| ||
Andor | ||
Sigil | A rampant white lion; the White Lion | |
Banner | A white lion rampant on a field of red. | |
Capital | Caemlyn | |
Ruler | Elayne Trakand | |
Throne | The Lion Throne | |
Crown | The Rose Crown | |
Palace | The Royal Palace |
A similar entry appears in the Wheel of Time Companion, confirming the information. Other information is also included in the Companion, but we did not use it in the TarValon.Net Library.
Pronunciation: AN-door
Andor is a wealthy nation with exports such as wool, precious metals, ironwork, tabac, and grain. It has a strong army that consists mainly of the Queen's Guard. The capital city, Caemlyn, is said to be second only to Tar Valon in beauty. The New City was built more than two thousand years ago by human effort alone. The Inner City, however, is ancient with much bearing the mark of Ogier stonemasons. Most of the official perimeter of the city is encircled by a great fifty-foot wall of silver white, broken only by tall round towers flanking massive arched gates. The Palace, which sits atop the highest hills in the Inner City, is the seat of government for the nation of Andor.
Although the Queen's rule is not strong in the more distant parts of the nation, the mines in the Mountains of Mist are vital to the economic health of Andor. The control over the area exists mainly in that there are no export routes other than through the rest of Andor. The town of Baerlon is responsible for much of the refining of the ore. The Two Rivers is so remote that most of the inhabitants are unaware they are part of a larger kingdom and ruled by a Queen. Rand al'Thor, Perrin Aybara, Matrim Cauthon, Egwene al'Vere and Nynaeve al'Meara all come from Emond's Field, in the Two Rivers. It is during Moiraine Sedai's visit to Emond's Field that the local inhabitants learn their land was once known as the nation of Manetheren, lost two thousand years before.
Unless stated otherwise, all information herein is taken from TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 27.
Andor is not only the largest nation of the land, it is also one of the oldest, with its formation as a nation occurring soon after the death of Artur Hawkwing. The first Queen of Andor was Ishara, daughter of Hawkwing's governor Endara Casalain and granddaughter of the last king of Aldeshar. She joined with Souran Maravaile, Hawkwing's greatest general, taking control of the province from her mother and turning it into a nation. It was during the reign of Queen Ishara that Andor's traditional allegiance with the White Tower was formed. Her marriage to Souran Maravaile gave her his army and broke the siege of Tar Valon. Queen Ishara's eldest daughter was sent to study in the Tower and Aes Sedai, and Ballair became the first Aes Sedai to be advisor to the Queen of Andor. Unlike many of the other nations that formed in the early days of the War of the Hundred Years, Andor expanded slowly, only claiming what they could actually control. The town of Four Kings dates from the period, when four of the other kings sent armies against Maragaine.
The tradition of only a Queen, never a King, sitting upon the Lion Throne and wearing the Rose Crown also stems from this period, when the male heirs would often be killed in battle.
Historical Rulers
Unless stated otherwise, all information herein is taken from TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 13.
- Ishara: FY 994 - FY 1020
- Alesinde (FY 1020 - FY 1035)
- Melasune (FY 1035 - FY 1046)
- Termylle (FY 1046 - FY 1073)
- Maragaine (FY 1054 - FY 1073)
- Astara (FY 1073 - FY 1085)
- Telaisien (FY 1085 - FY 1103)
- Morrigan (FY 1103 - FY 1114)
- Lyndelle (FY 1114 -- ??? [ruled for fifty-one years])
- Modrellein c300NE (TDR, Ch. 16)
The eldest daughter is named Daughter-Heir while the eldest son is called First Prince of the Sword, sworn to protect and defend his sister with his life. By law, the Daughter-Heir is sent to the Tower to study. The most recent Daughter-Heir to study in the White Tower is Elayne Trakand.
Relation to Previous National Borders
During the time of the compact of the Ten Nations, parts of Manetheren and Coremanda made up what is now Andor. Following the Trolloc Wars, the nations of Farashelle, Aldeshar, Caembarin, Nerevan, and Esandara occupied the land.
Andor is bordered by Cairhien to the east and Murandy and Ghealdan to the south. The Mountains of Mist mark the western border. To the north are Saldaea and Kandor, though the land between the nations is largely uninhabited.
Geographical Features
- Bodies of Water
- River Arinelle
- River Cary
- River Erinin
- River Manetherendrelle
- River Reisendrelle
- River Storn
- River Taren
- The Winespring Water
- Hills and Mountains
- Miscellaneous
The Two Rivers
- Main article: The Two Rivers
The Two Rivers is a region in the far west of Andor that has long been out of the control of the central government, so much so that most people there do not even know they are part of Andor. They had lived without nobles for generations until their people chose Perrin Aybara as their lord after he led them to successfully defend against a trolloc incursion (TSR, Ch. 56). This was later confirmed by Elayne, who agreed to keep the status of the Two Rivers much as it was before, except that the land would be granted to the Dragon Reborn (ToM, Ch. 47).
The Throne
Andor is ruled by a queen, whose daughter, known as the Daughter Heir, will follow on her death. If there is no Daughter Heir, the throne will pass to the noble with the most direct lines to Ishara (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 27). The passing of the throne to the daughter heir is usually a formality, but does require the assent of a majority of the Great Houses. The office and throne are commonly known as the Lion Throne.
Wars of Succession
Occasionally, there is no daughter heir and no clear individual with the strongest claim. In such situations, several houses may try and claim the throne, and this can result in civil war between the rival claimants. There have been several incidences in Andoran history, but two have particular significance.
- Morgase's Succession
After Tigraine and Luc both disappeared in 972 and 971 NE, Mordrellen was left without an heir. When she died, several houses claimed the throne. Eventually, house Trakand, led by Morgase, who was just 15 at the start of the war, was victorious.
- Elayne's Succession
- Main article: Elayne's Succession
Late in Morgase's rule, Andor was on the verge of rebellion, with many people feeling that Elaida had too much influence. This feeling was compounded when Rahvin took over and made Morgase mistreat and exile many of her supporters, such that many nobles no longer wanted to see a Trakand on the throne. The great houses coalesced into three groupings, one behind Elayne, a second supporting Arymilla Marne, and a third neutral faction. Following Arymilla's defeat at the siege of Caemlyn, those of her supporters that were not irreversibly committed, declared for Elayne and shortly after, the majority of those who had remained neutral did so also (This passage needs a reference). The houses that had led opposition to her, Arawn, Marne, and Sarand were stripped of land and titles, with their estates given to Cairhienin nobles to bind them to Elayne (ToM, Ch. 50).
- Main article: List of Andoran Nobles
- The Great Houses
There are nineteen Great Houses:
- Anshar
- Arawn
- Baryn
- Candraed
- Caeren
- Carand
- Coelan
- Gilyard
- Haevin
- Mantear
- Marne
- Northan
- Norwelyn
- Pendar
- Renshar
- Sarand
- Taravin
- Traemane
- Trakand
- Lesser Houses
Many lesser houses are known:
- Ankarin
- Armaghan
- Avarhin
- Aybara
- Branstom
- Gilbearn
- Layden
- Janevor
- Maran
- Matherin
- Martan
- Pensenor
- Raened
- Sharplyn
- Traehand
- Vordarian
The Andoran elite military has been the Queen's Guard. They have gained access to weapons powered by gunpowder (ToM, Ch. 19), which they intend to keep out of the hands of other nations, giving them a large advantage.
Cities, Towns, and Villages
- Cities, towns, and villages in Andor
- Caemlyn: the Capital
- Arien
- Baerlon
- Breen's Spring
- Buryhill
- Carysford
- Cullen's Crossing
- Damelien
- Deven Ride
- Emond's Field
- Forel Market
- Four Kings
- Harlon Bridge
- Jornhill
- Kore Springs
- Market Sheran
- New Braem
- Taren Ferry
- Watch Hill
- Whitebridge - One of the best known. The town is named for the snow-white bridge which spans the River Arinelle. The bridge itself is believed to date from the Age of Legends.
Relations and Trade
People and Customs
Feasts and Festivals
Many Feasts and Festivals are celebrated in Andor. These include Amaethon, Bel Tine, the Feast of Abram, Feast of Fools, Feast of Light, Feast of Maia, Feast of Nemen, Shaoman, Shearing, Sunday, and Winternight (The World of Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time", Chapter 31).
The Queen distributes the Queen's Bounty to beggars at the Royal Palace on High Days (TEotW, Ch. 39).
Appearance, Clothing, and Dress
The clothing of Andor is not known to have any distinguishing features. Similarly, the people do not have namy common traits, though they are usually pale skinned. In some regions, such as the Two Rivers, hair and eyes are dark, but this is not the case everywhere (The World of Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time", Chapter 27).
- Main article: Andoran Food
Many foods are known to be eaten in Andor.
Characters from Andor
- Main article: Andoran Character List
During Aviendha's second trip through the Glass Columns in Rhuidean, one of her visions of the future is in an Andor that is at war against the Seanchan, around fifty to seventy years after the Last Battle, when Queen Talana ruled. Aviendha's granddaughter Oncala persuaded the Andorans that the Seanchan were planning to attack them and by that convinced them to join with the Aiel against them. They were defeated after this (ToM, Ch. 49).