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List of characters that appear in, or are mentioned in, The Great Hunt.
List of characters that appear in, or are mentioned in, The Great Hunt.
==Characters that appear in the book==
==New Characters==
===First Appearance===
'''[[Adeleas Namelle]]:''' A retired Aes Sedai, visited by Moiraine for her knowledge of Dark Prophecy
'''[[Adeleas Namelle]]:''' A retired Aes Sedai, visited by Moiraine for her knowledge of Dark Prophecy
'''[[Agelmar Jagad]]:''' The Lord of Fal Dara in Shienar
'''[[Aedwin Cole]]:''' A man who works on the ''spray''
'''[[Alaine Chuliandred]]:''' A Cairhienin noblewoman who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party
'''[[Alanna Mosvani]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who accompanies Siuan to Fal Dara
'''[[Alanna Mosvani]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who accompanies Siuan to Fal Dara
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'''[[Aldrin Caldevwin]]:''' A captain in the Cairhienin army who is unhelpful on Rand's journey south
'''[[Aldrin Caldevwin]]:''' A captain in the Cairhienin army who is unhelpful on Rand's journey south
'''[[al'Lan Mandragoran]]:''' Moiraine's warder, struggling to balance his duty to Moiraine and his love for Nynaeve
'''[[Aludra]]:''' An illuminator, head of the chapter house in Cairhein
'''[[Aludra]]:''' An illuminator, head of the chapter house in Cairhein
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'''[[Barthanes Damodred]]:''' A powerful noble in Cairhien and also a Darkfriend, he is brutally murdered after Rand visits his manor.
'''[[Barthanes Damodred]]:''' A powerful noble in Cairhien and also a Darkfriend, he is brutally murdered after Rand visits his manor.
'''[[Bayle Domon]]:''' An Illianer smuggler hired by Nynaeve to take her, Min, Egwene and Elayne out of Falme
'''[[Belevaere Osiellin]]:''' A Cairhienin noble who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party
'''[[Belevaere Osiellin]]:''' A Cairhienin noble who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party
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'''[[Breane Taborwin]]:''' A Cairhienin noble who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party
'''[[Breane Taborwin]]:''' A Cairhienin noble who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party
'''[[Caban]]:''' A low ranking Seanchan officer under Egeanin
'''[[Catrine]]:''' A maid at The Nine Rings in Tremonsien, Cairhien.
'''[[Changu]]:''' A Shienaran who guarded Padan Fain and went south with him when he fled with the Horn
'''[[Cuale]]:''' The innkeeper of The Defender of the Dragonwall, an inn in Cairhien.
'''[[Dena]]:''' Thom's lover, in training to be a bard, murdered by Galldrian's men
'''[[Dena]]:''' Thom's lover, in training to be a bard, murdered by Galldrian's men
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'''[[Egeanin Sarna]]:''' A Seanchan sea captain who seizes Bayle Domon's boat and takes him to Turak
'''[[Egeanin Sarna]]:''' A Seanchan sea captain who seizes Bayle Domon's boat and takes him to Turak
'''[[Egwene al'Vere]]:''' A girl from the Two Rivers in training at the White Tower as a novice. She is captured and made ''damane'', but is freed.
'''[[Einor Saren]]:''' A Questioner, second in rank to Jaichim Carridin
'''[[Einor Saren]]:'''
'''[[Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and advisor to queen Morgase, she has returned to the Tower with Elayne
'''[[Elayne Trakand]]:''' The daughter heir of Andor, in training as a novice, she leaves on the promise of adventure to try and help Rand
'''[[Elansu]]:''' The ''shatayan'' of Fal Dara keep.
'''[[Elricain Tavolin]]:'''
'''[[Elricain Tavolin]]:''' An officer in the Cairhienin army.
'''[[Galadedrid Damodred]]:''' Elayne's half brother, in training with the Warders at the White Tower. He takes a liking to Egwene.
'''[[Erith]]:''' A young Ogier woman from Stedding Tsofu. Dhe is a treesinger
'''[[Gawyn Trakand]]:''' Elayne's brother, in training with the Warders at the White Tower. He takes a liking to Egwene.
'''[[Huon]]:''' Turak's ''so'jhin'' and possibly his Voice. He is murdered by Fain
'''[[Geofram Bornhald]]:''' A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light, killed fighting the Seanchan at Falme.
'''[[Hurin]]:''' A man from Fal Dara with the ability to smell violence
'''[[Hurin]]:''' A man from Fal Dara with the ability to smell violence
'''[[Ingtar Shinowa]]:''' A Shienaran lord who leads the chase after the Horn of Valere. He is revealed as a Darkfriend and gives his own life to try and return to the Light.
'''[[Jaem (1)|Jaem]]:''' Vandene's gnarled warder.
'''[[Jaichim Carridin]]:'''
'''[[Jaichim Carridin]]:''' An inquisitor in the Children of the Light sent to Almoth Plain
'''[[Jeral]]:''' A  soldier of the Children of the Light who is young. He brings a message to Geofram Bornhald from Jaichim Carridin with orders to stay in Almoth Plain and away from Toman Head.
'''[[Juin]]:''' An Ogier from Stedding Tsofu.
'''[[Leane Sharif]]:'''
'''[[Kajin]]:''' A Shienaran Lord
'''[[Lanfear]]:''' One of the Forsaken. after Rand's fight with Ba'alzamon, she tells Min that Rand is hers.
'''[[Logain Ablar]]:''' A False Dragon, captured and stilled and left to roam the grounds of the White Tower
'''[[Leane Sharif]]:''' The Keeper of the Chronicles, she visits Fal Dara with the Amyrlin
'''[[Liandrin]]:''' An unpleasant Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, revealed as being of the Black Ajah.
'''[[Maglin Madwen]]:'''
'''[[Maglin Madwen]]:''' The owner of The Nine Rings in Tremonsien, Cairhien, she gives Rand some advice on dealing with Selene
'''[[Masema Dagar]]:''' A Shienaran who hates Aiel, and anyone who looks like an Aiel
'''[[Masema Dagar]]:''' A Shienaran who hates Aiel, and anyone who looks like an Aiel
'''[[Matrim Cauthon]]:'''
'''[[Muadh]]:''' A solider in the Children of the Light
'''[[Min|Elmindreda Farshaw]]:'''
'''[[Moiraine Damodred]]:'''
'''[[Nidao]]:''' A Shienaran who guarded Padan Fain and went south with him when he fled with the Horn
'''[[Nieda Sidoro]]:''' The innkeeper of the Easing the Badger inn in Illian
'''[[Nieda Sidoro]]:'''
'''[[Nisura]]:''' A  Shienaran noblewoman, and one of the Lady Amalisa's attendants.
'''[[Pedra]]:''' An Accepted in the White Tower
'''[[Nynaeve al'Meara]]:'''
'''[[Pedron Niall]]:''' The Lord Captain commander of the Children of the Light, with his own plans.
'''[[Padan Fain]]:''' A Darkfriend who stole the Horn of Valere and took it to Falme, where he presented it to Turak
'''[[Red (Horse)|Red]]:''' A horse Rand rides out of Fal Dara
'''[[Pedron Niall]]:'''
'''[[Perrin Aybara]]:'''
'''[[Rand al'Thor]]:''' A young man from The Two Rivers, who learns he was born on Dragonmount and is able to channel, but refuses to accept he is the Dragon Reborn until he battles Isha'mael in the sky above Falme.
'''[[Renna Emain]]:''' A ''sul'dam'' who collared Egwene training, and was captured by Nynaeve and left to remove her ''a'dam'' if she could manage it
'''[[Renna Emain]]:''' A ''sul'dam'' who collared Egwene training, and was captured by Nynaeve and left to remove her ''a'dam'' if she could manage it
'''[[Rhian]]:''' A Maiden of the Spear met in Stedding Tsofu
'''[[Ronan]]:''' The ''shambayan'' of Fal Dara keep, killed on the night the Horn was stolen
'''[[Selene]]:''' A woman me in one of the world's accessible through a Portal Stone
'''[[Selene]]:''' A woman me in one of the world's accessible through a Portal Stone
'''[[Serafelle]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who went to Fal Dara with the Amyrlin
'''[[Seta Zarbey]]:''' A ''sul'dam'' who occasionally had control of Egwene's training, and was captured by Nynaeve and left to remove her ''a'dam'' if she could manage it
'''[[Seta Zarbey]]:''' A ''sul'dam'' who occasionally had control of Egwene's training, and was captured by Nynaeve and left to remove her ''a'dam'' if she could manage it
'''[[Sheriam Bayanar]]:''' The Mistress of Novices in the White Tower
'''[[Siuan Sanche]]:''' The Amyrlin Seat
'''[[Siuan Sanche]]:''' The Amyrlin Seat
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'''[[Suroth Sabelle Meldarath]]:''' A member of the Seanchan High Blood and a Darkfriend
'''[[Suroth Sabelle Meldarath]]:''' A member of the Seanchan High Blood and a Darkfriend
'''[[Tammuz]]:''' An illuminator in the Cairhienin chapter house
'''[[Thomdril Merrilin]]:'''
'''[[Tema]]:''' The head groom in Fal Dara, Shienar.
'''[[Timora]]:''' A Shienaran noblewoman and the Lady Amalisa's attendant
'''[[Trayal]]:''' An Ogier who travelled the Ways and was caught by Machin Shin
'''[[Trayal]]:''' An Ogier who travelled the Ways and was caught by Machin Shin
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'''[[Verin Mathwin]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who realises Rand is the Dragon Reborn and joins the group chasing the Horn of Valere
'''[[Verin Mathwin]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who realises Rand is the Dragon Reborn and joins the group chasing the Horn of Valere
'''[[Yarin Maeldan]]:'''
'''[[Yarin Maeldan]]:''' The second-in-command on the Spray, Bayle Domon's boat
'''[[Zaired Elbar]]:'''
'''[[Zaired Elbar]]:''' A Seanchan man who accompanied Suroth when she went to claim Egwene and Nynaeve
'''[[Zera]]:''' The innkeeper of The Bunch of Grapes
==Characters that are mentioned in the book==
===First Mention===
'''[[Aedwin Cole]]:'''
'''[[Alric]]:''' Siuan's warder.
'''[[Alwyn al'Van]]:''' The cobbler in Emmond's Field
'''[[Alwyn al'Van]]:'''
'''[[Barin Madwen]]:''' Maglin's husband, who left her his Inn when he died
'''[[Bili (1)|Bili]]:''' The doorman in Easing the Badger inn in Illian and nephew of Nieda
'''[[Artur Paendrag Tanreall]]:'''
'''[[Birgitte]]:''' An archer, one of the heroes of the Horn
'''[[Barin Madwen]]:'''
'''[[Bonwhin Meraighdin]]:''' The last Amyrlin to be stilled and deposed, for nearly bringing the Tower to ruin
'''[[Basel Gill]]:'''
'''[[Carlinya]]:''' A cold Aes Sedai of the white Ajah in the Amyrlin's retinue
'''[[Bili (1)|Bili]]:'''
'''[[Carn]]:''' A sailor on Basel Gill's ship murdered while docked in Illian
'''[[Corin Ayellin]]:''' A member of the Women's circle that Marin suggest might support Nynaeve during her Accepted test
'''[[Blaes of Matuchin]]:'''
'''[[Dalar]]:''' Dalar is an Ogier who Loial quotes as having spent ten years among the Sea Folk without succumbing to the longing
'''[[Bonwhin Meraighdin]]:'''
'''[[Deain]]:''' A Seanchan Aes Sedai who made the first ''a'dam''  
'''[[Dunsinin]]:''' A woman associated with Rogosh Eagle-Eye
'''[[Eamon Valda]]:''' A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light who took over from Geoffram Bornhald in Caemlyn
'''[[Earwin]]:''' A member of the Children of the Light, given over to the Questioners command
'''[[Cenn Buie]]:'''
'''[[Ella_(Cairhienin)|Ella]]:''' A woman who works at the Bunch of Grapes Inn in the city of Cairhien.
'''[[Corin Ayellin]]:'''
'''[[Irella]]:''' A skinny Accepted who insulted Nynaeve
'''[[Dain Bornhald]]:'''
'''[[Iva]]:''' Erith's mother
'''[[Gitara Moroso]]:''' An Aes Sedai with the talent of Foretelling who died as the Dragon was reborn, announcing it to Siuan, Moiraine and Tamra
'''[[Lacel]]:''' Juin's father
'''[[Laud]]:''' Juin's grandfather
'''[[Eamon Valda]]:'''
'''[[Lidan]]:''' A serving girl in the Nine Rings
'''[[Luthair Paendrag Mondwin]]:''' One of Artur Hawkwing's son's, sent over the ocean to establish a country
'''[[Easar Togita]]:'''
'''[[Maigan]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who was in the retinue that went to Fal Dara
'''[[Marith Riven]]:''' An Aes Sedai.  Nynaeve once threw a cup at her.
'''[[Else Grinwell]]:'''
'''[[Mavra Mallen]]:''' A person, likely fictional who replaced Nynaeve as Wisdom in her Accepted test
'''[[Melia]]:''' Hurin's wife
'''[[Gaidal Cain]]:'''
'''[[Mikel]]:''' One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme
'''[[Galldrian su Riatin Rie|Galldrian Riatin]]:'''
'''[[Mother Caredwain]]:''' A healer in Tremonsien
'''[[Gareth Bryne]]:'''
'''[[Mulaen]]:''' The ''der'suldam'' in charge of the ''damane'' in Falme
'''[[Gitara Moroso]]:'''
'''[[Myrelle Berengari]]:''' An Aes Sedau. Moiraine has arranged for her to have Lan's bond if Moiraine dies
'''[[Nela al'Caar]]:''' A woman from the Two Rivers
'''[[Neysa Ayellin]]:''' A woman from the Two Rivers
'''[[Owyn Merrilin]]:''' Thom's nephew, who was able to channel
'''[[Paedrig]]:''' One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme
'''[[Ryma Galfrey]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, made ''damane'' in Falme and re-named Pura'''[[Tam al'Thor]]:''' Rand's father, who found him on the slopes of Dragonmount while serving with the Illianer Companions
'''[[Seaghan]]:''' A performance hall owner in Cairhien
'''[[Smoke]]:''' The name of a wolf Perrin comes briefly into contact with.
'''[[Joiya Byir]]:'''
'''[[Takima]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who has taught Egwene
'''[[Jon Thane]]:'''
'''[[Tetsuan]]:''' One of the two Amyrlin's stilled and deposed, for her betrayal of Manetheren
'''[[Kari al'Thor]]:'''
'''[[Teven Aerwin]]:''' An author
'''[[Tiedra]]:''' The inkeeper of the Great Tree
'''[[Lain Mandragoran]]:'''
'''[[Tomas]]:''' Verin's Warder. She leaves him behind when she chases after Rand
'''[[Tuck Padwhin]]:''' The carpenter from Emond's Field. Egwene thinks of him
'''[[Laman Damodred]]:'''
'''[[Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag|Tuon Althaem Kore Paendrag]]:''' The favoured daughter of the Empress
'''[[Two Deer]]:''' A wolf Perrin comes briefly into contact with.
'''[[Winter Dawn]]:''' A wolf Perrin comes briefly into contact with.
'''[[Lini Eltring]]:'''
'''[[Wuan]]:''' A member of the Children of the Light, given over to the Questioners command
==Existing Characters==
===First Appearance===
'''[[Sheriam Bayanar]]:''' The Mistress of Novices in the White Tower
===Characters that appear in the book===
'''[[Agelmar Jagad]]:''' The Lord of Fal Dara in Shienar
'''[[Luc Mantear]]:'''
'''[[Alaine Chuliandred]]:''' A Cairhienin noblewoman who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party
'''[[Luthair Paendrag Mondwin]]:'''
'''[[al'Lan Mandragoran]]:''' Moiraine's warder, struggling to balance his duty to Moiraine and his love for Nynaeve
'''[[Bayle Domon]]:''' An Illianer smuggler hired by Nynaeve to take her, Min, Egwene and Elayne out of Falme
'''[[Marin al'Vere]]:'''
'''[[Egwene al'Vere]]:''' A girl from the Two Rivers in training at the White Tower as a novice. She is captured and made ''damane'', but is freed.
'''[[Marith Riven]]:'''
'''[[Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and advisor to queen Morgase, she has returned to the Tower with Elayne
'''[[Master Fitch]]:'''
'''[[Elayne Trakand]]:''' The daughter heir of Andor, in training as a novice, she leaves on the promise of adventure to try and help Rand
'''[[Mavra Mallen]]:'''
'''[[Galadedrid Damodred]]:''' Elayne's half brother, in training with the Warders at the White Tower. He takes a liking to Egwene.
'''[[Mazrim Taim]]:'''
'''[[Gawyn Trakand]]:''' Elayne's brother, in training with the Warders at the White Tower. He takes a liking to Egwene.
'''[[Geofram Bornhald]]:''' A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light, killed fighting the Seanchan at Falme.
'''[[Ingtar Shinowa]]:''' A Shienaran lord who leads the chase after the Horn of Valere. He is revealed as a Darkfriend and gives his own life to try and return to the Light.
'''[[Morgase Trakand]]:''' The queen of Andor, Elyane and Gawyn's mother
'''[[Logain Ablar]]:''' A False Dragon, captured and stilled and left to roam the grounds of the White Tower
'''[[Loial]]:''' On Ogier, considered too young to be out on his own, who accompanies Mat, Rand and Perrin.
'''[[Matrim Cauthon]]:''' A young man from the Two Rivers in search of a tainted dagger from Shadar Logoth, to which he is linked
'''[[Min|Elmindreda Farshaw]]:''' A young Andoran woman with the ability to see prophetic images around people, summoned to the Tower
'''[[Moiraine Damodred]]:''' An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who found the Dragon Reborn then allowed him to go his own way.
'''[[Nynaeve al'Meara]]:'''A young woman from the Two Rivers, raised to the Accepted on entering the Tower, though she cannot conspicuously channel.
'''[[Padan Fain]]:''' A Darkfriend who stole the Horn of Valere and took it to Falme, where he presented it to Turak
'''[[Perrin Aybara]]:''' A young man from the Two Rivers, a blacksmith and wolfbrother
'''[[Ragan]]:''' A Shienaran soldier who goes south with Ingtar
'''[[Rand al'Thor]]:''' A young man from The Two Rivers, who learns he was born on Dragonmount and is able to channel, but refuses to accept he is the Dragon Reborn until he battles Isha'mael in the sky above Falme.
'''[[Thomdril Merrilin]]:''' A gleeman who had an association with Rand. After Galldrian has his lover Dena killed, he decides to kill Galldrian
===Characters that are mentioned in the book===
'''[[Arent]]:''' Loial's father
'''[[Mother Caredwain]]:'''
'''[[Artur Paendrag Tanreall]]:''' One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme
'''[[Basel Gill]]:''' The innkeeper of the Queen's Blessing in Caemlyn
'''[[Myrelle Berengari]]:''' An Aes Sedau. Moiraine has arranged for her to have Lan's bond if Moiraine dies
'''[[Blaes of Matuchin]]:''' One of the legendary Hunters for the Horn
'''[[Nela al'Caar]]:'''
'''[[Breyan]]:''' Isam's mother who vanished when Trollocs overran Malkier
'''[[Neysa Ayellin]]:'''
'''[[Cenn Buie]]:''' The thatcher in Emond's Field, seen in Nynaeve's Accepted test
'''[[Dain Bornhald]]:''' Geoffram Bornhald's son
'''[[Owyn Merrilin]]:'''
'''[[Easar Togita]]:''' The king of Shienar
'''[[Else Grinwell]]:''' A young Andoran girl, inspired to go to Tar Valon after meeting Rand and Mat, but too lazt to achieve much.
'''[[Gaidal Cain]]:''' A legendary Hero of the Horn, called back at Falme
'''[[Rogosh Eagle-Eye]]:'''
'''[[Galldrian su Riatin Rie|Galldrian Riatin]]:''' The king of Cairhien, assasinated by Thom in revenge for the death of Dena
'''[[Ryma Galfrey]]:'''
'''[[Gareth Bryne]]:''' The Captain-general of the Queen's Guard in Andor
'''[[Halan]]:''' Loial's grandfather
'''[[Haman]]:''' An elder in Stedding Shangtai, frequently mentioned by Loial
'''[[Isam]]:''' Lan's cousin linked with Luc in what appeared to be Dark Prophecy.
'''[[Tam al'Thor]]:'''
'''[[Jon Thane]]:''' The miller in Emond's Field. Rand compares Leane to him in the way she orders people around
'''[[Kari al'Thor]]:''' Tam's wife, deceased
'''[[Lain Mandragoran]]:''' Lan's uncle, dead in the fall of Malkier
'''[[Laman Damodred]]:''' the king of Cairhien who caused the Aiel war by chopping down ''Avelendesora''.
'''[[Teven Aerwin]]:'''
'''[[Lini Eltring]]:''' Elayne's nurse, and before that Morgase's
'''[[Luc Mantear]]:''' Tigraine's brother who vanished in the Blight. He and Isam are linked in writings left on the Fal Dara dungeon wall
'''[[Tigraine Mantear]]:'''
'''[[Marin al'Vere]]:''' Egwene's mother
'''[[Master Fitch]]:''' The owner of the Stag and Lion in Baerlon, currently re-building
'''[[Tuck Padwhin]]:'''
'''[[Mazrim Taim]]:''' A False Dragon troubling Saldaea
'''[[Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag|Tuon Althaem Kore Paendrag]]:'''
'''[[Mordeth]]:''' A man who corrupted the city of Aridhol during the Trolloc wars and then waited there for a two thousand years until he tried to possess Padan Fain, but ended up merging with him
'''[[Two Deer]]:'''
'''[[Morgase Trakand]]:''' The queen of Andor, Elyane and Gawyn's mother
'''[[Winter Dawn]]:'''
'''[[Rogosh Eagle-Eye]]:''' One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme
'''[[Tigraine Mantear]]:''' Galad's mother and the one-time daughter heir of Andor, whose dissapearance sparked a war for succession which ended in Morgase taking the throne
'''[[Yurian Stonebow]]:'''  A False Dragon who rose just after the end of the Trolloc Wars
'''[[Yurian Stonebow]]:'''  A False Dragon who rose just after the end of the Trolloc Wars
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[[Category:Book Character Lists|2]]
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Latest revision as of 11:52, 2 March 2013

List of characters that appear in, or are mentioned in, The Great Hunt.

New Characters

First Appearance

Adeleas Namelle: A retired Aes Sedai, visited by Moiraine for her knowledge of Dark Prophecy

Aedwin Cole: A man who works on the spray

Alanna Mosvani: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who accompanies Siuan to Fal Dara

Alar: The eldest of the elders of Stedding Tsofu

Aldrin Caldevwin: A captain in the Cairhienin army who is unhelpful on Rand's journey south

Aludra: An illuminator, head of the chapter house in Cairhein

Amalisa: Agalmar Jagad's sister

Anaiya: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who suspects Egwene may be a Dreamer

Asan Sandair: An officer in the Cairhienin army who records Rand's name when he enters the city

Ashin: A man who works as a servant in Barthanes Damodred's manor

Barthanes Damodred: A powerful noble in Cairhien and also a Darkfriend, he is brutally murdered after Rand visits his manor.

Belevaere Osiellin: A Cairhienin noble who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party

Breane Taborwin: A Cairhienin noble who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party

Caban: A low ranking Seanchan officer under Egeanin

Catrine: A maid at The Nine Rings in Tremonsien, Cairhien.

Changu: A Shienaran who guarded Padan Fain and went south with him when he fled with the Horn

Cuale: The innkeeper of The Defender of the Dragonwall, an inn in Cairhien.

Dena: Thom's lover, in training to be a bard, murdered by Galldrian's men

Egeanin Sarna: A Seanchan sea captain who seizes Bayle Domon's boat and takes him to Turak

Einor Saren: A Questioner, second in rank to Jaichim Carridin

Elansu: The shatayan of Fal Dara keep.

Elricain Tavolin: An officer in the Cairhienin army.

Erith: A young Ogier woman from Stedding Tsofu. Dhe is a treesinger

Huon: Turak's so'jhin and possibly his Voice. He is murdered by Fain

Hurin: A man from Fal Dara with the ability to smell violence

Jaem: Vandene's gnarled warder.

Jaichim Carridin: An inquisitor in the Children of the Light sent to Almoth Plain

Jeral: A soldier of the Children of the Light who is young. He brings a message to Geofram Bornhald from Jaichim Carridin with orders to stay in Almoth Plain and away from Toman Head.

Juin: An Ogier from Stedding Tsofu.

Kajin: A Shienaran Lord

Lanfear: One of the Forsaken. after Rand's fight with Ba'alzamon, she tells Min that Rand is hers.

Leane Sharif: The Keeper of the Chronicles, she visits Fal Dara with the Amyrlin

Liandrin: An unpleasant Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, revealed as being of the Black Ajah.

Maglin Madwen: The owner of The Nine Rings in Tremonsien, Cairhien, she gives Rand some advice on dealing with Selene

Masema Dagar: A Shienaran who hates Aiel, and anyone who looks like an Aiel

Muadh: A solider in the Children of the Light

Nidao: A Shienaran who guarded Padan Fain and went south with him when he fled with the Horn

Nieda Sidoro: The innkeeper of the Easing the Badger inn in Illian

Nisura: A Shienaran noblewoman, and one of the Lady Amalisa's attendants.

Pedra: An Accepted in the White Tower

Pedron Niall: The Lord Captain commander of the Children of the Light, with his own plans.

Red: A horse Rand rides out of Fal Dara

Renna Emain: A sul'dam who collared Egwene training, and was captured by Nynaeve and left to remove her a'dam if she could manage it

Rhian: A Maiden of the Spear met in Stedding Tsofu

Ronan: The shambayan of Fal Dara keep, killed on the night the Horn was stolen

Selene: A woman me in one of the world's accessible through a Portal Stone

Serafelle: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who went to Fal Dara with the Amyrlin

Seta Zarbey: A sul'dam who occasionally had control of Egwene's training, and was captured by Nynaeve and left to remove her a'dam if she could manage it

Siuan Sanche: The Amyrlin Seat

Suroth Sabelle Meldarath: A member of the Seanchan High Blood and a Darkfriend

Tammuz: An illuminator in the Cairhienin chapter house

Tema: The head groom in Fal Dara, Shienar.

Timora: A Shienaran noblewoman and the Lady Amalisa's attendant

Trayal: An Ogier who travelled the Ways and was caught by Machin Shin

Turak: A Seanchan High Blood who led the return until killed by Rand in Falme

Uno Nomesta: A one eyed Shienaran soldier who accompanies Rand and Ingtar in the chase for the Horn

Urien: An Aiel, searching for He Who Comes With the Dawn

Vandene Namelle: A retired Aes Sedai, visited by Moiraine for her knowledge of Dark Prophecy

Verin Mathwin: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who realises Rand is the Dragon Reborn and joins the group chasing the Horn of Valere

Yarin Maeldan: The second-in-command on the Spray, Bayle Domon's boat

Zaired Elbar: A Seanchan man who accompanied Suroth when she went to claim Egwene and Nynaeve

Zera: The innkeeper of The Bunch of Grapes

First Mention

Alric: Siuan's warder.

Alwyn al'Van: The cobbler in Emmond's Field

Barin Madwen: Maglin's husband, who left her his Inn when he died

Bili: The doorman in Easing the Badger inn in Illian and nephew of Nieda

Birgitte: An archer, one of the heroes of the Horn

Bonwhin Meraighdin: The last Amyrlin to be stilled and deposed, for nearly bringing the Tower to ruin

Carlinya: A cold Aes Sedai of the white Ajah in the Amyrlin's retinue

Carn: A sailor on Basel Gill's ship murdered while docked in Illian

Corin Ayellin: A member of the Women's circle that Marin suggest might support Nynaeve during her Accepted test

Dalar: Dalar is an Ogier who Loial quotes as having spent ten years among the Sea Folk without succumbing to the longing

Deain: A Seanchan Aes Sedai who made the first a'dam

Dunsinin: A woman associated with Rogosh Eagle-Eye

Eamon Valda: A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light who took over from Geoffram Bornhald in Caemlyn

Earwin: A member of the Children of the Light, given over to the Questioners command

Ella: A woman who works at the Bunch of Grapes Inn in the city of Cairhien.

Irella: A skinny Accepted who insulted Nynaeve

Iva: Erith's mother

Gitara Moroso: An Aes Sedai with the talent of Foretelling who died as the Dragon was reborn, announcing it to Siuan, Moiraine and Tamra

Lacel: Juin's father

Laud: Juin's grandfather

Lidan: A serving girl in the Nine Rings

Luthair Paendrag Mondwin: One of Artur Hawkwing's son's, sent over the ocean to establish a country

Maigan: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who was in the retinue that went to Fal Dara

Marith Riven: An Aes Sedai. Nynaeve once threw a cup at her.

Mavra Mallen: A person, likely fictional who replaced Nynaeve as Wisdom in her Accepted test

Melia: Hurin's wife

Mikel: One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme

Mother Caredwain: A healer in Tremonsien

Mulaen: The der'suldam in charge of the damane in Falme

Myrelle Berengari: An Aes Sedau. Moiraine has arranged for her to have Lan's bond if Moiraine dies

Nela al'Caar: A woman from the Two Rivers

Neysa Ayellin: A woman from the Two Rivers

Owyn Merrilin: Thom's nephew, who was able to channel

Paedrig: One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme

Ryma Galfrey: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, made damane in Falme and re-named PuraTam al'Thor: Rand's father, who found him on the slopes of Dragonmount while serving with the Illianer Companions

Seaghan: A performance hall owner in Cairhien

Smoke: The name of a wolf Perrin comes briefly into contact with.

Takima: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who has taught Egwene

Tetsuan: One of the two Amyrlin's stilled and deposed, for her betrayal of Manetheren

Teven Aerwin: An author

Tiedra: The inkeeper of the Great Tree

Tomas: Verin's Warder. She leaves him behind when she chases after Rand

Tuck Padwhin: The carpenter from Emond's Field. Egwene thinks of him

Tuon Althaem Kore Paendrag: The favoured daughter of the Empress

Two Deer: A wolf Perrin comes briefly into contact with.

Winter Dawn: A wolf Perrin comes briefly into contact with.

Wuan: A member of the Children of the Light, given over to the Questioners command

Existing Characters

First Appearance

Sheriam Bayanar: The Mistress of Novices in the White Tower

Characters that appear in the book

Agelmar Jagad: The Lord of Fal Dara in Shienar

Alaine Chuliandred: A Cairhienin noblewoman who flirts with Rand at Barthanes' party

al'Lan Mandragoran: Moiraine's warder, struggling to balance his duty to Moiraine and his love for Nynaeve

Bayle Domon: An Illianer smuggler hired by Nynaeve to take her, Min, Egwene and Elayne out of Falme

Egwene al'Vere: A girl from the Two Rivers in training at the White Tower as a novice. She is captured and made damane, but is freed.

Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and advisor to queen Morgase, she has returned to the Tower with Elayne

Elayne Trakand: The daughter heir of Andor, in training as a novice, she leaves on the promise of adventure to try and help Rand

Galadedrid Damodred: Elayne's half brother, in training with the Warders at the White Tower. He takes a liking to Egwene.

Gawyn Trakand: Elayne's brother, in training with the Warders at the White Tower. He takes a liking to Egwene.

Geofram Bornhald: A Lord Captain of the Children of the Light, killed fighting the Seanchan at Falme.

Ingtar Shinowa: A Shienaran lord who leads the chase after the Horn of Valere. He is revealed as a Darkfriend and gives his own life to try and return to the Light.

Logain Ablar: A False Dragon, captured and stilled and left to roam the grounds of the White Tower

Loial: On Ogier, considered too young to be out on his own, who accompanies Mat, Rand and Perrin.

Matrim Cauthon: A young man from the Two Rivers in search of a tainted dagger from Shadar Logoth, to which he is linked

Elmindreda Farshaw: A young Andoran woman with the ability to see prophetic images around people, summoned to the Tower

Moiraine Damodred: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who found the Dragon Reborn then allowed him to go his own way.

Nynaeve al'Meara:A young woman from the Two Rivers, raised to the Accepted on entering the Tower, though she cannot conspicuously channel.

Padan Fain: A Darkfriend who stole the Horn of Valere and took it to Falme, where he presented it to Turak

Perrin Aybara: A young man from the Two Rivers, a blacksmith and wolfbrother

Ragan: A Shienaran soldier who goes south with Ingtar

Rand al'Thor: A young man from The Two Rivers, who learns he was born on Dragonmount and is able to channel, but refuses to accept he is the Dragon Reborn until he battles Isha'mael in the sky above Falme.

Thomdril Merrilin: A gleeman who had an association with Rand. After Galldrian has his lover Dena killed, he decides to kill Galldrian

Characters that are mentioned in the book

Arent: Loial's father

Artur Paendrag Tanreall: One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme

Basel Gill: The innkeeper of the Queen's Blessing in Caemlyn

Blaes of Matuchin: One of the legendary Hunters for the Horn

Breyan: Isam's mother who vanished when Trollocs overran Malkier

Cenn Buie: The thatcher in Emond's Field, seen in Nynaeve's Accepted test

Dain Bornhald: Geoffram Bornhald's son

Easar Togita: The king of Shienar

Else Grinwell: A young Andoran girl, inspired to go to Tar Valon after meeting Rand and Mat, but too lazt to achieve much.

Gaidal Cain: A legendary Hero of the Horn, called back at Falme

Galldrian Riatin: The king of Cairhien, assasinated by Thom in revenge for the death of Dena

Gareth Bryne: The Captain-general of the Queen's Guard in Andor

Halan: Loial's grandfather

Haman: An elder in Stedding Shangtai, frequently mentioned by Loial

Isam: Lan's cousin linked with Luc in what appeared to be Dark Prophecy.

Jon Thane: The miller in Emond's Field. Rand compares Leane to him in the way she orders people around

Kari al'Thor: Tam's wife, deceased

Lain Mandragoran: Lan's uncle, dead in the fall of Malkier

Laman Damodred: the king of Cairhien who caused the Aiel war by chopping down Avelendesora.

Lini Eltring: Elayne's nurse, and before that Morgase's

Luc Mantear: Tigraine's brother who vanished in the Blight. He and Isam are linked in writings left on the Fal Dara dungeon wall

Marin al'Vere: Egwene's mother

Master Fitch: The owner of the Stag and Lion in Baerlon, currently re-building

Mazrim Taim: A False Dragon troubling Saldaea

Mordeth: A man who corrupted the city of Aridhol during the Trolloc wars and then waited there for a two thousand years until he tried to possess Padan Fain, but ended up merging with him

Morgase Trakand: The queen of Andor, Elyane and Gawyn's mother

Rogosh Eagle-Eye: One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back at Falme

Tigraine Mantear: Galad's mother and the one-time daughter heir of Andor, whose dissapearance sparked a war for succession which ended in Morgase taking the throne

Yurian Stonebow: A False Dragon who rose just after the end of the Trolloc Wars