Location Glossary A
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Abayan: A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now known as Arad Doman.
Abila: A town located in Amadicia.
Abor'maseleine: A city located in Aridhol, during the Compact of Ten Nations.
Absher, Hills of: A range of barren and uninhabited hills located between Baerlon and Whitebridge in Andor.
Abunai: A village located in Seanchan, on the sea of L'Heye.
Adanza: One of the cities before the Breaking of the World. It is noted to have been very beautiful, and the people possessed a great vitality.
Aelgar: One of the countries of the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Tarabon.
Aesdaishar Palace: Home of the Kandori royal family in Chachin
Aiel Waste: The home of the Aiel. It is located east of the Spine of the World. The Aiel Waste is a large, desert region. To the east is Shara, to the west the Spine of the World.
Aile Jafar: A group of islands belonging to the Sea Folk. It is located west of Tarabon.
Aile Somera: A group of islands belonging to the Sea Folk. It is located west of Toman Head.
Ajalon Bridge: The northern bridge from Far Madding, through the Caemlyn Gate
Akuum, River: A river that flows along the southern border of Arad Doman
Albhain: The place where Buad, one of the fabled Hunters for the Horn, comes from
Alcair Dal: A place in the Aiel Waste where the clan chiefs often meet. It is a round canyon, and has excellent acoustics. It is near both Rhuidean, and Cold Rocks Hold. 'Al'cair Dal' means 'The Golden Bowl' in the Old Tongue.
Al'cair'rahienallen: The capital city of Almoren, during the Compact of Ten Nations. There was a Waygate located here.
Alcruna: A village located in the north of Tarabon. It is near Almoth Plain.
Aldeshar: A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now known as western Andor.
Aldael Mountains: A mountain range in Seanchan
Aleth-loriel: A place during the Trolloc Wars, remembered in the song “The Fall of Aleth-loriel”
Alguenya, River: A large river that Cairhien lies on
Alianelle Spring: Located between Cairhien and Tar Valon, it is called an 'oasis'. It is approximately four days away from Dumai's Wells.
Alindaer: A village located at the base of one of the western bridges leading to the island of Tar Valon.
Alindaer Bridge: The southwest bridge out of Tar Valon
Alindaer Gate: The most southwestern of the gates from Tar Valon
Alindrelle Erinin: The western branch of the River Erinin.
Alguenya, River: A river that flows from somewhere west of Kinslayer's Dagger. It flows southwards, joining with the River Erinin where Aringill and Maerone are located.
Alkindar: A town located in Altara. It lies along the east bank of the River Eldar. Alkindar is connected to the town of Coramen by a ferry that crosses the Eldar.
All Summers: A district in the city of Tear
Allorallen: A city in Jaramide, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Bandar Eban.
Almoren: One of the countries of the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Cairhien.
Almoth: A nation that was formed after the War of the Hundred Years, which fell apart more than 400 years ago. Almoth Plain now covers this area.
Almoth Plain: A region of the Westlands located between Arad Doman and Tarabon. Almoth Plain is the former site of the dead nation of Almoth. Tarabon and Arad Doman both lay claim to it.
Alqam: A town, city or region in Seanchan. Nothing is known about Alqam except that Kennar Miraj brought troops to the Westlands from Alqam.
Altara: A country that is located in the south-central region of the Westlands. It lies on the cost of the Sea of Storms. The River Eldar forms the border between Amadicia and Altara, and the Damona Mountains form the border between Murandy and Altara. Though Tylin is the Queen of Altara in name, it is in truth a divided nation.
Amadicia: A country that is located in the southwestern region of the Westlands. It is to the south of the Mountains of Mist. To the northwest lies Tarabon, and to the east, Altara. To the south and west lies the Aryth Ocean. The River Eldar forms the border between Amadicia and Altara. Though Ailron is the King of Amadicia in name, the real power of this nation lies with the Children of the Light.
Amador: The capital city of Amadicia, which is controlled by Pedron Niall of the Whitecloaks King Ailron rules it only in name.
Amador Road: The road to Amador in Amadicia.
Amhara Market: One of three in Far Madding where foreigners are allowed to trade.
Anangore: The tenth largest city in Seanchan.
Ancarid: A city or town in Seanchan.
Ancohomia: The capital city of Aelgar, during the Compact of Ten Nations.
Andahar, River: The river Tanchico lies on
Andor: A country that is located in the center of the Westlands. To the south lies Murandy, and to the north lies the Caralain Grass. It's eastern and western borders are, respectively, the Erinin River and the Mountains of Mist. It is ruled by the Queens, never Kings.
Ankor Dail: A city in Shienar. It is also a fortress.
Anolle'sanna: A city located in Aramaelle, during the Compact of Ten Nations.
Antaeo, River: A river that begins in the Black Hills.
Arad Doman: A country that is located in the northwestern region of the Westlands. It is near the Aryth Ocean. To the south is Tarabon, and to the east is Andor. Arad Doman is ruled by King Alsalam.
Arandi Square: The central square in Bandar Eban
Arafel: A country that is located in the Borderlands. To the west is Kandor, and to the east is Shienar. The border between Shienar and Arafel is formed by the Mora River. Arafel is ruled by King Paitar Nachiman.
Capital city:Shol Arbela.
Other sites:Tifan's Well.
Aramaelle: One of the countries of the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Malkier and Shienar.
Archers, the: A newly built inn in Emond's Field
Aren Deshar: A former name for Far Madding
Aren Mador: The capital city of Essenia, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Far Madding. There was a Waygate here.
(1)Aridhol: One of the countries of the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as central Andor.
(2)Aridhol: The capital city of Aridhol, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Shadar Logoth. During the Trolloc Wars, Aridhol fell from within due to suspicion and hatred.
Arien: A village in Andor. To the west and east lie, respectively, Whitebridge and Four Kings.
Arinelle, River: One of the major rivers in the Westlands. It runs through Saldaea and Murandy, before joining the Manetherendrelle.
Aringill: A city in Andor. It lies west of the River Erinin east of Caemlyn. To the northwest lies Cairhien.
Armahn, River: A river that flows through the north of Murandy.
Arran Head: A promontory located in the southeastern region of the Westlands.
Aryth Ocean: An ocean located to the west of the Westlands.
Asar Don: Existed during the Age of Legends. There was apparently a defeat for the Shadow here.
Asinbayar: The fifth largest city in Seanchan. It is located on the north central peninsula. It is ruled by the High Lady Suroth.
Asnelle: A region in Saldaea.
Atuan's Mill: A village located on Toman Head.
Avharin Market: A marketplace in Far Madding.