Location Glossary D

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


A village that is connected to Far Madding by the Illian Gate and Ikane Bridge.


A village at the foot of one of the eastern bridges to the island of Tar Valon.

Daiting, Stedding

An Ogier stedding that is located in the Spine of the World. It is near Stedding Shangtai.

Dal Calain

A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now known as northwestern Andor.


A city, town or region in Seanchan. All that is known of Dalenshar is that Kennar Miraj brought troops to the Westlands from Dalenshar.


A city located in Essenia, during the Compact of Ten Nations.


A village located in Andor.

Damona Mountains

A range of mountains located in northeastern Altara, near the Murandian border.


A place in Andor, on the Trakand estates where Alum had been discovered.


An island belonging to the Sea Folk. It is one of the islands of Aile Jafar.


A village at the foot of one of the eastern bridges to the island of Tar Valon.


A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now known as Almoth Plain.

Dead Sea, the

The sea that is located along the western coast of the Blight, and the southern coast of the Northern Icecap.


A village located in the Black Hills. It lies along the Maradon Road.


The capital city of Jaramide, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Maradon. There was a Waygate here.


A major city before the Breaking of the World.

Deven Ride

A town in Andor, located in the Two Rivers. To the north is Emond's Field, to the south is the White River and the Forest of Shadows, and to the west are the Sand Hills and the Mountains of Mist.

Dhagon, River

A river that flows through the Mountains of Mist. It runs into the Aryth Ocean at Bandar Eban.

Dhallin Forest

A forest located in Ghealdan.

Dhoom, Mountains of

The mountain range that separates the Blight from the Blasted Lands.


A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now know as Ghealdan.

Djevik K'Shar

'The Dying Ground' in the Old Tongue. The Trolloc name for the Aiel Waste.

Doirlon Hills

A range of hills located in northeastern Illian.

Dorelle Caromon

A city in Eharon, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as the city of Illian. There was a Waygate here.


A hamlet located near Tar Valon.


The mountain that was created when Lews Therin killed himself with saidin. It is where Rand al'Thor was born.

Drowned Lands

A region that extends from the end of the Spine of the World to the Bay of Remara. Most of it is composed of swamps.

Dumai's Wells

Located between Cairhien and Tar Valon. It is approximately four days away from Alianele Spring. It is the site where Rand's forces and the Shaido battle each other.

Dying Ground, the

'Djevik K'Shar' in the Old Tongue. The Trolloc name for the Aiel Waste.