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[[2016 Awards|<< Previous Year]]
[[2016 Awards|<< Previous Year]]
==Amyrlin's Awards==
==Amyrlin's Awards==
;Volunteer of the Year<nowiki>:</nowiki> [[Ne'mireth Delvar]]
Ne’Mireth came into the Department of Marketing like a storm, and she’s only rarely slowed down. She’s done so much with the way Social Marketing functions. I don’t know where she finds the energy to be so passionate about social media and marketing in her real life job and then come to TarValon.Net and still have that energy, but I’m so grateful that she does, and that she’s been so willing to contribute in this way to our community.
;Philanthropy<nowiki>:</nowiki> [[Onis O'Leia]]
For as long as Onis has been a member, she has been giving to the community. She serves in various roles both for the site and for her Ajah. When I looked back at donations over the last five years, i wasn’t surprised to see her name show up every single year. Onis has a generous spirit, and she gives freely and consistently of her time as a member of the community and as a friend.
;Unsung Servant<nowiki>:</nowiki> [[Kitan Tataru]]
Kitan does so much in the TarValon.Net community, and I am so proud to be able to award her the Unsung Servant award. She has done so much over her time as a member, it’s hard to know where to look. Kitan is a woman of passion, a woman who dedicates herself to those around her with no qualms, and she is always looking to support her friends, her ajah, and her community. She gives of her time, her money, her resources. Kitan is truly an inspiration to me, and I can’t think of anyone who deserves this award more.
;Member of the Year<nowiki>:</nowiki> [[Melisande Arneil]]
Melisande has been a member for a long time, and in her time at TarValon.Net, she has held many positions, from Head of the Green Ajah to chat op to Membership Activities Coordinator. She volunteered for the Membership Activities Coordinator role last year, and she has been helping keep all the Directors and Officers in line and on time, while making up the role as she goes along. She also acted as co-Local Liaison for Fall Ball Calgary. I’m so glad to be able to recognize Meli for all her hard work over the years, and to say thank you.
==Keeper's Awards==
==Keeper's Awards==
==Membership Awards==
==Membership Awards==

Revision as of 15:49, 8 July 2017

<< Previous Year

Amyrlin's Awards

Volunteer of the Year: Ne'mireth Delvar

Ne’Mireth came into the Department of Marketing like a storm, and she’s only rarely slowed down. She’s done so much with the way Social Marketing functions. I don’t know where she finds the energy to be so passionate about social media and marketing in her real life job and then come to TarValon.Net and still have that energy, but I’m so grateful that she does, and that she’s been so willing to contribute in this way to our community.

Philanthropy: Onis O'Leia

For as long as Onis has been a member, she has been giving to the community. She serves in various roles both for the site and for her Ajah. When I looked back at donations over the last five years, i wasn’t surprised to see her name show up every single year. Onis has a generous spirit, and she gives freely and consistently of her time as a member of the community and as a friend.

Unsung Servant: Kitan Tataru

Kitan does so much in the TarValon.Net community, and I am so proud to be able to award her the Unsung Servant award. She has done so much over her time as a member, it’s hard to know where to look. Kitan is a woman of passion, a woman who dedicates herself to those around her with no qualms, and she is always looking to support her friends, her ajah, and her community. She gives of her time, her money, her resources. Kitan is truly an inspiration to me, and I can’t think of anyone who deserves this award more.

Member of the Year: Melisande Arneil

Melisande has been a member for a long time, and in her time at TarValon.Net, she has held many positions, from Head of the Green Ajah to chat op to Membership Activities Coordinator. She volunteered for the Membership Activities Coordinator role last year, and she has been helping keep all the Directors and Officers in line and on time, while making up the role as she goes along. She also acted as co-Local Liaison for Fall Ball Calgary. I’m so glad to be able to recognize Meli for all her hard work over the years, and to say thank you.

Keeper's Awards

Membership Awards



Administrator Silver

Euriel Than

Attendance Silver

Deoan Kakarot, Karaelyn Midorie, Seraph Delandra

Committee Head Silver

Muirenn Lina Alianin

Editing Gold

Karaelyn Midorie

Executive Gold

Arie Davion

Gleeman Silver

Asandra al'Terra

Group Pride

Andra Mikolan, Brandon Tataru, Kyla Sterling

Local Liaison Silver

Ahmyra al'Ruley, Melisande Arneil

Membership Gold

3rd: Maidelyn, Raina Tsornin, Raylin Delayn, Rijomu Sezain, Rollyn Montagorae; 2nd: Aidana Astyanax, Aleita Taviah, Calypsa al'Nicolai, Cedric Chang, Ebona din Casei, Enya Tawarwaith, Gwendolyn Bashier, Lia Kellenit, Loira al'Ramoidra, Lyara Tieran, Miliham Rastoubel, Reianna al'Namere; 1st: Ashlyn Sindal, Avelina Ermen, Shaerlyn Storna

Membership Silver

Dnae Ila, Polegnyn Nemeara, Ryu Shadowborn

Mentor Gold

Eli Soljourn

Officer Silver

Toral Delvar

Senior Member Gold

3rd: Eilidh Arimath, Naomi al'Moranwin; 2nd: Defen Estrator, Deoan Kakarot, Eriana Avin, Kiana A'Jadein, Maeric Kelskaith, Morgana Le Far, Yelenia Hylraren; 1st: Jeral Mazur, Lauraine al'Thone, Marivea al'Corriyi, Taelinn Dolivras

Senior Member Silver

Aulrick Vendour, Drake O'Neeus, Eluial Aldaran, Jahily al'Karee, Megana Vallentin, Shaerlyn Storna, Thoridyss Wyborn, Tomeina Raieese, Ty al'Djinn

Staff Gold

Atreyu Silverstar, Barmacral Tigana

Staff Silver

Chalisea t'Venatrix, Drake O'Neeus, Kyla Sterling, Leira Galene, Soronhen Ciryaher

Pro Bono Silver (Graphics)

Selvyn al'Aran

Tournament Participation

Imzadi Hopewind

Tournament Winners Gold Merit

Valorian Edoras