 to 244 NE.
[[Elise Strang]]: A historical character; she was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Gray Ajah.
[[Eliya]]: A woman from Seanchan. She is a morat'raken. She dies during the attack on the Farm in The Path of Daggers.
[[Eliya]]: A woman from Seanchan. She is a morat’raken. She is killed when she falls of her raken.
[[Ella]]: A girl from Cairhien. She works in an inn called The Bunch of Grapes.
[[Ella]]: A woman from Cairhien. She works at The Bunch of Grapes inn.
[[Ellaine Marise'idin Alshinn]]: A historical character from Arafel. She wrote a translation of the Karaethon Cycle in NE 231.
[[Ellaine Marise’idin Alshinn]]: A historical character; she lived in the early years NE and worked as the Chief Librarian in Arafel.
[[Elle]]: A girl from Watch Hill, Andor. She has the inborn ability to channel.
[[Elle]]: A girl from Watch Hill in the Two Rivers, Andor. She can channel and is taken away from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.
[[Ellid Abareim]]: An Accepted of the White Tower. She never returned from her test for the Shawl.
[[Ellid Abareim]]: An Accepted of the White Tower with Moiraine and Siuan. When she went to take her Aes Sedai test, she never returned.
[[Ellisar]]: A Murandian lord. He fought in the Aiel War.
[[Ellisar]]: A nobleman. He fought during the Aiel War.
[[Ellizelle]]: One of the Queens of Ghealdan that Masema disapproved of. She was killed by poison.
[[Ellizelle]]: A noblewoman from Ghealdan.  She was the Queen of Ghealdan for a short time before she was assassinated.
[[Ellorien Traemane]]: A noblewoman from Andor. She was a close friend of Morgase.
[[Ellorien Traemane]]: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the High Seat of House Traemane.  After Morgase, who is under the influence of Rahvin, has her exiled, she hates House Trakand.
[[Ellya Mowly]]: A child born at the end of the Aiel War; Careme Mowly's daughter.
[[Ellya Mowly]]: A girl born during the Aiel War.
[[Elnore al'Meara]]: A woman from Emond's Field, Andor. Nynaeve's mother. She died when Nynaeve was young.
[[Elnore al’Meara]]: A woman from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She was Nynaeve’s mother.
[[Elnore Mandragoran]]: An imaginary character. Nynaeve has a daughter named Elnore when she goes through the third arch of her Accepted test.
[[Elnore Mandragoran]]: An imaginary character. In Nynaeve’s Accepted test, she is Nynaeve and Lan’s daughter.
[[Elora]]: A historical character. An Ogier. She wrote a book called 'Men of Fire and Women of Air.'
[[Elora]]: An Ogier author who wrote a book entitled “Men of Fire and Women of Air.
[[Elricain Tavolin]]: A man from Cairhien. He is a lieutenant in the army of Cairhien.
[[Elricain Tavolin]]: A man from Cairhien. He is a Lieutenant.
[[Else Grinwell]]: Girl met by Rand and Mat on route to Caemlyn. Went to Tar Valon to learn to be Aes Sedai, but didn't apply herself, instead just looked at men and was sent away.
[[Else Grinwell]]: A girl from Andor. She goes to the White Tower as a novice but is later sent home.
[[Elsie]]: A woman from Andor. She works as a maid for the House of Matherin.
[[Elsie]]: A girl from Andor. She works for House Matherin.
[[Elvaine Martan]]: An Andoran noble. She stands with Trakand.
[[Elvaine Martan]]: A noblewoman from Andor. She and her husband support Elayne for the Lion Throne.
[[Elver Shaene]]: A man from Cairhien. He is the captain of a longboat.
[[Elver Shaene]]: A ship captain.
[[Elwin]]: A historical character. One of the Jenn Aiel. He dies at a young age due to hunger.
[[Elwin]]: A historical character; he was one of the Jenn Aiel.
[[Elwinn Taron]]: The wisdom for Deven Ride after Mavra Mallen. Described as short, plump and motherly.
[[Elwinn Taron]]: A woman from Deven Ride in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is the Wisdom.
[[Elyas Machera]]: A wolf brother. Once a Warder to a Green Aes Sedai named Rina.
[[Elyas Machera]]: A Wolfbrother. He is the Warder of Rina Hafden of the Green Ajah, though she masked the bond when he fled the White Tower after his connection to wolves was discovered and thought to be a connection to the Dark One.  He teaches Perrin about being a Wolfbrother.
[[Elynde]]: A woman from Ebou Dar, Altara. She is a friend of Setalle Anan.
[[Elynde]]: A woman who lives in Ebou Dar, Altara.
[[Elza Penfell]]: Green and Black Aes Sedai, part of the group who kidnapped Rand. She swears fealty to him after being declared da'tsang. Desperate to serve him. Killed Dashiva. From Andor.
[[Elza Penfell]]: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.  She is also a member of the Black Ajah. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and has now sworn an oath of fealty to Rand. She is bonded to Fearil.
[[Emara]]: A woman from Illian. She holds the rank of Accepted in the White Tower.
[[Emara]]: An Accepted from Illian; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
[[Emares]]: A Tairen lord who fought in the Aiel War.
[[Emares]]: A lord from Tear.  He fought during the Aiel War.
[[Emarin Pendaloan]]: A nobleman from Tear who could channel.
[[Emarin Pendaloan]]: A lord from Tear.  He can channel; he was gentled at the White Tower.
[[Emerys]]: An Aiel woman of the Shaido Clan. She is a Wise One.
[[Emerys]]: An Aiel woman of the Shaido clan; she is a Wise One.
[[Emry Lewin]]: A girl from Emond's Field, Andor. She has the ability to channel.
[[The Empress|Empress, The]]: Her name is Radhanan, but she is always referred to only as “The Empress.”  Her heir is Tuon. She and her family, minus Tuon, are assassinated by Semirhage.
[[Endara Casalain]]: Governor of Andor; wife of Joal Ramedar. Her daughter is Ishara, the first Queen of Andor.
[[Emry Lewin]]: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She can channel and is taken from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.
[[Enaila]]: A Maiden of the Spear. She has red hair, about the same age as Rand, and is short for an Aiel.
[[Enaila]]: An Aiel woman of the Jarra sept of the Chareen Aiel. She is a Maiden of the Spear.
[[Endara Casalain]]: A historical character. She governed Andor in the time of Arthur Hawkwing. She was Ishara's mother.
[[Endara Casalain]]: A historical character; she worked as the Governor of Andor during the time of Artur Hawkwing.
[[Enid]]: A woman from Ebou Dar, Altara. She works in an inn called The Wandering Woman.
[[Enid]]: A woman who lives in Ebou Dar, Altara. She works at the Wandering Woman Inn.
[[Enkazin]]: A Soldier. He stands guard when Pevara and the other red sisters want to speak to Taim.
[[Enkazin]]: An Asha’man from Saldaea.
[[Eram Talkend]]: A minor nobleman from Andor. He is loyal to Elenia Sarand.
[[Eram Talkend]]: A nobleman from Andor. He supports Elenia Sarand.
[[Eran]]: A man from Saldaea. He is a soldier who taught Faile how to fight.
[[Eran]]: A soldier from Saldaea.
[[Erian Boroleos]]: Green Aes Sedai, part of the group who kidnapped Rand. Despite the fact that he killed two of her warders, she swears fealty to him after being declared da'tsang.
[[Erian Boroleos]]: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is captured at Dumai’s Wells and has now sworn an oath of fealty to Rand.  She is bonded to Bartol and Rashan; her other two Warders were killed by Rand.
[[Erim]]: Clan Chief of the Chareen Aiel.
[[Erim]]: An Aiel man; he is the Clan Chief of the Chareen clan.  He supports Rand as the Car’a’carn.
[[Erith]]: Young Ogier woman, engaged to Loial.
[[Erith]]: An Ogier female from Stedding Tsofu.  She is Loial’s wife.
[[Ershin Netari]]: A nobleman from Illian.
[[Ershin Netari]]: A nobleman from Illian.
[[Escaralde]]: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She sides with the Salidar Aes Sedai. She is about 70 years old.
[[Escaralde]]: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
[[Eselle Najima]]: A girl from Canluum, Kandor.
[[Eselle Najima]]: A girl from Kandor.  Her parents are Jurine and Josef Najima.
[[Esmara Getares]]: A historical character. She was a leader during the War of the Hundred Years.
[[Esmara Getares]]: A historical character; she lived during the War of the Hundred Years.
[[Esne]]: A serving maid in the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor. She serves Lan when he was staying at the Palace.
[[Esne]]: A woman from Chachin, Kandor. She works at the Aesdaishar Palace.
[[Esole]]: A historical character. One of the Jenn Aiel; one of Rand's ancestors.
[[Esole]]: A historical character; she was one of the Jenn Aiel.
[[Espara Soman]]: A woman from Toman Head. She has since moved to the Two Rivers as a refugee.
[[Espara Soman]]: A woman from Toman Head. She is now living in the Two Rivers.
[[Essande]]: A woman from Caemlyn, Andor. She is one of Elayne's personal maids.
[[Essande]]: A woman from Andor. She lives and works in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn as one of Elayne’s maids.
[[Essonde]]: A woman from Seanchan. She is a der'sul'dam.
[[Essonde]]: A woman from Seanchan. She is a der’sul’dam.
[[Estair]]: An Aiel woman. She is an apprentice Wise One to Aeron.
[[Estair]]: An Aiel woman. She is an apprentice Wise One.
[[Estalaine]]: An Aiel woman of the Shaido Clan. She is a Wise One. She is killed at Dumai's Wells.
[[Estalaine]]: An Aiel woman of the Shaido clan; she is a Wise One. She is killed at Dumai’s Wells.
[[Estanda]]: High Lady of Tear in rebellion against Rand.
[[Estanda]]: One of the High Ladies of Tear.  She is one of the Tairen rebels against Rand.
[[Estean Andiama]]: A man from Tear. He is a lord and is the son of High Lord Torean.
[[Estean Andiama]]: A nobleman from Tear. His father is the High Lord Torean Andiama.  He is a member of the Band of the Red Hand.
[[Ester Norham]]: A woman from Caemlyn, Andor. She works in the Palace and is a spy.
[[Ester Norham]]: A woman who lives in Caemlyn, Andor. She works at the Royal Palace.
[[Estevan]]: A man from Tear. He is a lord who is sworn to High Lord Sunamon.
[[Estevan]]: A nobleman from Tear.
[[Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga]]: Queen of Kandor.
[[Ethenielle Cosaru Noremaga]]: The Queen of Kandor.
[[Ethin]]: A serving woman in Lord Algarin's manor house.
[[Ethin]]: A man from Tear.  He works for House Pendaloan.
[[Eurian Romavin]]: A man from Kandor. He wrote a book called 'A Journey to Tarabon.'
[[Eurian Romavni]]: A man from Kandor. He is an author and wrote the book “A Journey to Tarabon.
[[Evanellein]]: Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. She sides with Elaida and the White Tower.
Eval Ramman: See [[Balthamel]].
[[Evard Cordwyn]]: An Andoran mercenary. He attacks the Far Madding gate of Caemlyn after switching sides from Elayne to Arymilla.
[[Evanellein]]: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
[[Evelle Haevin]]: An Andoran noblewoman. She is one of Lady Catalyn's advisors.
[[Evard Cordwyn]]: A man from Andor. He is a mercenary who was hired by Elayne to help her in securing the Lion Throne.  He betrays her for Arymilla Marne and is killed in battle.
[[Evin Vinchova]]: An Asha'man who holds the rank of Dedicated. He is one of Logain's followers.
[[Evelle Haevin]]: A noblewoman from Andor.
[[Evon]]: A woman from Amador, Amadicia. She works as a cook in Jorin Arene's house.
[[Evin Vinchova]]: An Asha’man who holds the rank of Dedicated. He is one of Logain’s men.
[[Ewal Coplin]]: A boy from Emond's Field, Andor.
[[Evon]]: A man who lives in Amador, Amadicia.  He works for the Arene family.
[[Eward Aybara]]: A man from the Two Rivers, Andor. He is Perrin's uncle. Married to Magde with three children. He was murdered by Padan Fain.
[[Ewal Coplin]]: A man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.
[[Eward Candwin]]: A man from Emond's Field, Andor. He is a cooper.
[[Eward Aybara]]: A man from the Two Rivers, Andor. He is Perrin’s uncle.  He was killed by Padan Fain.
[[Eward Congar]]: A man from Emond's Field, Andor.
[[Eward Candwin]]: A man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.
[[Ewin Finngar]]: A youth of Emond's Field, several years younger than Rand, Mat and Perrin. Given a Tar Valon mark by Moiraine along with Rand and Mat.
[[Eward Congar]]: A man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.
[[Eyndel]]: A soldier of the Band of the Red Hand.
[[Ewin Finngar]]: A boy from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.
[[Eyndel]]: A member of the Band of the Red Hand.
[[Category:Character Glossaries]]
[[Category:Character Glossaries]]

Revision as of 14:02, 29 April 2007

Author: Atarah al'Norahn

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Eadwin: A historical character; a man from Far Madding that Verin knew when she was young.

Eadwin Doesin: A man from Murandy. His son was on Moiraine and Siuan’s list of possibilities for the Dragon Reborn.

Eadyth: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah; she was a Sitter for and First Selector of the Blue Ajah in “New Spring.”

Eagan Padros: A man from Illian; he is loyal to Sammael. He is killed by Asha’man.

Ealsin: A woman from the Two Rivers in Andor. She is Perrin’s great-aunt. She was killed by Padan Fain.

Eamon Valda: A Whitecloak who holds the rank of Lord Captain. He becomes the Lord Captain Commander until Galad kills him.

Earwin: A Whitecloak.

Easar Togita: The King of Shienar.

Eawynd: A historical character; a king of Safer in the Compact of Ten Nations.

Eazil Forney: A man from Arien, Andor.

Eban Vandes: A historical character; he was an author. He wrote “The History of the Stone of Tear.”

Eben Hopwil: An Asha’man. He was Daigian Moseneillen’s Warder. He was killed in a battle against Aran’gar.

Echiko: An Accepted. She died when she jumped off the top of the White Tower, thinking that she could fly.

Ebram: One of Graendal’s people.

Edarna Noregovna: A historical character; she was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Blue Ajah.

Edarra: An Aiel woman of the Neder sept of the Shiande Aiel. She is a Wise One.

Edelle Gaelin: A woman from Watch Hill in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is the Wisdom.

Edesina Azzedin: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah; she is aligned with the rebels. She is captured by the Seanchan and turned into a damane, but is later rescued by Mat.

Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel: A noblewoman from Malkier. She was Lan’s first lover.

Edorion Selorna: A lord from Tear. He is a member of the Band of the Red Hand.

Efalin: An Aiel woman of the Shaido clan. She is a Maiden of the Spear.

Egeanin Tamarath: A Seanchan woman. She was a ship captain who was promoted to one of the Blood. She escaped Ebou Dar with Mat and company, and was later stripped of her rank by Tuon and given the name Leilwin Shipless. She is married to Bayle Domon.

Egoridin: A historical character; a High Queen of Jaramide during the Compact of Ten Nations.

Egwene al’Vere: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. Her parents are Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere. She leaves Emond’s Field with Moiraine, Lan, Rand, Mat, Perrin and Thom and journeys to the White Tower. She is later made the Amyrlin Seat of the rebel Aes Sedai.

Ehvin: A man from Murandy. He works as a servant for the rebel Aes Sedai.

Ehvon: One of the Atha’an Miere.

Einion Avharin: A historical character; she was one of the First Counsels of Far Madding.

Einone: A noblewoman from Kandor. She is Queen Ethenielle’s sister and is married to one of Queen Tenobia of Saldaea’s uncles.

Einor Saren: A Whitecloak. He is one of the Questioners.

Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. She is named Amyrlin Seat after Siuan Sanche is deposed.

Elam Dowtry: A young man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.

Elan Morin Tedronai: See Ishamael.

Elansu: A woman from Fal Dara, Shienar. She is the shatayan of the palace in Fal Dara.

Elayne Traemane: A noblewoman from Andor. She is Ellorien Traemane’s grandmother.

Elayne Trakand: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the daughter of Queen Morgase of Andor and Taringail Damodred of Cairhien, making her the Daughter-Heir of Andor. In “Knife of Dreams,” she garnered enough support to become Queen of Andor.

Elbar: A man from Seanchan. He is a Darkfriend who takes orders from Suroth. He is killed in the attempt to kill Tuon.

Elber: One of the Queen’s Guards of Andor.

Eldase: A woman who previously lived in Ebou Dar, Altara. She is one of the Kin. She travels to Caemlyn with Elayne and company.

Eldaya Tolen: A historical character; an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Blue Ajah.

Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan: A historical character; she was the Queen of Manetheren, married to King Aemon al Caar al Thorin. She died using the One Power to defeat an army of shadowspawn.

Eldrid Methin: A woman from Cairhien. She works as a cook in the Sun Palace.

Eldrin Cauthon: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is one of Mat’s sisters. She can channel and is taken from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.

Eldrin Hackly: A man from Deni Colford’s past.

Eldrith Jhondar: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is also a member of the Black Ajah. She leaves the White Tower with Liandrin. She is currently in the dungeon of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. She is bonded to Kennit.

Elegar: A lord from Andor. He is a Darkfriend.

Elenia Sarand: A noblewoman from Andor. She is married to Jarid Sarand, the High Seat of House Sarand. She unwillingly supported Arymilla Marne for the throne of Andor and is now being held for ransom in Caemlyn by Elayne Trakand.

Elfraed Guitama: A historical character; he lived during the time of Artur Hawkwing.

Elienda: An Aiel woman; She is a Maiden of the Spear. She is killed during Faile’s rescue.

Elin Warrel: A recently raised Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.

Elinde Motheneos: A historical character; she lived during the time of Artur Hawkwing. She was from Esandara.

Elis: A woman from Chachin, Kandor. She works at the Aesdaishar Palace.

Elisa al’Seen: A woman from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is married to Jac al’Seen.

Elisa al’Vere: A woman from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. Her parents are Brandelwyn and Marin al’Vere and she is one of Egwene’s older sisters.

Elisane Tishar: A historical character; she was the first Amyrlin Seat.

Elise Marwin: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She can channel and is taken away from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.

Elise Strang: A historical character; she was an Amyrlin Seat raised from the Gray Ajah.

Eliya: A woman from Seanchan. She is a morat’raken. She is killed when she falls of her raken.

Ella: A woman from Cairhien. She works at The Bunch of Grapes inn.

Ellaine Marise’idin Alshinn: A historical character; she lived in the early years NE and worked as the Chief Librarian in Arafel.

Elle: A girl from Watch Hill in the Two Rivers, Andor. She can channel and is taken away from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.

Ellid Abareim: An Accepted of the White Tower with Moiraine and Siuan. When she went to take her Aes Sedai test, she never returned.

Ellisar: A nobleman. He fought during the Aiel War.

Ellizelle: A noblewoman from Ghealdan. She was the Queen of Ghealdan for a short time before she was assassinated.

Ellorien Traemane: A noblewoman from Andor. She is the High Seat of House Traemane. After Morgase, who is under the influence of Rahvin, has her exiled, she hates House Trakand.

Ellya Mowly: A girl born during the Aiel War.

Elnore al’Meara: A woman from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She was Nynaeve’s mother.

Elnore Mandragoran: An imaginary character. In Nynaeve’s Accepted test, she is Nynaeve and Lan’s daughter.

Elora: An Ogier author who wrote a book entitled “Men of Fire and Women of Air.”

Elricain Tavolin: A man from Cairhien. He is a Lieutenant.

Else Grinwell: A girl from Andor. She goes to the White Tower as a novice but is later sent home.

Elsie: A girl from Andor. She works for House Matherin.

Elvaine Martan: A noblewoman from Andor. She and her husband support Elayne for the Lion Throne.

Elver Shaene: A ship captain.

Elwin: A historical character; he was one of the Jenn Aiel.

Elwinn Taron: A woman from Deven Ride in the Two Rivers, Andor. She is the Wisdom.

Elyas Machera: A Wolfbrother. He is the Warder of Rina Hafden of the Green Ajah, though she masked the bond when he fled the White Tower after his connection to wolves was discovered and thought to be a connection to the Dark One. He teaches Perrin about being a Wolfbrother.

Elynde: A woman who lives in Ebou Dar, Altara.

Elza Penfell: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is also a member of the Black Ajah. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and has now sworn an oath of fealty to Rand. She is bonded to Fearil.

Emara: An Accepted from Illian; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Emares: A lord from Tear. He fought during the Aiel War.

Emarin Pendaloan: A lord from Tear. He can channel; he was gentled at the White Tower.

Emerys: An Aiel woman of the Shaido clan; she is a Wise One.

Empress, The: Her name is Radhanan, but she is always referred to only as “The Empress.” Her heir is Tuon. She and her family, minus Tuon, are assassinated by Semirhage.

Emry Lewin: A girl from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor. She can channel and is taken from the Two Rivers by Alanna Mosvani and Verin Mathwin.

Enaila: An Aiel woman of the Jarra sept of the Chareen Aiel. She is a Maiden of the Spear.

Endara Casalain: A historical character; she worked as the Governor of Andor during the time of Artur Hawkwing.

Enid: A woman who lives in Ebou Dar, Altara. She works at the Wandering Woman Inn.

Enkazin: An Asha’man from Saldaea.

Eram Talkend: A nobleman from Andor. He supports Elenia Sarand.

Eran: A soldier from Saldaea.

Erian Boroleos: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is captured at Dumai’s Wells and has now sworn an oath of fealty to Rand. She is bonded to Bartol and Rashan; her other two Warders were killed by Rand.

Erim: An Aiel man; he is the Clan Chief of the Chareen clan. He supports Rand as the Car’a’carn.

Erith: An Ogier female from Stedding Tsofu. She is Loial’s wife.

Ershin Netari: A nobleman from Illian.

Escaralde: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Eselle Najima: A girl from Kandor. Her parents are Jurine and Josef Najima.

Esmara Getares: A historical character; she lived during the War of the Hundred Years.

Esne: A woman from Chachin, Kandor. She works at the Aesdaishar Palace.

Esole: A historical character; she was one of the Jenn Aiel.

Espara Soman: A woman from Toman Head. She is now living in the Two Rivers.

Essande: A woman from Andor. She lives and works in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn as one of Elayne’s maids.

Essonde: A woman from Seanchan. She is a der’sul’dam.

Estair: An Aiel woman. She is an apprentice Wise One.

Estalaine: An Aiel woman of the Shaido clan; she is a Wise One. She is killed at Dumai’s Wells.

Estanda: One of the High Ladies of Tear. She is one of the Tairen rebels against Rand.

Estean Andiama: A nobleman from Tear. His father is the High Lord Torean Andiama. He is a member of the Band of the Red Hand.

Ester Norham: A woman who lives in Caemlyn, Andor. She works at the Royal Palace.

Estevan: A nobleman from Tear.

Ethenielle Cosaru Noremaga: The Queen of Kandor.

Ethin: A man from Tear. He works for House Pendaloan.

Eurian Romavni: A man from Kandor. He is an author and wrote the book “A Journey to Tarabon.”

Eval Ramman: See Balthamel.

Evanellein: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Evard Cordwyn: A man from Andor. He is a mercenary who was hired by Elayne to help her in securing the Lion Throne. He betrays her for Arymilla Marne and is killed in battle.

Evelle Haevin: A noblewoman from Andor.

Evin Vinchova: An Asha’man who holds the rank of Dedicated. He is one of Logain’s men.

Evon: A man who lives in Amador, Amadicia. He works for the Arene family.

Ewal Coplin: A man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.

Eward Aybara: A man from the Two Rivers, Andor. He is Perrin’s uncle. He was killed by Padan Fain.

Eward Candwin: A man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.

Eward Congar: A man from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.

Ewin Finngar: A boy from Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers, Andor.

Eyndel: A member of the Band of the Red Hand.