Administrator Merit
From Tar Valon Library
One of the first Merit Badges introduced in March 2011. It falls under the "Administrative Service" category.
- Members earn a silver merit after serving as an Administrator for two years (or 24 months).
- A gold merit is awarded after serving as an Administrator for four years (or 48 months); a second gold is awarded after eight years (96 months), and a third gold after 12 years (144 months).
- When it comes time to receive a fourth gold merit, a member is awarded a platinum merit instead of a fourth gold, and this is considered the highest level of this merit.
The platinum merit was first introduced after the Winter 2023 Executive Meeting.
Platinum Badges
Golds Awarded
Two Golds
One Gold
- Aduiavas Ida
- Alor Sionn
- Alyria Ess
- Amaria al'Salar
- Ariadne Davion
- Bao the Wyld
- Barmacral Tigana
- Brandon Tat'vakja
- Cahalan Sothron
- Calen Velervron
- Charis Delphi
- Elanda Tonil
- Eleyan Teyal Al'Landerin
- Erin al'Denael
- Ilissa al'Nari
- Isarma Maracanda
- Jaim al'Bearach
- Katarianna al'Leya
- Kyla Sterling
- Laithean Cor'dazar
- Lilli O'Neeus
- Lithiel Morn
- Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak
- Marivea al'Corriyi
- Miriya ay'Anne
- Nymala Ingasy
- Qamra Daielin
- Reniel Killan
- Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t'al'Djinn
- Siusane al'Cuyler
- Soronhen Ciryaher
- Valadilene Aldieb
- Yelenia Hylraren
- Yenie Antagar
- Zashara Sho'am
Silvers Awarded
- Adolla Ceryia
- Aénor Dhulaine
- Aintza Bisera
- Al'Cary Mandoragon
- Aleita Taviah
- Alena Mysana
- Alenya Al'Roran
- Alexr al'Petros
- Amarande al'Kalin
- Arafel al Dama
- Arella Mathara
- Arthaine Dasin
- Aryela Dashtahd
- Asandra al'Terra
- Atarah al'Norahn
- Azi al'Thone
- Ban al'Seen
- Branwyn al'Leara
- Cassie Dainar
- Celinda al'Velis
- Eluial Aldaran
- Faeril Munlear
- Fee Nicoin
- Hilwa Katir
- Ilverin Matriam
- Ivanor Winshaw
- Jahily al'Karee
- Jasin Bashar
- Jeffan Caliarthan
- Jocasta Braithe
- Jorryn Gaille Varna
- Karassa Souladrin
- Kassidy Rose ni DaiShan t'al'Kalin
- Katherine Avery
- Kethaana Nia Khamara
- Kitan Tataru
- Kytheria al'Shea
- Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum
- Leira Galene
- Loraella Melodie
- Maidelyn F'Koff
- Manora al'Sara
- Melana al'Cairera
- Melisande Arneil
- Mhór Rioghain Blathnaid
- Mieriana Souvra
- Mirandha Laflor
- Morni Stowers
- Morrighan Daghdera
- Morwynna Raevyn
- Murasaki al'Aevon
- Naeris Vell'sean
- Ne'Mireth Delvar
- Neisa Alibrylla
- Pip al'Dealys
- Raevyn Tsornin
- Rehtaeh al'Navi
- Sean al'Dragoran
- Serinia Edoras
- Shyana al'Veara
- Sonea Ilandred
- Taelinn Dolivras
- Toral Delvar
- Ty al'Djinn
- Ubahsur Kindellaer
- Valorian Edoras
- Vendri al'Varrak
- Willam Cambrae
- Xander Silverstar