Location Glossary N

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Nailine Samfara: A city located in Coremanda, during the Compact of Ten Nations.

Nashebar: A city located in Jaramide, during the Compact of Ten Nations.

Natrin's Barrow

Nemarellin Mountains: A range of mountains that is located along the southwest coast of Illian.

Nerevan: A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now known as Murandy.

Nethvin Market

New Braem: A town in the north of Andor. It lies on the road from Caemlyn to Tar Valon. During the Trolloc Wars, New Braem was known simply as 'Braem'.

New Plow, the

Niamh Passes: A pass in the Spine of the World that crosses from Shienar into the Aiel Waste.

Nine Horse Hitch, the

Nine Rings, the

N'Kon: A town, city or region in Seanchan. Nothing is known about N'Kon except that Kennar Miraj brought troops to the Westlands from N'Kon.

Nol Caimaine: A place, most likely a city, which existed during the Age of Legends. Sammael escaped justice here, so it is probable that he did much damage.

Nor Chasen: A village located in Altara. It lies east of Ebou Dar.

North Gate

North Road, the: A road in Andor that runs through Watch Hill to Taren Ferry.

Noren M'Shar: The third largest city in Seanchan.

Nurshang, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located between Shienar and Kinslayer's Dagger.