A Memory of Light Character List

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Characters that are mentioned, or appear in A Memory of Light.

First Mention

Characters that Appear

Abors: An Asha'man loyal to Taim

Adora: The grandaughter of Perrin and Faile in a possible future

Alhanra: A soldier in Bryne's army

Allin: An Andoran in the White Tower army

Annah: A soldier in the White Tower army

Awlsten: An Ash'aman with Rodel

Barrin: A member of the Deathwatch Guard

Baelder: An Aiel who accompanies Rhuarc when defending Shayol Ghul

Bao: A figure of prophecy for the Sharans

Baryd: A man in Harid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons him to march with Andor in the Last Battle.

Binde: An Ash'aman with Rodel

Brynt: A member of the Band of the Red Hand

Celebrain: A woman in the Andoran army sent off to almost certain death as a decoy for Elayne

Charn: A pikeman killed fighting Sharans

Courtani: A Seanchan Banner General

Cynd: A Tairen woman fighting in the Last Battle

Daruo: A member of the Deathwatch guard in Tuon's personal bodyguard

Dav al'Thone: A man from the Two Rivers who guarded Rand's tent

Dennel: A captain in the Band of the Red Hand

Deoan: A Two Rivers man who had served in the Andoran army

Desautel: An Asha'man who found Sakarnen for Logain

Dhana: A to'raken used by Mat to get to the Pit of Doom

Dobser: An Asha'man turned to the Shadow

Einar: An Asha'man who fights alongside Uno. He is killed by Demandred's balefire.

Elswell: An Aes Sedai who wanted Rodel to take the crown of Arad Doman

Eri: A man in Harid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons him when docked of pay and put on latrine duty

Filger: A scout in the Band of the Red Hand

Galbrait: The leader of the Ayyad

Gavid: A Crossbowman in the Band of the Red Hand

Gelen: A leader in the Deathwatch Guard.

Gerisch: A banner general in the Seanchan army

Gokhan: A member of the Low blood sentenced to death by Tuon and reprieved at Min's insistence.

Haerm: The commander of the Illianer Companions fighting with the Aes Sedai army in Kandor.

Hend: One of the Heroes of the Horn

Hessalam: The new name given to Graendal for her new body, meaning "Without forgiveness"

Holcom: A messenger with the White Tower army

Jame: Jame is a Seanchan man who works as a guard at the Yearly Brawl and is also married to its owner Kathana.

Jesamyn: Jessamin is a member of the Kin who was left in Caemlyn along with three other women to give reports to Elayne on the situation there. She was murdered

Jophil: One of the men who carried Lan's banner

Katerin: A Maiden of the Spear who guarded Rand's tent

Kathana: An innkeeper in Ebou Dar that Mat meets.

Kert Wagoner: Kert Wagoner is a man from the Two Rivers in Perrin's camp.

Kitan: A palace maid in Mayene.

Kline: A warder whose Aes Sedai was killed during the Last Battle

Kymer: Kymer is a Wise One of the Tomanelle Aiel and Han's niece.

Laandon: A soldier of the Band sent with Faile and the Horn

Leems: An Asha'man loyal to Taim

Leish: Canler's wife

Lind: Lind is a woman at the Black Tower who runs the Inn there,

Lindsar: Ogier Eldest in Stedding Sholoon

Lord Davies: A minor noble with Jarid Sarand, he abandons him when it becomes clear that Jarid's obsession with Elayne has caused him to behave irrationally

Lord Karam: A minor noble with Jarid Sarand, he abandons him when it becomes clear that Jarid's obsession with Elayne has caused him to behave irrationally

Manda Wan: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah involved in the fight against the Seanchan

Melten: Melten is soldier in the Band of the Red Hand.

Mighty: Mighty is Arganda's horse

Mika: A damane who Mat uses to weave gateways so he can observe the battle.

Moonshadow: Elayne's horse at the Last Battle, killed by Mellar's men

Morear: A man in Jarid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons him to march with Andor in the Last Battle

Musicar: A member of the Deathwatch Guard

Myk: A pikeman in Juilin's squad in the fighting in the Last Battle.

Nata: Mat's personal tailor

Piava: An Aes Sedai of an unknown Ajah. Her Warder and Sleete form a two man team to guard against the Trollocs

Pylar: A member of the Brown Ajah skilled with weaves of earth

Raemassa: An Aes Sedai with Egwene in Kandor

Renel: A street vendor in Caemlyn that Rand meets in one of the worlds the Dark One could create.

Ronja: A blind Aiel who Berelain speaks to in Mayene

Rosse: A man in Jarid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons him to march with Andor in the Last Battle

Ryden: Ryden is the leader of a dragon squad in the Band of the Red Hand

Sandip: A soldier in the Band

Selfar: Talmane's Horse

Shaen: An Aiel

Shanan: The sul'dam who captures Moghedien

Savara: A Seanchan cavalry leader

Shendla: A Sharan woman who fell in love with Demandred

Sidama: Galad's horse

Soro: An Aiel who learned he was able to channel and went to the Blight where he became one of the Samma N'Sei

Steps: A wolf Perrin meets in tel'aran'rhiod

Stinger: Silviana's horse

Sulaan: A morat to'raken whi takes Mat to the valley of Thakan'dar

Symon: A warder killed during the Last Battle

Theodohr: The commander of the Andoran Cavalry

Tinna: The leader of the Dragonsworn. She was once a novice in the White Tower

Trask: An Aiel who accompanies Rhuarc when defending Shayol Ghul

Turn Bow: A wolf Perrin meets in tel'aran'rhiod

White Eyes: A wolf Perrin meets in tel'aran'rhiod

Characters that are Mentioned

Alix: A Gaidin whose Aes Sedai was killed

Anasai: A poet. Each of her poems was written as an elegy.

Bakh: A man who fights with Lan's forces at Tarwin's Gap.


Brokel: A whitecloaks considered one of their best men

Classen Bayor: A historical general

Denhold: A captain in the White Tower army.

Desartin: A Murandian lord overthrown by his own people

Elenar: An apprentice Wise One of the Daryne Aiel.


Eyal: A man from one of Mat's Memories who fought in the Marches of Maighande.

Fanshir: An Asha'man who had been a scholar before going to the Black Tower


Frask: Lind's husband, he helps teach the sword at the Black Tower


Gilber: A Saldaean quartermaster who worked under Bashere.

Handoin: A Seanchan who is a rival of Tuon

Hayde: A Wise One

Jer al' Hune: A boy Mat saved from drowning

Kiem Lewin: A girl Mat didn't save from drowning

Kimtin: The person who taught Tam the Flame and the Void

Kragil: A man who fights with Lan's forces at Tarwin's Gap.

Krisa: A Seanchan woman who has hired assassins from Seanchan to kill Tuon


Lifa: A Darkfriend merchant


Maerin: An Aes Sedai fighting in Kandor. Egwene took her tent as one of her nightly rotations designed to keep her location secret

Makoti: A banner general in the Seanchan army.

Master al' Moor:

Naath: Someone Mat knows through his memories. He thinks of Naath and the San d'ma Shadar when he is telling Egwene that they can't retreat.


Mallone: A Whitecloak considered one of their best

Ragon: A man who fights with Lan's forces at Tarwin's Gap.

Rion: Someone Mat knows through his memories. He thinks of Rion at Hune Hill when he is telling Egwene that they can't retreat.

Sana Ashraf:

Sayer: A man who Androl once knew

Shanni: A Wise One

Serinia: An Aes Sedai sent to Caemlyn when news from there was interrupted

Sigmont: A peasant taught some basics of fighting by Mat

Silvic: A soldier in the Band who taught Olver how to use a knife.



Widow al'Thone:

Yokata: A Borderlander who lost two cavalry squadrons because of decisions Agelmar made while under Hessalam's compulsion.

Other Characters

First Appearance

Roedran: The king of Murandy. He appears to be a blustering fool, but much of this is an act

Kash: An Asha'man of Taim's faction. He was captured by the Ogier on Stedding Shonsoon

Characters that Appear

Abaldar Yulan: A Seanchan general, that under Moghedien's compulsion tried to persuade Tuon not to return to the Field of Merrilor

Adelorna Bastine: The head of the Green Ajah. At the Last Battle, she implies to Egwene that the Greens have accepted her as one of them

Agelmar Jagad: One of the Great Captains, who was given charge of the battle at Tarwin's Gap. Hessalam used compulsion on him and he committed many errors resulting in the loss of over half his army

Alanna Mosvani: An Aes Sedai who forcibly bonded Rand. She was taken to the Pit of Dhoom and left to die, with the expectation this would weaken Rand at a critical moment. Nynaeve is able to help her be lucid enough to release the bond before this happens

Algarin Pendaloan: Formerly a Lord of the Land in Tear, now an Asha'man who calls himself Emarin. He helps Androl free Logain and fights with him against Taim and his men.

Abell Cauthon: Mat's father, a man from the Two Rivers. He fights at the last battle

Alivia: A former Seanchan damane who gives Rand some clothes and money, to "help him die"


Ayako Norsoni: An Aes Sedai bonded to Donalo Sandomere. She is turned and ends up captured in Stedding Sholoon

Aledrin: An Aes Sedai who was a Sitter for the White in Salidar and who is sent to the Black Tower to find Asha'man to bond

Alliandre Maritha Kigarin:

Almen Bunt: An Andoran farmer. He fights in the Last Battle

Alsalam: The king of Arad Doman. He is killed in the Last Battle

Aludra: An Illuminator from Tarabon. She has built canons called "dragons" which she oversees and operates during the battles.

Alviarin: The leader of the Black Ajah, trapped in a stedding by Androl

Amys: An Aiel Wise One.

Androl Genhald: A Dedicated Asha'man that dual bonds Pevara and leads the attempt to free Logain after Taim captures him.

Antail: An Asha'man with Rodel

Aravine Carnel: A woman freed by Perrin and Faile who reveals herself as a Darkfriend and tries to steal the Horn of Valere

Arel Malevin: An Asha'man loyal to Logain

Arien Nalaam: An Asha'man loyal to Logain. He is killed trying to free him


Artur Hawkwing:


Atal Mishraile: An Asha'man loyal to Taim.



Bair: An Aiel Wise One.

Ban al'Seen

Bayle Domon:

Bela: A horse, killed taking Olver to safety

Beldeine Nyram: An Aes Sedai sworn to Rand. She is killed in the Last Battle


Berab Golever: A Child of the Light

Berelain: The First of Mayene. She offers her palace as central place to carry the wounded to for Healing.

Berisha: An Aes Sedai. she was with Faile when the group were hit by a Bubble of Evil and the gateay she opened ended in the Blight. She was mortally wounded in the event presumably by Aravine

Bertain Gallenne: Lord Captain of the Winged Guards of Mayene. He is killed in the fighting


Birgitte: Formerly a Hero of the Horn, now Elayne's Warder. After being killed by Melar, she returns as a Hero of the Horn

Blaes: One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back by Olver.


Cadsuane Melaidhrin: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who acted as Rand's advisor. After Egwene's death, she is chosen as the new Amyrlin.

Canler: An Asha'man of Logain's faction who accompanies Androl and Pevara during the Last Battle


Charlz Guybon:





Cyndane: One of the Forsaken, formerly Lanfear. She is killed by Perrin to stop her preventing Rand from re-sealing the Dark One


Damer Flinn: An Asha'man skilled in Healing. He loses an arm in the Last battle, but survives

Dannil Lewin:


Davram Bashere: One of the Great Captains, he had charge of the battle in Andor and Cairhien, but made mistakes under Hessalam's compulsion. He was killed during the battle

Deepe Bhadar: An Asha'man of Logain's faction, he was killed trying to kill taim

Deira Bashere: Davram Bashere's wife, she is killed with him

Delarn: A member of the Band of the Red Hand. He is one of about a hundred to return to Hinderstap

Demandred: One of the Forsaken. He enters the battle with Sharan channelers on his side. He demands to fight Lews Therin, but is killed by Lan.

Doesine: A Sitter for the Yellow Ajah, killed fighting the Sharans

Donalo: A Tairen Asha'man turned to the Shadow and captured by Ogier in Stedding Sholoon

Duhara: A former Red Ajah and Keeper of the Keeper of the Chronicles. After being exposed as Black Ajah, she is killed in battle around the valley of Thakan'dar

Easar: The king of Shienar. HE fights with Lan at Tarwin's Gap.

Edarra: An Aiel Wise One who accompanied Perrin to Ghealdan. When most of the others go to Thakan'dar, she stays with Perrin's camp in Andor. She advises him against entering Tel'aran'rhiod in the flesh

Egeanin Sarna: Formerly a Seanchan ship captain, until she had her name and title revoked. She is now called Leilwin Shipless. To atone for the mistake of letting the Domination Band getting into Semirhage's hands, she has given her life into Egwene's hands.

Elayne Trakand: Queen of Andor.

Elyas: A wolfbrother known to Perrin. He is sent to Rodel's camp to stop Rodel from making mistakes under the influence of Hessalam's compulsion

Enaila: A Maiden of the Spear. She had agreed to marry, but was killed during the Last Battle.

Erith: Loials's wife, with him during the Last Battle

Evin Vinchova: A Dedicated Asha'man loyal to Logain. He was Turned after trying to free Logain and killed after attacking one of the other men

Fager Neald:

Faile: Perrin's wife. She is given the task of getting the Horn of Valere to Mat. She doesn't manage this. After the death of Tenobia and her father, she becomes queen of Saldaea.


Falion: An Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah. She is killed in the battle at the Valley of Thakandar

Faolain: A woman raised Aes Sedai by Egwene. She is one of the women sent to the Black Tower for Warders, and is told to only take one.


Furyk Karede: Captain of the Deathwatch Guard. After failing to spot a Gray Man twice, Tuon sentences him to kill the Sharan channelers.

Galad Damodred: Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. He is badly wounded during a swordfight against Demandred

Gareth Bryne: High Captain of the White Tower guard and one of the five great captains.

Gaul: An Aiel who became a friend of Perrin. He goes with him to the Wolf Dream to protect Rand from Slayer.

Gawyn Trakand: Elayne's brother and Egwene's husband and warder. He is killed in single combat with Demandred


Haral Luhhan: The blacksmith in Emmond's Field. He carries Perrin to Mayene after Perrin leaves the Wolf Dream almost dead from exhaustion.


Harnan: A member of the Band of the Red Hand who unwittingly discovers the Horn of Valere while looking for tabac

Havien Nurelle: A Mayener who becomes commander of the Winged Guard after Bertain Gallene's death

Hurin: A Shienaran man with the ability to smell violence. He is killed during the Last Battle.

Ila: A Tua'athon woman who heps at the Last Battle by looking for survivors.

Isam Mandragoran:

Jahar Narishma:

Jarid Sarand: A noble in opposition to Elayne, his men abandon him and tie him to a tree after a Bubble of Evil hits their camp.

Jeaine Caide: A Domani member of the Black Ajah. She is killed by Thom trying to sneak into the Pit of Dhoom disguised as Cadsuane.



Jonneth Dowtry: A man from the Two Rivers in training at the Black Tower. He accompanies Androl and Pevara, who think that Theodrin will likely bond him.

Kalyan Ramsin:

Karldin Manfor: An Asha'man loyal to Rand and bonded to Beldiene Nyram. He is killed fighting the Sharans.

Kiruna: Paitar's sister and a member of the Green Ajah sworn to Rand. She is killed during the Last Battle.


Lan Mandragoran: Nynaves's husband and the uncrowned king of Malkier. He kills Demandred during the battle


Lelaine Akashi:

Liandrin: Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah, now a so'jhin in Tuon's attendance.

Logain Ablar: A false Dragon who was gentled and Healed and became an Asha'man. He leads the faction loyal to the Light and gives up his dreams or revenge and domination to save refugees



Lunal Galgan:

Lyrelle: A Sitter of the Blue Ajah. She is one of the group allowed into the Black Tower to bond Asha'man, though is not pleased that there will be only forty six men to choose from.

Mandarb: Lan's horse

Mandevwin: A captain in the Band of the Red Hand, who goes with Faile and is insistent that neither Vanin nor Harnan are Darkfriends



Mat Cauthon:


M'Hael: The leader of the Asha'man who has been turning men to the Shadow. He is killed in battle by Egwene, but she draws too much of the Power to do so and dies herself

Mezar Kurin: An Asha'man, formerly of Logain's faction, but turned to the Shadow by Taim

Min Farshaw: A woman able to see auras and omens around people, given the title of Doomseer and made Tuon's Truthspeaker because of this.

Moghedien: One of the Forsaken. She disguises herself to spy in the Seanchan court but is exposed by Min and has to flee. she survives the Last Battle, but is taken damane

Moiraine Damodred:

Morgase Trakand: Elayne's mother and former queen of Andor. she directs the people who do not fight, but instead look over the battlefield for survivors.

Moridin: One of the Forsaken. He tries to stop Rand, but is unable to and after Rand defeats the Dark One, somehow swaps bodies with him and dies in Rand's former body.


Myrelle Berengari:



Noal Charin: Also known as Jain Farstrider, he is now a Hero of the Horn. He saves Olver when he is attacked by Trollocs.

Nynaeve al'Meara:

Olver: An ugly boy from Cairhien. HE blows the Horn of Valere to recall the Heroes of the Horn from Tel'aran'rhiod

Paitar: The King of Arafel, fighting with Lan at Tarwin's gap

Perrin Aybara: The Lord of the Two Rivers. He defends the Pit of Dhoom in Tel'aran'rhiod, killing both Slayer and Cyndane to protect Rand.

Petra: Formerly a strongman in Valan Luca's Circus, now a Seanchan Guard in Ebou Dar

Pevara Tazanovni: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah bonded to Androl Genhald. She helps Androl to free Logain and fights with him against the Shadow's armies.

Pips: Mat's horse

Raechin: A sitter for the Red Ajah fighting at the Last Battle. She remarks to Leanne that she would be interested in a way of making men do as she wished

Raen: A Tuatha'an, and Aram's grandfather, he helps at the Battle of Merrilor by looking for survivors.

Rand al'Thor: The Dragon Reborn. After reforging the Dark One's prison, he swaps bodies with Moridin and walks off into anonymity, unable to channel, but able to directly affect the Pattern.

Renald Fanwar: A Shienaran farmer who fights at the Last Battle

Rhuarc: Clan chief of the Tardaad Aiel. He falls to Hessalam's compulsion and is killed by Aviendha.

Rianna Andomeran: An Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah formerly of the White who is captured by the Ogier of Stedding Shollon

Rodel: One of the Great Captains, he leads teh battle at Thakan'dar to defend the Pit of Dhoom, until he is takenout by Elyas before Hessalam's compulsion can cause him to lose the battle.

Rogosh Eagle-Eye: One of the Heroes of the Horn, called back by Olver.

Romanda Cassin: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who was one of the leaders in Salidar and a Sitter after reunification. She is killed by Sharans

Rosil: An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, involved with the Healing in Mayene.

Rubinde: A Sitter for the Green Ajah who is one of the group to tell Cadsuane she has been selected as the next Amyrlin

Saerin: A Sitter for the Brown Ajah who is one of the group to tell Cadsuane she has been selected as the next Amyrlin

Sarene: An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah sworn to Rand. Hessalam takes control of her mind.

Sashalle Anderly

Sebban Balwer





Setalle Anan: A woman who was an Aes Sedai until she was burny out then an innkeeper for twenty years. She goes with Faile to try and deliver the Horn to Mat.

Siuan Sanche: A woman of the Blue Ajah, formerly the Amyrlin Seat, deposed, stilled and Healed. She is killed trying to save Mat from Demandred's assasins




Talmanes Delovinde: A commander in the Band of the Red Hand, who leads them while Mat is in charge of the whole battle.

Tam al'Thor: Rand's father. He leads Perrin's combined forces when Perrin goes to fight Slayer

Tenobia: The queen of Saldaea. She is killed at Tarwin's gap.

Teslyn Baradon:

Theodrin Dabei: A woman raised to Aes Sedai by Egwene. She is one of the women who goes to the Black Tower, but she doesn't take a Warder there.

Thom Merrilin:

Tihera: A woman who takes over from Rodel when he is incapacitated

Trom: A Lord Captain in the Children of the Light, killed during the Last Battle.

Toveine Gazal: An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah bonded to Logain. She was Turned.

Tuon: The Empress of Seanchan, married to Mat Cauthon.


Tylee Khirgan

Uno Nomesta:


Vanin: A scout in the Band of the Red Hand. He accidentally dsicovers the Horn of Valere when looking for Tabac

Varil Nensen: An Asha'man of Taim's faction. He has been bonded by Alviarin

Vitalien: Sarene's warder, killed by Hessalam

Welyn Kajima: An Asha'man, formerly of Logain's faction who was turned to the Shadow



Characters that are Mentioned

Alaabar Harnesh:

Aldin: A young Amidacian man. Aravine mentions him as she lays dying.

Amathera: the former Panarch of Tarabon. Juilin think she should be with her rather than leading men

Aram: A Tuatha'an who took up the sword and was corrupted by Masema. Ila thinks she should have tried to bring him back to the Way of the Leaf rather than shunning him


Estean Andiama:

Hammar: A Warder who taught the sword at the White Tower. Gawyn mentions how he killed him.

Henre Haslin: A man who teaches the sword at the Black Tower

Isan: An Aiel on Rand's list of people who died for him

Ilyena: Lews Therin's lover. Rand tells Lanfear that Lews had not known love until he met Ilyena and Demandred thinks of how she had chosen Lews over him.

Laman: The king of Cairhien who precipitated the Aiel War.

Leiran: An Aiel who had agreed to marry Enaila

Luc Mantear:



Tamsin: Rodel's wife. He writes her a letter.

Tigraine Mantear: Rand's mother. He tells Gawyn this.

Tylin: The former queen of Altara, killed by the gholam. Mat thinks of her