Location Glossary M
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Madan, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in the Mountains of Mist.
Madmen, Isle of/Land of: see - Isle of the Madmen.
Maerone: A town located on the east bank of the Erinin, across from Aringill. Though on the Cairhienin side of the river, it does not belong to any nation.
Mafal Dadaranell: The capital city of Aramaelle, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located where Fal Dara now lies. There was a Waygate located here.
Maighande: The site of a battle during the Trolloc Wars. The Trollocs suffered a major defeat at Maighande in 1301 AB. It was the turning point of the Wars, and the site of Rashima Kerenmosa's death.
Main Continent: Term for the continent that includes the Westlands, Aiel Waste and Shara
Mainde Cut Hold: A hold in the Aiel Waste belonging to the Jenda sept of the Tomanelle Aiel.
Mainelle: A city located in Aelgar, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located where Tanchico now lies.
Mallard's Hill: A road in Shienar
Mallard's Road: A hill in Shienar
Malden: A city located in the north of Altara. It consists of approximately 400 paces of land in width, and is surrounded by a stone wall.
Malkier: The lost Borderland nation. Before its fall, Malkier was located north of Shienar and Arafel. In 955 NE, it was swallowed by the Blight.
Malkier Gate: One of the gates leading out of Fal Dara
Mameris: A place that Birgitte remembers from an earlier life. No other details are known.
(1) Manetheren: One of the countries of the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as the Two Rivers and Ghealdan.
(2) Manetheren: The capital city of Manetheren, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as the Two Rivers. There was a Waygate here.
Manetherendrelle, River: Also known as The White River. Its name means 'Waters of the Mountain Home' in the Old Tongue. It runs through the Two Rivers and Altara.
Map Room: A room in the Royal Palace in Andor
Mar Haddon: A nation that was formed after the War of the Hundred Years, and that disappeared many years ago. It was located in what is now known as Haddon Mirk.
Maram Kashar: An Island in Seanchan
Mar Ruois: A city before the Breaking of the World. It is noted to have been a great city. Mar Ruois fell to the Shadow during the War of Power.
Maracru: A town located in Tarabon.
Maradon: The capital city of Saldaea. It is located near the Arinelle River, and is Tenobia's seat of power.
Maradon Road: A roadway that runs from Tar Valon to Maradon.
Maraside Mountains, the: Located along the southern border of Cairhien. The Maraside Mountains do not appear on the maps of the current world, but that is what they were called during the Free Era. They are supposed to have separated the nations of Tova and Khodomar.
Marath: A battle during the Aiel War where the Aiel scored a decisive victory
Marisin Valley: The site of a battle in Coremanda
Mardecin: A town located in Amadicia.
Mardoon, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located along the Shadow Coast.
Maredo: A nation that was formed after the War of the Hundred Years, and that disappeared many years ago. It was located in what is now known as the Plains of Maredo. Capital city: Far Madding.
Maredo, Plains of: An area consisting of vast plains. It is located between Andor, Illian and Tear. Far Madding is located on the Plains of Maredo.
Mareesh: A place that Birgitte remembers from an earlier life. Nothing other details are known.
Marendalar: A city, town or region within Seanchan. All that is known of Marendalar is that Assid Bakuun spent two years putting down a rebellion here.
Marella: A village located in Altara.
Marella Inn, the: An inn that Egwene passes as she travels through Tel'aran'rhiod after being summoned to Salidar.
Marisin Valley: he site of a battle in Coremanda
Marriage Knife, the: An inn in Altara on the road to Ebou Dar
Market Sheran: A village located in Andor. To the west is Four Kings.
Maseen: A town, city or region in Arad Doman no other details are known.
Masenashar: A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located around what is now known as eastern Arad Doman and the western part of the Caralain Grass.
Maseta Peninsula: The central of the three peninsulas in Tanchico
Mashong, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in the Spine of the World.
Matuchin: A place from some time during the years Free Era
Maule, The: The port district of Tear
Mayene: An independent city-state located near the nation of Tear. It sits on the end of a peninsula in the Sea of Storms. Tear is to the west, and the Drowned Lands to the north. The current ruler of Mayene is Berelain sur Paendrag.
Mechoacan: A place in Seanchan
Medo: A village located in the western region of Shienar. It lies next to the Mora River.
Mehar: A town located in Saldaea.
Merinloe: A city, town or region within Seanchan. No other details are known of Merinloe.
Midean's Ford: The site of a battle between Manetheren and Safer that occurred before the Trolloc Wars. It is located in Manetheren.
Miereallen: A city in Safer, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Falme.
Mindea: A city located in Murandy.
Miners' Rest, the: A rough inn in Baerlon
Mintai, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located north of River Dhagon.
Mire, the: A boggy area near the Waterwood, located in the Two Rivers, Andor.
M'Jinn: A city before the Breaking of the World. It is noted to have been a great city.
Moisen: Located in Altara. It was the site of a major battle during the Whitecloak war.
Moldine Gate: A great pointed arch ten spans thick leading to the bay road south of Ebou Dar
Mondel Gate: A twenty foot high gate in the wall of Caemlyn's inner city to the New city
Mora, River: A river that runs south through the Borderlands, before emptying into the Erinin. It forms the border between Shienar and Arafel.
Moreina: A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now known as Tear.
Morelle: A town located in southern Cairhien.
Morenal Ocean: The ocean that borders the eastern coast of Shara and the western coast of Seanchan.
Mos Shirare: A city in Shienar. It is also a fortress.
Mosara: A nation that was formed after the War of the Hundred Years, and that disappeared many years ago. It's past location is unknown.
Mosra: A village located in west Altara. It lies along the River Eldar, near the country of Amadicia.
Mount Sardlen: A flat topped mountain in Murandy, northeast of the Damona Mountain
Mountains of Mist: A range of mountains that separates Arad Doman and Tarabon from Andor and Ghealdan. The Two Rivers in Andor lies just east of the Mountains of Mist.
Murandy: A nation located in the southern part of the Westlands. To the north is Andor, and to the south is Illian. To the east lies Far Madding, and to the west is the River Manetherendrelle. The current ruler of Murandy is King Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a'Naloy.
Musician's Way: A hall in the White Tower used for musical performances.
Muyami: A city, town or region within Seanchan. The only thing known about Muyami is that there was an uprising here during which Furyk Karede distinguished himself.