Terms Glossary B

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A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Bailene: A festival celebrated on the ninth day of Amadaine

Balefire: A dangerous weave that it not only destroys whatever it is used against, it destroys it before it hits.

Balescream: An occasional effect of using balefire, it feels as though the pattern itself is rippling, when creation itself howls in pain

Banath People A set of tribes that lived on what is now Almoth Plain

Bannerman: A military rank among NCOs

Battle of Bekkar: A battle during the Trolloc Wars, also known as the Field of Blood

Battle of Darulna A battle in Rodel Ituralde's campaign against the Seanchan.

Battle of the Shining Walls: The final battle in the Aiel War, outside Tar Valon, where Laman was killed

Bel Arvina: A feast celebrating the first day of autumn

Bel Tine: A feast celebrating the end of winter

Bhan'sheen: One of the twelve primary bands in the social order of Trollocs. Its badge is a dagger-pierced skull.

Biteme: A tiny buzzing insect considered an annoyance

Birds, Festival of: A festival celebrated in the southern regions two days before Maddin's Day in winter.

Bittern: A musical instrument wih six, nine or twelve strings

Black Ajah: An secret Ajah, dedicated to the Dark One before its exposure.

Black Eyes: One of the Aiel Warrior societies

Blacklance: A highly venomous snake


Blessing of the Nets


Bloodwash Falls

Blue Ajah



Bowl of the Winds

Breakbone Fever



Brothers of the Eagle: Far Aldazar Din, an Aiel Warrior Society

Brown Ajah

Bubble of Evil

Buchaner Rebellion

Burn Out